Page 78 of And I Love Her
“Yes.” Jake stood, his insides flickering with a thousand emotions—excitement, relief, pleasure, a touch of wariness. “Thank you.”
“I’d been thinking about you for a while, but when I heard you walked away fromFatal Glory, that clinched it for me.”
They started toward the front of the store.
“After I’m done with you, Jake, people will look at you differently in all areas of your life.” Conrad extended his hand. “I’ll have the contract sent to your agent, and I’ll be in touch about the script and screen tests. I look forward to working with you.”
“Thank you.” Jake gave the other man’s hand a firm shake. “I look forward to working with you too.”
“Now I’m going to get a bowl of thisworld-famousartichoke soup that I’ve seen advertised around town.” Opening the bag of candy again, Conrad trudged out the door and shut it behind him.
Tom Dillon. The role was his. Either this would be the best or the worst thing to happen to his career.
“Conrad Birch, huh?” Sam asked.
Jake jerked his attention to his boss. “You know him?”
“I knowofhim.” His eyes darkening, Sam picked up a pen and returned to his crossword. “It was big news when he optioned the Atwood book. So do I have to dust off theHelp Wantedsign again?”
“I guess so.” Jake picked up a pair of scissors and split the tape on an unopened box. “Or you can put me on temporary leave.”
Sam lifted his head. “You plan on coming back?”
“Maybe.” Because making movies was temporary. It could take months, but there was always an end in sight. AfterTruthwas done filming, Jake would have to go somewhere again. Why couldn’t that somewhere be Bliss Cove?
Right. As if a woman like Callie would sit around for six months or even a year waiting for him.
“I’m not making any promises.” Sam shrugged and filled in a word on the paper. “I can easily find another deadbeat willing to work for shit pay. You’re not exactly irreplaceable.”
“So I’ve been told.” Jake set a stack of books on a table. “I’ll have to take my chances.”
He sure as hell had been doing a lot of that lately.