Page 65 of This Is Us
Stella put down her fork. ‘What is it?’
‘I’ve been trying to find a job where we live, but no one wants someone who’s not worked, properly, that is, for years. I was out of the game for so long bringing up the boys. I watched you do what you did, with Star Pots, and I was so full of admiration, but at the same time, just a little bit terrified. It left me thinking, what am I going to do? And I think the reason I’ve been so horrible to Philip for years now – no, don’t say I haven’t, because I know I have – is because I’m unhappy. I’m bored. Like, really bored.’
‘You’re not going to go back to the civil service, are you?’ Stella asked, clearly worried at the idea. She remembered how much Caroline hated it by the end.
‘First you think I’m going on the stage, now you think I’m heading back there!’ Caroline chuckled. ‘No, I’m not sure they’d want me now. But what if I knew someone who could do with an extra pair of hands around the house one day a week in return for a bed for the night, as long as she doesn’t mind me going off to the theatre or whatever else I might fancy doing in the evening?’
Stella’s mind went straight to the overflowing laundry basket, the constant beeping from the dishwasher that she’d been meaning to get seen to for months and the list of chores that needed doing that just seemed to get longer every time she looked at it. ‘Really, you would do that?’ The thought of another pair of hands once a week, especially ones as capable as her sister’s, was enough to make her laugh and cry at the same time.
‘Yes, and it means I can drop in on Dad and Susie more too; I miss seeing them.’ Caroline moved her roasted peppers around the plate, rolling them in the herby butter. ‘Plus, as well as giving me a change of scene while hopefully being helpful, it’ll give Philip a break too. It’s quite intense, just the two of us at home. The boys are both fully grown adults and completely self-sufficient nowadays… well, almost. They’re not around much and I think that might be because the atmosphere at home isn’t great. Maybe by spending a little bit of time apart, we’ll appreciate the time we have together a bit more.’
‘You’ve really thought about this, haven’t you?’
‘Yes, I have. Between you and me, a few months ago I was thinking of leaving Philip. But then I realised this isn’t just about him. It’s about me, too. I need to get happy again. Then perhaps I won’t be such a pain in the arse.’
‘You’re not…!’
‘Oh, come on, I can be. We know that. But maybe what’s happened to you made me think. I wish, more than anything, that your marriage hadn’t broken down, but as you rightly say, he left you with no choice. But I do have a choice, Stella. I must make an effort too. And I haven’t been. So, let’s give it a go and see what happens. What do you think?’ Caroline looked at her sister hopefully. ‘Please say something, do you think it’s a terrible idea?’
Stella wiped the tears from her eyes. ‘You daft thing, of course I don’t think it’s a terrible idea! I can’t think of a better way to try to solve two problems at once. Are you sure? It wouldn’t have to be the same day every week, we could work it so it suits you.’
‘No, for this to work, I want to treat it like a job. Same hours once a week in return for a bed. I can then help you with the school run one afternoon and the following morning.’
‘So then, if it’s regular hours, I’ll pay you as I would if I had someone in to help.’
‘No, you absolutely will not. I’m doing this because I’m your sister and I want to help. And, to be honest, you’re doing me a favour.’
‘In that case, we have a deal.’ Stella reached for Caroline’s hand across the table. She squeezed it with both of hers. ‘I don’t know how to thank you.’
‘I’ll try not to be too bossy.’ Caroline winked at her.
‘If you’re taking on our washing basket, you can be as bossy as you like.’ Stella laughed. ‘Thank you, I really mean it.’
‘It’s the least I can do.’ Caroline checked her watch. ‘Talking of bossy, we need to get going if we’re going to be at the school gate in time to meet them when they come out.’
Stella looked at hers. ‘Blimey, where did the last hour go? Fine, I’ll get this.’
‘No, this is my treat. Now, get their attention while I nip to the loo. Back in a mo.’
As Stella waited at the table, her phone buzzed in her bag. Reaching for it, she turned it over to see messages on the book club chat asking how everything went. She opened her phone and responded, telling them it went as well as she could have hoped and that she’d tell them more as soon as she heard. Then she went to check her emails. Scanning down, Stella saw one from her lawyer’s office. Opening it, she read the first paragraph and, with a gasp, put her hand to her mouth. Not only had Simon responded, but he was prepared to agree to the terms, according to an email he’d sent to Stella’s lawyer. She read it again, not daring to believe what she was seeing.
Caroline came back to the table and sat back down. ‘Is everything all right?’
‘Read that.’ Stella handed her phone across the table.
Caroline read the email, scrolling down to the end. ‘Well, there’s a turn-up. Looks like you were right. He really doesn’t want anyone knowing who he really is.’ She handed the phone back to her sister. ‘You win.’
Stella took the phone and put it back in her bag. ‘I did what I had to do.’
‘Can someone please answer the door?’ Stella yelled from the kitchen over the noise of the girls’ birthday disco in the sitting room next door.
‘Got it!’ Bridget went to the door, paper cup filled with pink Prosecco in her hand. She opened the door to find Lucy and Sarah, both in sequinned catsuits. ‘What the hell are you two wearing?’
‘We were told it was a disco,’ said Sarah, ‘so we’ve come dressed for a disco.’ She did a shimmy to show her outfit off to full effect. ‘It’s a bit tight, actually. Not worn it for a few years. Better not throw any dramatic moves.’