Page 66 of This Is Us
‘Hello!’ The twins appeared at the door, their cheeks flushed with sugar, dancing and total overexcitement.
‘Well, look who’s here! Anyone know if there are any birthday girls in the house?’ Lucy looked at Millie and Isla. Both shot their hands in the air. ‘Well, that’s lucky because we’ve got presents in here.’ She handed them a canvas tote bag each.
‘Thank you!’ they chorused before rushing into the kitchen to show Stella.
‘All good?’ asked Sarah, kissing Bridget on the cheek.
‘All good,’ said Bridget. ‘Come in, we’re hiding in the kitchen. Max and his friend are managing the decks in the sitting room. We’re just setting up tea.’
The three friends went through to join Stella.
‘Oh, it looks amazing in here!’ Lucy cried, looking at the balloons and bunting decorating the kitchen.
‘You’re here!’ Stella cried, thrilled to see them. ‘You really didn’t have to come.’ She hugged Lucy and Sarah in turn. ‘Bridge, pour them a paper cup of something, will you? I’ve just got to throw some decorations on this cake.’ She gestured to an enormous triple layer chocolate cake sitting on a cake stand on the island.
‘We wouldn’t miss our god-daughters’ birthday party for the world!’ Sarah laughed. She took the cups from Bridget and took a seat on the sofa in the kitchen. ‘Jesus, how many have you got in there?’
‘There’s about twenty of them, I think. Told the parents to drop and run.’
‘Best way,’ said Lucy. ‘And who made that amazing cake? Please don’t tell me you did, or I’ll have to hate you.’
Stella laughed. ‘No, I did not. Susie dropped it over this morning; she made it for them.’
‘Seriously?’ Bridget eyed it longingly. ‘It looks incredible.’
‘Right, who wants to brave going in there with these?’ Stella held up some packets of glow sticks.
‘I’ll go.’ Sarah jumped up from the sofa and shimmied her way across the kitchen. ‘Back in a mo.’
As soon as Sarah had left the room, Stella turned to Lucy. ‘Is it me or is there something different about Sarah today?’
Lucy grinned. ‘She had another date with the not-weird guy from work last night.’
‘The sound man?’ Stella looked hopeful.
‘Exactly, the sound man.’ Lucy smiled, then took a sip from her cup.
‘No wonder she’s glowing,’ said Stella, laughing. ‘He sounds lovely, no pun intended.’
‘That’s about date six, so he must be doing something right,’ said Lucy, nodding. She turned to Bridget. ‘And so, come on, how’s it going with…’ Lucy struggled to find the name.
Bridget topped up her glass. ‘Sadly, that’s not happening any more.’
‘Oh no, why? I rather liked that one!’ Stella seemed genuinely sad to hear the news.
‘Look, it’s not been that long since Neil moved out. I’m just not sure I’m ready for this whole dating thing quite yet. I’ve sort of forgotten how to do it. The last one just felt a bit forced, you know?’
Stella picked from a bowl of smoky bacon crisps snaffled from the children. ‘It’ll come back, I promise.’
‘Oh, listen to you.’ Lucy laughed. ‘Such a pro, now.’
‘Very funny. Look, I know it took me a while to get back on the horse, but I’m just making up for a bit of lost time, that’s all.’ Stella shrugged her shoulders at her friends, knowing they were as thrilled for her as she was.
The doorbell went again. ‘I’ll go,’ said Bridget, sprinting to the door. The sound of shrieks and music came from the sitting room as Max came into the kitchen.
‘Mum, can me and Ollie have a packet of crisps?’
‘Yes, help yourself.’