Page 14 of Stalked By Monsters
“Yeah, friends,” Greyson breathes. He looks down at his feet and I’m not even sure he meant to say that out loud.
“I’m sorry,” I whisper, internally cringing at the vulnerability in those words, but I have to do it. I needed space from him, to attempt to get over my feelings but obviously that didn’t work. I took the coward’s way out, and I never should have cut off communication with him, not when things clearly haven’t changed. “I’m the reason things are so weird between us. I should have kept in contact, and I’m sorry that I ever made you feel like I care what other people think.”
“It’s not your—”
“Yes it is,” I say, knowing it’s true. He’d reached out a few times after he left for university, and I made the choice to cut off contact in hope that we’d both find someone else.
“Well I guess we have a second chance now,” Greyson says, a spark of hope in his soulful eyes.
I swear I could melt just by looking at them alone.
“We do,” I whisper.
Greyson takes a step forward and my breath catches in my throat, my mind shutting down and letting my body take control. I take a step forward too, tilting my head up to look back at him. My heart beats frantically, anticipation thrumming through my veins as he leans down.
Footsteps on the staircase echo through the hallway, breaking the cloud of lust that has fogged over my mind momentarily. Greyson clears his throat and I take a step back, letting my hand slip away from his.
“I’ll see you tomorrow,” I breathe, already reaching back, my magic sparking in my palm to unlock my door. I can’t stay here, not when we were so close to crossing that line. Had we been close though? Or was it all in my head? Had I been about to make a complete fool of myself and ruin our second chance at the friendship we used to have?
“Goodnight, Aria,” he says, his face unreadable as I turn the brass knob and open the door.
“Goodnight, Greyson.”
With that I step back into the darkness, unable to pull my gaze from him as I close the door with a click. Turning, I lean back against the door and fumble with numb fingers until I find the light switch.
I’m in so much trouble and it’s only day one.
Chapter Seven
Darknesspressesinonme, my body weightless as I drift through this strange world. Distantly, I understand that I should be freaking out right now, that this place can’t be real, but another part of me somehow knows it.
A low hum of light flickers in the distance, and its glow slowly emanates my way, casting light over the barren landscape. There’s nothing here, just a void, a blank canvas to be shaped to someone’s fantasy. My consciousness floats in this space, hovering, whole, but not at the same time.
“Little witch,” a dark seductive voice says, wrapping around me, cocooning me in a haze of lust. Just the sound of his voice seems to set my body ablaze. Goosebumps rise on my skin, and my breaths come in heavy, needy pants as I search for the source.
Something drives me forward, tugging me instinctively towards the man who just spoke.
“Well this is a surprise,” he breathes, and it’s as if the air twirls around me, teasing me, coaxing the flames of desire even higher.
My head swivels, desperately trying to find the source of this lust burning through my veins. I reach out tentatively, hoping I can just make contact with him, feel his skin against mine and hopefully sate some of this desire.
“I’ve been watching you for some time now,” he says, his voice seeming to come from everywhere and nowhere all at once. A needy whimper slips from my lips, my body aching for his touch.
“Please,” I breathe, my voice thick with lust. I’ve felt this desperate need before but it’s never been so potent. I rub at the center of my chest where it feels like a gaping hole has opened and pain radiates through me. I know I need to lock eyes with him, that something is pushing me to make that connection, but I have no clue how I know that.
“This is what I was afraid of, little witch. You aren’t ready,” he says, disappointment tingeing his dark, seductive voice. My body shivers with need at each word that leaves his lips, my core aching and desperate to be filled, to have the friction of him inside me. “How did you get here?”
“Please,” I say again, barely able to think straight at this point. I have no idea how I got here, but even if I did, I’m not sure I could even voice it right now. “I need to see you.”
“See me?” he asks hesitantly, as if he hadn’t expected me to say that.
“Yes I need to see you,” I whisper, my voice shaking now. My bones ache with the need that pumps through me, and I’m not sure I’ll survive if I don’t lock eyes with him and put a face to this delectable voice floating around me.
A pop of red sparks in my vision, its sudden appearance jarring in the near darkness. I squeeze my eyes shut, trying to adjust to the added brightness before focusing on the figure now standing before me.
I sigh a breath of relief as I focus in on the red glowing orbs, the pain easing from my chest and turning to a subtle warm hum. My body still thrums with lust, but it’s manageable now.