Page 31 of Ascension
He shakes his head, chuckling as though he sees right through my act. He pulls out a book from the bag, flipping through the pages until he finds his spot. Pulling out a card from his desk, he writes a note blocking it from my view as he smiles at himself. I try peeking over his hand to see what he’s writing, but he quickly finishes. Slipping the card between the pages and placing the book neatly back into the bag.
“I’ll be looking forward to your call.” Confidently, he hands the bag over to me.
I take it from him and shake my head, unable to keep myself from smiling. A giddy feeling flutters inside of me and excitement lights up my eyes. I turn, not wanting to let myself sabotage the feeling, and head back over to my table to look at my books, or if I’m honest, one book in particular.
I put a little sway into my step, subtly glancing over my shoulder to see his eyes glued on me the entire way. As I reach the table, he slips out of his seat, heading to the back office, but not before giving me a small wave, which I return.
Finally, out of his eyesight, I excitedly pull out the book, letting the pages fly until I find where he tucked the card.
I read his scrawled writing on the back first. He wrote his number along with a message.
‘You didn’t have to fall so hard for me. Rest assured, I’ll always be there to catch you. Can’t wait for our date, Olivia.’
I can’t help but smile at his lame joke. Shaking my head, I flip the card over.
‘Chief curator of books and antiquities. - Kyros, God of Healing’
My mind stumbles over those last three words and I sit stunned in my seat. The universe has got to be kidding me. Of course, why wouldn’t he be a god? That just seems to be the theme for me in my new life. I’m officially now assuming all drop-dead gorgeous men—that make me want to throw my panties at them before even knowing their names—are gods.
I look down at the page where he placed the card. Of course, the page it’s on is his chapter. The title reads ‘Kyros, God of Healing.’ Shaking my head, I close the book, not needing to read any more about him today. I sit there still, turning the card over in my hands, before finally entering the number into my phone.
“Are you ready to go to dinner?” A feminine voice asks beside me. Looking over, I spot Kali, seemingly done with her session. I nod, packing the rest of my items into my bag.
“Is everything alright?” Her brows furrow, her assessing gaze running over me. Clearly she notices my bewildered expression.
Still stunned by what just happened, I wordlessly hand the card over to her. She scans it, reading the message scrawled there. Her brows furrow in confusion before turning it over to read the name. Understanding sparks in her eyes. I nod, confirming her suspicions, and take the card back, placing it in my bag.
“Please, never leave me again,” I say dramatically before heaving my bag onto my shoulder. She joins me and we stride towards the exit, leaving the library in a silent daze.