Page 13 of Stalked By Monsters
“That’s understandable,” Greyson says. I must be a glutton for punishment since I look back up at him and I’m immediately sucked in by those open golden-brown eyes. “But just remember we’re all here for you, Lionheart. You don’t have to keep it bottled in.”
“I know,” I breathe, and a genuine smile spreads across my face.
Harper silently nudges me beneath the table, but I don’t react. I know exactly what she’s attempting to communicate, and there’s no way I can let those thoughts into my head—especially not when Denver just passed by, reminding me of the reason for his actions earlier. There has to still be talk going around about my mother and how she disgraced our coven, abandoning us with no regard for our future.
There’s a tug in my chest, and I instinctively turn back to the crowded cafeteria, determined to find the source. Students mill about, making their way to tables with their friends, while others fill their plates with the array of food in the center of the room. The sensation is strange, like nothing I’ve ever felt before. Perhaps a physical manifestation of my intuition.
A metallic clang snaps me from my thoughts and I turn towards its source immediately, somehow sensing that’s where the force has drawn me to look the entire time. I suck in a sharp breath as my eyes collide with a pair of tawny-brown ones, and the moment they lock something seems to click somewhere deep inside me. I rub idly at the center of my chest as a warm sensation spreads through it, unable to tear my gaze from the man before me. His wavy dark-brown hair is pushed back, and large silver glasses frame his eyes.
A light five-o’clock shadow lines his jaw, giving a slightly rugged look to his otherwise academic appearance. He wears a sweater vest over his collared shirt with a tie primly in place, but the vest and his slacks are tan, nothing like the casual clothes the students are wearing. Shock lines his tawny-brown eyes, as though he’s been struck with disbelief at the sight of me. My lips part, and I’m about to swing out of the booth when Harper’s slender hand grips my arm.
My heart jolts at the sudden touch, reminding me where I am. I was seriously about to go up to some guy I don’t even know, because what? He’s hot in a sexy, nerdy way? I chew on the corner of my lip and give him one last glance, and reluctantly break the magnetic link our gazes seemed to have been held in, before turning back to the others. My chest tightens at the movement, seemingly urging me to close the space between us and meet this stranger.What the hell is wrong with me?
“That’s Professor Pierce,” Carter says, cutting through my thoughts. I pull in a deep breath, attempting to get myself under control. I’ve felt a pull to a guy before but never like this. It feels like my body might just combust if I don’t go up to him right now.
“Professor?” I ask, my mind finally catching up with what Carter just said.
“Yes, Professor. So hands off,” Carter snaps, reaching forward to lightly smack my hand in a chastising gesture. “That’s one surefire way to get your ass landed back at home with Glenda and having to commute every day.”
A shudder runs up my spine at just the thought of that and I shake my head, refusing to end up in that situation. Visits with her are more than I can handle sometimes. There’s no way I can stomach living with her full-time again. At least when I become coven leader she’ll be moving out to take her place with the elders.
Nope, no guy is worth that, even if my body is screaming at me to turn around just so I can get another glimpse of him.
“That’s what I thought.” Carter chuckles, obviously reading the disdain clear on my face. “Not to mention you’ll be in a sea of first years trying to get his attention. Might as well not waste your time.”
“You sound like you’re speaking from experience,” Harper quips smugly.
“You,” he sneers, and the two of them start going at it, their words flying faster than I’m willing to keep up with.
My heart sinks as I realize Greyson has been silent since the moment with the professor. I glance over at him, but he doesn’t meet my gaze. Instead he splits his attention between looking down at his plate and pretending to follow the insults flying between my second and third.
I study him, unsure what to make of it. Sure, I’d always felt more for him, but he really hasn’t given me any sort of indication that he’s felt the same. I’m about to look away when he looks up sheepishly, a wry grin curling on his lips.
“Can I walk you back to your room?” he asks, glancing between my brother and my best friend as if silently saying that they might be a while. Honestly, I’m not sure what’s up with the two of them. Half the time they seem like they’re about to rip each other’s throats out, but they still keep getting into it rather than ignoring the other.
“Yes please,” I say, pushing out from my side of the booth and rushing towards the door. Greyson slides out on the other side and I can only hope he’s keeping up with me because there’s no way in hell I’m stopping now.
“Where are you two going?” Carter asks incredulously, the clatter of plates following. I nearly sprint for the door, only sparing one second to see if the professor is still in the cafeteria, but from what I can see he’s gone. My heart sinks at that, but a warm palm on the small of my back jolts me from those thoughts.
“They’re on to us,” Greyson whispers, urging me forward as we weave around students.
“Get back here,” Harper shouts, and hurried footsteps sound behind us.
Laughter peels from my lips as we rush out into the hall and head towards the staircase to the dorms, leaving them behind us. We both slow now that we’re safely away from Carter and Harper, and Greyson joins me as we both pause for a moment, sucking in desperate gulps of air between our guffaws.
“This is going to be a long year with the two of them,” Greyson groans once we finally get ourselves under control. The laughter has faded but there’s still amusement in his tone. His hand slips from the small of my back as we walk through the main hall and over to the staircase and I can’t help but feel its absence as we continue. It felt so natural having his hand there, guiding me, comforting me.
I suppress the urge to scrub a hand over my face, not wanting to answer the questions I know will follow.
I peek up at him and catch him staring back at me as we climb the stairs, and a comfortable silence settles over us as we get to the second floor.
“It’s down here,” I tell him as he pauses, unsure if we need to go up another flight. Thankfully, I lucked out with my room placement, and it isn’t too far from the main hall. I’d be using a transport potion every day if I were placed at the far reaches of the castle, that’s for sure.
We walk past the first few doors, tension building up between us, the easy comfort seemingly gone as I stop in front of my door.
“I know things are difficult now—that we aren’t kids anymore,” Greyson says, his golden-brown eyes shining in the dim light from the sconces, but I can see the pain clearly written there. “I don’t want to cause any problems for you like this afternoon with Denver. I know things have always been difficult since your mom—”
“Greyson,” I murmur, cutting him off before he can say anything else. My heart pangs and guilt sinks like a leaden weight in my stomach as I realize just how much he’d been thinking about this. I instinctively reach for his hand, needing to comfort him even if anyone sees us. “You don’t have to worry about that. We’re friends and I wouldn’t change that for the world regardless of what anyone thinks about it.”