Page 31 of Check
He pulled in a long breath and coded the pad, wondering what this next sighting would bring. The man was quite the beast when provoked, and vexed he would be once woken. Pascal snickered to himself at the thought of sore asses. Alexander had never had anything in his ass. He would be irked by this beyond all reasonable standards. It was a stimulating thought, as he walked in and closed the door again. Enough so that his own back shivered at potential repercussions that would ensue once the brute was free.
“Before you speak, think carefully, Pascal.” Lovely, he was awake.
“Ah, you’re awake.”
“What drug was it?”
“Does it matter?” The growl that filled the room was enough to make his soul shrivel a little in warning. “It was simply a little calming. Necessary, no?”
“You raped me.”
“Hardly rape, dear boy,” he said, glancing over the binds that were holding the man. They all seemed secure from this distance. He peered closer, checking each one meticulously before approaching. “More a test of character.”
Nothing was said in return, and Pascal chose to view that as capitulation to some degree as he moved in closer. Still Alexander hung there, no movement to his head other than to blink his eyes at the floor.
“Are you going to explain this,” he muttered. Pascal wandered to within a hairs breadth of skin, part adoring the frame on show and part livid for the last six months of anguish it had caused.
“No. I need not explain anything to you. You are but a child for me to toy with,” he replied, running a finger towards the jawbone on offer. The sudden movement from Alexander had him skipping back a few steps to avoid damage, his own hand ripped from the teeth that snarled. He checked the binds again, sure he had not been deceived on the last inspection.
“That was most discourteous, dear boy.”
“Come and try it again. I’ll show you discourteous.” Hmm. Indeed he would. What to do? More drugs might be necessary. He looked about the room. There were none available. Foolish. He chuckled at his own ill planned adventure.
“Would you like more drugs?”
“Fuck you.” Pascal rolled his eyes. They were back to cursing rather than actual conversation. It seems the years had not moved on further than those first hours in his dungeon. He smiled in memory of it, remembering the cage and Alexander’s howls of fear in the night.
“Why have you been an arsehole, as you call it?” Nothing. No answer. Just some small uttering of barely coherent mumbling. It was dull. “That was not intelligible.” More mumbling occurred, enough so that it infuriated him and made him move a step closer again. A hand had caught his wrist before he knew what had happened, yanking it to cause pain to radiate through his very being. He twirled within the grasp, rolling his body under his own arm to break the hold, and then backhanded the jaw that chuckled at him.
“Rogue,” he snapped, rubbing at his wrist. Alexander laughed louder, eventually looking up at him and continuing to chuckle.
“Stupid, Pascal,” he said. “You should know me better than that.”
“I do not know you at all of late.”
The laughter ebbed off into nothing at all, a sigh following the sound of nothing. It gave him chance to look at Alexander and ponder his next move. He seemed sad, not maddened. He was almost morose in his musing of the floor.
“Why would Alexander White be saddened?” The man shook his head and sighed again, a slight lift of it in his direction.
“You tell me, Pascal,” he said. “I don’t know what the fuck I am anymore.”
Perhaps leaving him in here for a while longer would be helpful then, because Pascal did not know. He did not know anything about Alexander White lately. He was a ghost, someone who had barely been present at all. In anyone’s life. And he had not even been that present when he was able to be so. Pascal looked at the door, and then back at the man he loved.
“We shall start with Elizabeth, yes?” A grunt occurred. He was not sure what it meant. “She has lost your child. Why are you not concerned about her?” Alexander’s head whipped up, anger and frustration etched into his face. “Ah, there, see. Emotion. It has not dispersed entirely. Have you cried?” The sneer and look back at the floor was not useful, so Pascal backhanded his jaw again, lifting it into the air. Another growl erupted, and eyes so blue seared into his heart. “Do not swear at me again, dear boy. I am above such meaningless words. Have you cried?”
“Untie me.” Stupid boy.
“Then kiss me.” His own brow rose in thought. Kissing Alexander was indeed a ... and then …
“Not. Trying to divert me from my task is most perfidious of you.” The man shook at his binds suddenly, his whole body vibrating against the wall as if he might pull the masonry down. “Love you as I might, dear boy. You will no longer fool with me at my own cost.”
More rattles and growls of hatred coursed the air, spiteful words being thrown into the stillness around them. Interesting indeed. Pascal backed off to the other wall and leant on it, watching the monster try to free itself. It couldn’t. And wouldn’t. Not until Pascal was ready to release him. He tapped his lip and watched on, enthused by such an outburst. He was getting somewhere with something. Although, what that something was or where it was getting him he did not know. Perhaps beating was needed. He looked about the room, which resulted in no whips or canes of use other than his own. Why were they here? It was an entirely useless place for interrogation.