Page 77 of And I Love Her
Startled, Jake looked up. “What girl?”
Conrad chuckled. “Thegirl. I saw you with her outside an Italian restaurant yesterday.”
Unease poked at his chest. “You were spying?”
“Let’s not be dramatic.” The other man rolled his eyes and plucked a package of candy from the pocket of his leather jacket. “I wanted to see how you are in real life, so to speak. How you’ve been handling yourself here, what you’ve been doing. How you approach living as aregularman.”
“So you’ve been spying on me.”
“I’ve been watching you,” Conrad corrected. “Just for a couple of days. Youmovedifferently here than you do in Hollywood. Looser, less self-aware, more natural.”
Jake had learned years ago that it was often better to avoid jumping in to fill a silence, so he waited for more. Conrad extended the small bag of candy. Jake shook his head.
“And the girl…definitely not your usual type.” The director half-coughed and half-laughed before popping a lemon candy into his mouth. “Much more ordinary than Jessica Barnett.”
Jake’s shoulders tensed. “Callie is far from ordinary.”
“What about this?” Conrad circled his forefinger to indicate the bookstore. “Why are you working here?”
“For something to do.”
“You like to read?”
“Of course.”
“Not many actors do.” Conrad wiggled his thumbs in a pantomime. “Too busy on the phone. What’s the last book you read?”
“Honor.By Lincoln Atwood.”
Conrad studied him, his jaw working as he crunched through the candy. “What did you think?”
“It’s not as thought-provoking asTruth, but it’s a perceptive insight into the lives of a small-town fishing community. Like a microcosm of society.”
Conrad nodded slowly. “I was surprised when you expressed interest inTruth, but I was intrigued after your audition. Plenty of action or comedy stars have tried to make the transition to more serious roles. Most of them fail.”
They could both name more than one actor who’d done exactly that. Most never recovered and faded into oblivion. Some went back to their stereotypical roles and gave up on anything else. Very few actually broke out and sent their careers into even higher realms.
“Your audition impressed me,” Conrad continued. “There was a depth to your acting that I hadn’t expected. It’s not as refined as the Blaze Ripley role, but you have potential. Potential I can help you develop.”
Jake’s breath stuck somewhere in the middle of his throat. “And?”
“This role is a risk for you.” Conrad narrowed his eyes. “Choosing you is a risk for me. But I’ve always felt mutual risk makes for the best chance at success in a partnership.”
Though Jake sensed where this was heading, Callie appeared in his head again. Their relationship hadn’t started as a risk, but now? His heart was definitely at risk.
He cleared his throat. “Risk can force both parties to put in their full effort.”
Or to back off.
“Your full effort is what I will be asking of you,” Conrad said. “More than that, even. Tom Dillon is not an easy role. Both he and I will push you past your limits. But if there’s any of Blaze Ripley in you, I’m confident you can take it.”
“Are you offering me the role?”
“I am.” A pleased smile split Conrad’s heavy beard. “Next Monday, I want you to do a few chemistry reads with Anna Lovell, who I’m close to casting as the waitress Tom falls in love with, but that’s more for her than you.”
“I…thank you.” Jake sat up, rubbing his hands over his thighs. “I’m honored.”
“I know.” Lifting his brows, Conrad rose to his feet and smoothed down his leather jacket. “I’m taking a huge chance on you. I expect you to give yourself over to the role in its entirety. To prepare by immersing yourself in research and vocal lessons. I want you to work with an acting coach whom I greatly respect. I want you to talk to veterans, learn how they think, talk, and walk. I want you tobecomeTom Dillon. Are you ready to work?”