Page 30 of In Just One Day
She leaned towards him, speaking into his ear. ‘I’m about to ask them to turn it down anyway. We’re going to say a few words to thank everyone for coming. But I need to ask you something before you leave.’ Flora swallowed hard. She knew it wasn’t the best time but given it might be the only one for a while when she’d be able to get him on his own, she’d resolved to ask her father this evening about what she’d seen.
Robin looked at her. ‘What is it, Flora? Is everything all right?’
‘I don’t know, Dad. I was hoping you’d tell me before I had to ask, actually…’
‘Flora, what are you talking about?’ If he knew what she was getting at, he wasn’t showing it.
‘Hi, Robin!’ Tilda appeared at Robin’s side, cheeks flushed with Crémant.
‘Hello, Tilda. How are you?’ Robin smiled warmly.
Flora looked at her father. ‘Before you go, OK?’ She looked back at Tilda. ‘If you’d like to go inside, Johnny’s going to say a few words.’
‘Be right there.’ Tilda held out her glass as Colin passed.
* * *
‘… And last but not least, we’d like to thank Mack for not only running the best wine shop in town – OK, the only wine shop in town…’ Flora winked at Mack and the crowd laughed, ‘but for having faith in us and our plan for Ten Green Bottles. Johnny and I couldn’t wish for a better person to guide us through our next adventure. To Mack!’ Flora raised her glass to him.
‘To Mack!’ The crowd echoed his name, raising their glasses high too, then whooping and cheering.
‘Now, everyone, please make sure your glass is full. You’re welcome to stay a while. And for God’s sake make Johnny happy by giving him your email address before you leave!’ Flora pointed Johnny out in the crowd.
Soon the noise of chatter resumed and the party – and wine – was in full flow. Kate and Colin sat on the wall outside, deep in discussion about interior design. Tilda and Susie perched on the opposite wall, an open bottle of wine between them. The children, having managed to successfully avoid detection, stood behind the decks, Tom banging a cymbal, Pip hitting a cowbell whenever one of the DJs gave them the nod.
‘Mack, are you OK staying on the till for a bit?’ Flora asked, conscious that he’d been on his feet for much of the day.
‘I’m very happy, Flora. Nothing like sending a good wine home with a happy customer.’ He winked at her, seeming genuinely happy.
‘As long as you’re sure… Would you mind if I just go and catch my father? I can see him by the door.’
‘Of course, go.’ He shooed her away.
Flora slipped behind Mack and caught Robin just as he was putting on his coat. ‘You’re not leaving Mum here, are you?’
‘No, I’m just going to get the car. I had to park further down the high street earlier but I said I’d pick your mother up outside in ten minutes.’
‘Dad, does Mum know?’
‘Of course she knows, I’ve just told her.’
‘I don’t mean that, Dad.’ Flora looked around, then back at her father. ‘Does she know about the other woman? The one I saw you with at the station the other day. Does she know about that?’ Flora felt her neck and cheeks redden. She clenched her fists. ‘I’m sorry, I know this isn’t exactly the best time to bring this up, but I haven’t been able to stop thinking about it and I just need to know. Because…’ Flora took a breath, ‘you need to stop it and if you don’t, Dad, I’ll tell her what I saw.’
Her father’s look of surprise was almost immediately replaced by one of guilt. ‘Flora, I…’ He cleared his throat. ‘Yes, I think she does know.’ Robin lowered his eyes for a brief moment before meeting her gaze again. ‘It’s complicated, Flora.’
‘Really? Because actually it’s very simple, I think. You’re married. And that means you shouldn’t be with another woman at the station. I was there, Dad, I saw it. And I feel sick that I know and Mum doesn’t. It’s not fair…’
‘But, darling—’
‘I haven’t finished, Dad. I notice you’re not denying you’re having a relationship with this woman, and you need to stop it. Right now. I’m sorry I saw what I saw, but I did and there’s nothing I can do to unsee it. Please tell me you’ll stop seeing her, whoever she is.’ Flora felt a tear on her cheek, quickly wiping it away.
Robin stood, now looking at the floor again. He spoke softly. ‘Flora, I’m so sorry—’
‘Is everything OK?’ Johnny appeared at Flora’s side. ‘Flora?’ He looked at Robin. ‘What’s going on?’
Flora fixed Robin with a gimlet stare.
‘I was just going to get the car, Johnny. Thank you so much. What a wonderful party.’ Robin put on his coat. ‘Flora, I’ll talk to you tomorrow.’ The door closed quietly behind him.