Page 67 of This Is Us
‘Thanks.’ Max grabbed a couple of packets from the cupboard and went back out.
‘So,’ Lucy turned to Stella, ‘what was Simon’s excuse today?’
Stella sighed. ‘Work, apparently. I don’t know, I’m done trying to make him see the children. I think he’s so wrapped up in his new life…’ Stella waved the thought away. ‘Honestly, it’s so boring now. It’s hard for the children because they never really know when they’re going to see him, he cancels so often. There’s always some excuse. Maybe one day he’ll get his act together, but I’m not going to hold my breath waiting for that to happen.’
Sarah came back into the kitchen. ‘What did I miss?’
‘Nothing, I was just saying I don’t think Simon is coming today. He texted to say he’s got caught up at work.’
Sarah raised her eyebrows. ‘On a Saturday afternoon?’
‘I know, it’s pathetic.’ Stella sighed. ‘Anyway, boring. Who was that at the door?’
Just then, Bridget came back in with Caroline to a chorus of hellos. Stella hugged her sister. ‘Where’s Philip?’
‘He’s meeting me at the theatre later.’
Stella couldn’t believe what she was hearing. ‘Are you being serious? Philip, the same man you’re married to? The one who absolutely hates going to the theatre?’
Caroline laughed as she shrugged off her coat, putting it over the side of the sofa. ‘I know, I can’t believe it either. And not only that, thank you,’ she took a paper cup from Bridget, ‘he booked the tickets himself and we’re going for dinner afterwards and staying in town.’ She looked at her sister and grinned.
‘Are you sure it’s the same Philip?’ Stella laughed.
‘I know, it is a bit of a turnaround, but what can I say?’ Caroline laughed too. ‘Ooh, I meant to say, look at this.’ She reached for her phone and tapped at it a few times, then turned it round to show them the screen. ‘Can you see that?’
Stella took the phone and looked closely. It was a photo of the front of the bookshop in Caroline’s local town. ‘It’s your book, in the window!’
‘Ah, look at that!’ The Star Pots recipe book had been a great success, with another already commissioned.
‘Let me see,’ said Sarah, reaching for the phone.
Bridget, Sarah and Lucy all cooed at the picture of Stella’s book in the window of a bookshop as if it were a new-born baby.
Lucy looked up at Stella. ‘So bloody proud of you.’
Stella felt a rush of love, looking at her friends and sister in her kitchen. She couldn’t imagine how she would have made it through the past year without them. After the shock and turmoil of those first few months, life had settled down, but it was still incredibly hard at times. She often had to remind herself that life might not have gone to plan, but at least she was now in charge of what happened next. And that was definitely something to be excited about. ‘Thank you. And actually, I’ve been meaning to tell you. I had a card from Emily the other day.’
‘Mull Emily?’ asked Lucy.
‘Exactly, and she’s suggested something. How do you feel about another book club trip? Apparently we could stay in a cottage on the estate where the hotel is. Emily said it gets booked up, but if we’re quick, she could get it for us for a long weekend or a midweek break.’
‘Are you kidding? Definitely!’ said Sarah.
‘That sounds amazing!’ added Bridget.
‘I’m in,’ said Lucy.
‘You too, Caro,’ said Stella.
‘You don’t want me crashing your book club…’
‘Yes, we do!’ They all chorused.
‘Brilliant, I’ll let Emily know, get some dates sorted,’ said Stella.
The doorbell went again. She glanced up at the clock and said she’d go, leaving them chatting in the kitchen. She passed the sitting-room disco, popping her head around the door to see the twins and their friends twirling round the makeshift dance floor, glow sticks waving in the air. Max and Ollie sat on the stairs eating their crisps.
‘I think that might be your dad, Ollie.’