Page 82 of Words of Love
“That’s not what I’m doing!God.You know how hard it is to break into publishing! Why shouldn’t I use a contact to give myself a step up?”
“A contact is one thing. Your ex is another.” Stopping beside their table, Sam shoved his chair back into place with an abrupt movement. “Aside from the fact that he’s an asshole, that magazine is one of the reasons he broke up with you, isn’t it? Candace Pierson’s father invested heavily inEmpireas a startup. Was that before or after your dickhead ex asked her to marry him?”
Brooke’s stomach hurt. “I don’t know, and I don’t care. It’s over.”
“Is it?” His jaw tensed. “Then why are you giving him one second of your time, much less any of your talent? Why are you going to let him profit from your work?”
“Why do you care?” She hitched her purse over her shoulder, conscious of the other diners who, thankfully, were scattered at tables on the other side of the room. “He didn’t do anything to you.”
“He treated you like shit, which is a hell of a lot worse than anything he could ever do to me,” Sam snapped. “I grew up with a lying, cheating bastard. I guarantee they don’t change.”
“I don’t want to talk about this anymore.”
“Too bad.” He folded his arms, looking about as movable as a boulder.
“No.” She shook her head. “Last I heard, we had a business agreement about your book. That’s it.”
Anger fired into his eyes. “That is notit.”
“Oh, excuse me.” She stepped closer and lowered her voice further. “An agreementwith benefits. And nowhere in that agreement did I ask for your input about my career choices.”
“Tough. I’m giving it to you anyway.”
“Sam,Empireis a magazine! I’m a writer.” She spread her hands out in frustration. “I’m trying very hard to separate what happened from the fact that Ineeda jumpstart for my career. And you giving me shit about it isn’t helping.”
“I’m not giving you shit. I’m telling you the truth because I—”
“Brooke?” A woman’s cheery voice broke through the tension-filled air.
Brooke’s heart sank. “Mrs. Bowers.”
The mayor of Bliss Cove strode toward them, resplendent in a flowered purple dress and bright pink handbag embellished with roses. “Well, how nice to see you here. Is that…” Her eyes widened. “Sam?”
Brooke frantically tried to think of a reasonable, non-dating explanation as to why she and Sam would be having both an argument and an intimate dinner together. “Uh…”
“Nice to see you, Mayor Bowers.” His voice even, Sam extended his hand to the older woman. “Did you enjoy your dinner?”
“We haven’t eaten yet.” Mrs. Bowers skimmed her gaze over the empty wine bottle and glasses on the table. “I didn’t know you two were acquainted.”
“We’re acquainted.” Sam’s clipped tone indicated he wasn’t thrilled with the acquaintanceship at the moment.
“We’re just…having dinner,” Brooke added lamely.
“I see that.” The mayor eyed the dessert plate and two forks. “Interesting. You know, I’m not a busybody, but it was impossible to avoid the rumors when we heard about the snowstorm.”
Brooke tried not to wince. Sam’s shoulders stiffened, and she tried silently to assure him she’d already headed things off at the pass.
“What rumors?” he asked the mayor.
“Oh, just nonsense about what kind of hanky-panky might have gone on between two young people trapped in a one-room cabin.” Mayor Bowers waved her hand dismissively. “But never mind that. Your mother and Eleanor Prescott were indignant at the very thought, and everyone has been assured it was all unfounded speculation and conjecture. Honestly, the truth made more sense since it was a bit difficult to imagine the two of you actuallytogether.”
Sudden heat crept up Brooke’s neck. “Excuse me, but why would it be difficult to imagine me and Sam together?”
The mayor blinked, as if startled by the edge to Brooke’s voice. “Really, I meant no offense. Sam is just a bit…um, different from your usual dates.”
“Which are what?” Brooke crossed her arms and narrowed her eyes.
“Your usual dates are nice, friendly young men who have been in Bliss Cove for ages.” Mayor Bowers lifted her hands in defense. “Am I wrong in thinking it’s unusual for you to be going out with Sam, who’s always been a bit strange?”