Page 100 of Forever My Saint
“Saint, don’t.” Pavel’s warning alerts me that something is happening. Saint, of course, ignores Pavel and races to my aid.
When a man stands in his way, Saint almost knocks his head off as he delivers an uppercut that has the man dropping to the snow. No one dares to stand in his way as he drops to his knees and gently helps me sit up.
He applies pressure to the wound to my temple, but I lethargically swat at his hand. “I’m fine.”
His apprehensive eyes scan over every inch of me, telling me how sorry he is.
“Aww, isn’t that sweet,” Astra mocks. “I used to have someone who tended to me too. That was before you killed him.”
“Fuck Borya,” Saint spits, glaring at her. “He was weak. And pathetic. Good riddance to him. One less asshole I have to kill.”
Astra’s calm composure is no more, and a war cry leaves her as she staggers forward slowly, primed on killing Saint. He kisses my forehead, then rises to a commanding stance. She doesn’t stand a chance. He’s not afraid of her, of anyone. The only thing he’s afraid of is me getting hurt.
And Oscar knows it. He’s seen it firsthand.
“Astra, darling, stop, you’re embarrassing yourself.” He’s right. I’ll give the woman credit, though, that regardless of her injuries, she doesn’t back down.
“Don’t tell me what to do,” she snaps but eventually comes to a stop.
Now that my vision has cleared, I see the shitshow for what it is. Pavel is still holding the duffel, but he wouldn’t get it unzipped in time as a hundred eyes are on him. Max and Sara are held at gunpoint. As for Zoey, she’s still squirming against the knife at her throat.
All in all, we’re fucked.
Alek appears guilt-ridden as he lowers his eyes, focusing on the bloodied snow. Ingrid is as solid as stone.
“They want you to get angry, but they don’t realize we are in control.”
“Do you even think before you open your big, stupid mouth?” I snort in laughter as I come to a shaky stand. Oscar tilts his head in confusion. “As if we could forget. We’re unarmed and outnumbered. I’m pretty sure we know who’s in control.”
Not the appropriate time to be making jokes, but if I’m going to die, at least I can do so by having the last laugh.
“Why did you come here?” Oscar asks, unamused by my outburst. “Not that I’m disappointed to see you. We were hoping you’d come. It makes this all the more fun with everyone here. We would have settled for Alek, but now, the opportunities are limitless.”
I swallow in dread.
“You could have left here and been free. Isn’t that why you did all this? To regain your freedom? But it seems every chance you get, you’re back here, poking your nose in business that isn’t your concern.”
Alek peers up, appearing interested in my response.
“All of you are here, risking your lives, for what?” When there is silence, Oscar offers, “To save the man who tortured all of you in one way or another? You should be thanking me.”
“Thanking you?” I question, staring Oscar down. “We’re here because regardless of his crimes, Alek doesn’t deserve this. We’d be no better than you two if we walk away and let this happen.”
I know how that makes me sound.
I wish I was the hero of this story, but I’m not. I’m weak. I’m flawed. If you were in my shoes, you’d probably make a million different choices. But you’re not. This is my story, my shoes, ones I have to walk in for the rest of my life, so I’ll live with the repercussions. I’ve made peace with that fact.
“I think it’s because you love him,” Oscar says, looking at Saint and arching a brow. He’s trying to start shit.
“I don’t give a fuck what you think,” I snap, refusing to fall victim to these mind games.
Astra’s face twists in pleasure. “If you don’t love him, then you won’t care if I shoot him where he kneels.”
She reaches into her fur jacket and produces a small handgun.
“You are clearly not listening.” I sigh, but the sight of her packing makes me nervous. She had no qualms about shooting Saint. If she shoots Alek, then all of this would have been for nothing.
“Oh, but I am listening. Loud and clear. You may think you don’t love Aleksei, but for you to be here, you have to feel something for him. You’ve risked the lives of everyone.”