Page 101 of Forever My Saint
I flinch, her comment wounding me.
“But I’m feeling rather charitable.”
I highly doubt that.
We watch as she hobbles over to Alek, unsure where this show is headed. When she finally reaches him, she strokes his hair. One could mistake her actions as tender, but we know better. “Seeing as I lost the love of my life, I think it’s only fair you do too.”
Alek wets his puffy lips. “What?”
“Well, you were the one who announced to the world how much you were changed, thanks to her. So an eye for an eye.” She means that literally and figuratively, I’m guessing. “It only seems right. Or maybe you didn’t love her as much as you claimed you did, after all. Who will you save? Yourself? Or her?”
Saint shields me with his body. There is no way he is letting that happen.
“All because I loved someone more than you…is that why you’re punishing me?” Alek asks softly. “You could never stand being anyone’s inferior; you had to have the undivided love of everyone.”
When her lower lip quivers, it’s apparent he’s struck a nerve.
Her shitty childhood does support his claims. As does the fact that she’s a narcissistic bitch. He doesn’t mean love in the romantic sense, but Astra wants everyone’s love to make up for the fact she got none as a child.
“If anyone deserves punishment, then it’s me.”
“Where’s the fun in that?” Astra replies, caressing Alek’s cheek.
The touch of death.
She turns and aims her gun my way. Saint is guarding me, but when two men yank me out from his protection, it’s clear Astra won’t allow anything to stand in her way.
Saint breaks one of their noses before breaking the other’s leg. But where two fall, another two appear. We both attempt to fight them off, but Astra snaps her fingers, summoning more men.
“You can’t fight them all,” she cockily says.
“I’ll die trying,” Saint bellows, placing me behind him. We’re back to back, moving in a circle, kicking, punching, defending one another. We’re able to defend ourselves, but soon, we’re flooded and pulled apart.
I fight like a wildcat, not caring that two men are tearing me in half as they tug at my arms. Saint rushes forward but is pistol whipped, again and again.
“No!” I scream frantically, trying to break free.
He drops to the snow and is kicked repeatedly. He tries to defend himself, but there are so many of them. There is no point in begging for his clemency because these monsters thrive on pain. And I’m about to see how much so.
“Enough!” Astra commands, raising her fist in the air. With one last kick, the men stop.
Saint wheezes but comes to a half sitting position, clutching his side. My attempts to break free are useless.
“You really shouldn’t have come, Saint, because you’re still more useful to us alive than you are dead.”
“I’m sorry,” I cry, struggling against the men. “This is my fault.”
“Shh, ?????. No, it’s not.” He shakes his head, eyes desperate to comfort me even when I don’t deserve it.
“What do you want?” he asks, wiping the blood from his chin with the back of his hand. He looks feral, and regardless of the fact he’s beaten and bloody, he’s still in control.
Astra purses her lips. “I want you to choose. Alek can’t, so you will make the choice for him.”
Saint’s Adam’s apple bobs as he swallows. “Choose what?”
The world is his oyster because god knows what these assholes are proposing.
“Who will you save? Her?” She points the gun my way before swaying it toward Zoey. “Or her? Borya’s death must be avenged. And this is a good start.”