Page 32 of Ascension
Holding my emotions close to my chest, I take the few steps to my office and close the door behind me. Sighing, I let loose the breath that was caught in my chest and relax back against the cool frosted glass. I attempt to compose myself, allowing my mind to catch up with everything that just happened. My heart pounds in my chest like a jackhammer, the pressure muffling my hearing. Locking the door behind me, I rush over to my desk, gathering my belongings into my briefcase.
I focus my energy and dissipate back to the academy’s gods’ wing. My body reforms in front of the large bronze door, solidifying, just as Adrian pulls the door open. He jumps back, letting out a small yelp of surprise when he sees me.
“Holy shit,” he exclaims, slamming a hand over his heart and drawing in a deep breath. “How many times have I told you not to scare me like that?” he chastises. I remain silent, not giving into our usual friendly banter, my mind still processing. Quirking a brow, he surveys me, lips pursing at what he sees on my face.
“Hey man, what’s going on?” He moves to the side, ushering me through the front door, concern creasing his brows. “You look like you just saw a ghost.”
I look down at my hands, seeing how pale they’ve become, shaking with a slight tremor. I’m honestly surprised I was able to keep myself composed for so long.
It seemed easy when, in her presence, the conversation flowed naturally. The spark, pull, connection—whichever sensation one uses to describe the mate pull—putting me at ease until the moment my eyes moved from her. Adrian slowly closes the door, silently waiting for me to calm.
“I uh … I found my mate,” I manage to mumble through numb lips, my eyes rising to meet his.
His face transforms with my words to one of delight, smiling broader than I’ve ever seen him—hand clapping heavily on my shoulder in congratulations.
“No fucking way, congrats, bro. Who is she?” Excitement brightens his tone. He leads me over to sit on the couch before pouring us both a finger of whiskey and passing me a glass. He clinks his glass to mine. The ting of the crystal vibrating, rings throughout the expansive living room.
Bringing the glass to my lips, I let the warm liquid coat my tongue, the smooth taste running over it, leaving a slight burn as it slides down my throat. Adrian tilts his head back and downs the entire drink in one go.
“She’s a student. New, I think.” Distractedly, I move the cool glass between my hands, not really willing to admit I had barely gotten any information in my excitement.
“You think? What is that supposed to mean?” he asks incredulously. Plopping down onto the plush velvet couch across from me and propping his feet onto the coffee table sitting between us. Frowning at the action, I decide to let it slide. Not having the energy to chastise him.
“I didn’t really get to ask her too many questions,” I admit, taking another sip from the whiskey, letting the warmth slide down my throat.
“You at least got her number, right?” he asks, idly playing with his own glass before glancing back up at me.
“Not exactly. I asked her out and gave her mine, though,” I finish hopefully, wincing at my oversight. He nods approvingly, rolling the glass in his hands again, looking like he has something else to say but is biting his tongue.
“Just say it,” I groan, placing my glass down and anxiously bob my leg up and down.
“Don’t sweat. It has nothing to do with you.” He brushes off my worry, placing his glass down too. His head falls to rest against the back of the couch, and a groan of frustration escapes his lips. Digging the heels of his palms into his eyes before he composes himself, he sits back up, and takes a deep breath before continuing.
“I met my mate yesterday,” he admits, pausing a moment before jumping from the couch, snatching his glass on the way. He strolls back over to the drink cart, pouring himself another whiskey. Not waiting for my reply. He sips this one, standing still by the cart. Raising to join him, I pour myself another too. Copying his earlier response, I clink my glass to his.
“Well then, you’ve been mated a day longer than me now. You’re the resident expert. Give me all your insight, oh wise one,” I joke, clapping him on the back, and beginning to relax. Glad to not be the only one of us mated. My mind is still a jumbled mess of thoughts and emotions.
A voice in the back of my mind urges me to examine the likelihood of not only myself, but Adrian too, finding our destined partner in such a short time span. But I push it down, not wanting to ruin the high I’m feeling right now, for myself or Adrian. Countless others have searched their entire existence for their other part, but the fates work in mysterious ways. Perhaps this would be the year that we all find our mates.
“The first stepis you need to get to know her. Everything completely changes when you have a mate,” he explains, giving me a pointed look before taking another sip. “I’ve spent my whole day trying to figure out a way to bring her best friend here. They’re closer than sisters, I want to do that for her, but I’ve come up with nothing.” He moves back to the couch, flopping down defeatedly. “I really don’t want to ask him, but do you think Osias would be able to help?”
Going back to the opposite couch, I purse my lips. “I’ll do some research. Probably best not to let him know that either of us have found our mates unless absolutely necessary.” I make a mental note to start researching tomorrow. The only thing coming to mind would not be something his new mate would appreciate.
Adrian sighs, relaxing on the couch, my words calming him. The fact that we are both on the same page, willing to help one another with our mates and their safety, helps ease my anxiety a fraction.
“Stop stressing. Everything will be fine. That pull you’re feeling, she’s feeling the exact same thing. It will work out. Just be patient. You need to remember her whole life has changed.” He reminds me, his words easing me further.
“You’re right,” I trail off, thinking about when I first saw her, the leatherbound book mere inches from her face. Clearly engrossed in whichever god she was reading about. Her face relaxed, yet concentrated, reading the words while getting lost within the pages.
I just couldn’t let her walk by me. The pull begged me to meet her eyes, to solidify the connection between us. My body moved before fully comprehending what was happening, my arms wrapping around her, her warm skin against mine. The adorable way she snuggled against my chest, taking the same comfort in my embrace as I took with the simple movement of her cheek caressing my chest. The hunger evident in her eyes, driving me on as I unconsciously stroked her thigh.
“At least you didn’t have to bring your mate here and be the one to tell her she’s a demigod. I swear, she was this close to chopping my balls off.” He chuckles, attempting to bring a bit of levity to the conversation, bringing his thumb and forefinger up to his eye, almost touching, as he speaks. I chuckle along with him, his words getting me out of my thoughts. Except now my heart sinks at that thought, his story having the same effect as plummeting me into an ice bath.
I shake my head, imagining what Olivia did in that situation before I realize she most likely had to go through that alone. Pursing my lips, I mentally chastise myself for not acknowledging her situation’s reality. Caught up in the pull and excitement of finding my mate after millennia, I hadn’t even thought about how confused she must be.
“Should I tell her? I don’t want to keep anything from my mate.” Despite the certainty in my words, a tug of doubt causes my breath to catch in my throat. I rub at the back of my neck, rolling my shoulders in an attempt to disperse the stiffness tightening my muscles.
“No way,” he interjects, his tone stern and eyes narrowed. “She just found out she is a demigod. Throwing the mate card at her will only freak her the fuck out.” He sighs, taking me in. My body tenses and my guilt intensifies at his words