Page 31 of In Just One Day
‘Flo, what was that all about?’
‘I’ll tell you later. Let’s get this party finished and this place cleared up.’ She managed a smile.
‘Sure.’ She kissed him briefly, needing to feel his skin on hers. ‘Time to get this lot out.’
The last of the guests stood in small groups in the courtyard, laughter still in the air. Tilda and Susie collected empty glasses, sloshing leftovers into an ice bucket on the counter as they went.
‘No sign of Julian, then?’ Tilda looked around the room.
‘Nope, he didn’t make it, but he had told me he probably wouldn’t. Surprise, surprise…’ Susie sighed, draining the wine in the glass in her hand. ‘Pete here?’
‘Yes, he’s outside, being cornered by that Year 4 mum. Or more accurately, her tits.’ Tilda rolled her eyes.
‘Doesn’t that annoy you?’ Susie peered outside, catching the Year 4 mum in question as she employed her very best hair toss followed by a killer pout aimed directly at Pete. In turn, Pete swayed slightly before dropping his wine glass on the floor.
‘God no, Pete wouldn’t actually do anything. If she tried, he’d run a mile.’
‘How can you be so sure?’ Susie suddenly realised how that sounded. ‘I mean, I know he wouldn’t because he’s got you, for goodness’ sake. But doesn’t that make you feel jealous?’
‘Of course! I’d kill for those tits!’ Tilda laughed heartily at her own joke.
‘Tilda, that’s not what I meant.’ Susie plonked a few more empty glasses on the counter.
‘I know, Susie, sorry… It’s just that Pete and I, well, we trust each other. Because if you don’t trust each other, then, man…’ Tilda shook her head gently, ‘marriage is going to be one very long, painful journey.’
‘But how do you get there? I mean, to a place where you can trust them completely?’
‘Shit, Susie, I don’t know. I’m hardly an expert, I’m afraid. I’ve only done it once.’ She grinned at her friend.
‘I mean, you seem to just assume it’s all going to be OK. How do you do that?’
‘Because I’d rather that than anything else. I’d rather have Pete than not and, I don’t know, maybe it won’t last forever but I love him, and if that means trusting him when he’s face to face with much bigger tits than mine then that’s what I have to do.’
‘God, I wish I could be so… I don’t know…’ Susie looked at her friend.
‘Drunk?’ Tilda held up an empty glass.
Susie laughed, then shook her head. ‘No, thank you. Actually, I think I’d better get home. I didn’t realise it was so late.’
‘You go. We can stay and help here.’ Tilda looked over at Pete. ‘I think it’s time I went and retrieved him.’ She rolled her eyes at Susie. ‘What is it about boys and boobs? See you tomorrow.’ Kissing her friend on the cheek, Tilda turned and headed for the courtyard.
* * *
Mack, Flora and Johnny sat around the tasting table, a small glass of dark amber liquid in front of each of them.
‘What on earth is this?’ Johnny sniffed at the glass. ‘Smells like burnt toffee… in a good way.’
Mack picked up his glass and took a sniff, closing his eyes. ‘It’s 1976 Terrantez Madeira, aged in American oak casks for twenty-one years.’ He took a slow sip and was instantly transported to the small hillside vineyard on the island he’d once visited with Elizabeth many years ago. He could almost see her standing in front of him, straw hat on her head, smiling right at him. ‘I opened it yesterday to give it a bit of time to recover. I’d been saving it for a special occasion and this definitely qualifies.’ He looked at Flora. ‘What do you think?’
Flora lifted the glass to her nose, swirling the liquid gently around. She, too, took a long sniff. ‘Oh, my goodness…’ she opened her eyes, ‘… that’s insane, Mack.’
‘Isn’t it?’ He smiled at her, then stuck his nose back in the glass.
Flora took a sip, letting the liquid roll around her tongue, taking in the tiniest bit of air to get as much flavour out of it as she could.