Page 32 of Check
“Do you require beating?” he called.
More eruptions of grandiose excitement happened, one of them almost loosing the catch on the wall that Alexander was tied to. He’d picked up his cane, walked across the room, and snapped it over Alexander’s thigh before much thought had occurred. A bellow of pain came into the room, one that was followed by another and then more eruptions of anger. The catch broke, and the sound of metal grating brickwork sent Pascal straight over to the doorway to lock the bastard in. The door slammed in front of him, Alexander’s frame coming for him the last thing he saw.
A breath blew out of him as he stared at the steel. Perhaps he did need Lilah, much as that thought infuriated him. He leant his forehead on the door, knocking it once to help him see what he was missing. There was nothing but love inside. Nothing but years of help and then the finale of them all being together. Alexander should be happy. He should be relaxed and at ease, cossetting the very things he loved. They were all here for him. Anything he wanted, he got.
Beast that he was.
“Not working?” Lilah.
He smiled at her arrival and continued to lean his head on the door, desperate to believe that Alexander was mirroring the same position behind it.
“I cannot hear him any longer,” he replied, listening to the sudden silence resonating back through the door. “He is as a dog would be. Rampant in its fury.”
“Mmm,” she said. “Perhaps you’re not meant to anymore.” He looked back at her from beneath his arm, aroused from the incident that had happened inside the door he leant on. “You are his submissive after all.”
“We should fuck, yes?” he snapped, perturbed by the last comment.
“No. You need to deal with him first.” Sadly, the sentiment was correct. He stood from the door and looked about the space, seeking inspiration that was not available.
“I cannot contain him here. Where is the oaf?”
“Would you mind?” She turned and walked away from him, ass swinging in its finest disposition. They should indeed fuck. Swiftly. Once this bastard had been restricted appropriately.
Time moved slowly in those few minutes she was gone. As a ticking clock passing by without any purpose. He pondered the door again, knowing Alexander would be harnessing everything he had again to cause the most distress possible once the door was opened. It was an appealing thought in some ways, but now was not the time for him to bow down. It was the time for manners to be taught and lessons to be learned. Perhaps their bond was not only in submission, but in the very act of two dominants fighting rather than either one capitulating. Arrogance, whilst invigorating, had become tedious to his senses. And love, hmm. Where was that elusive gesture of contentment lurking for Alexander?
“Guv?” The sigh that left his own mouth could be heard by gods. He raised a brow and looked at the oaf. He coughed. “Sorry. Sir?”
“There is a man in here who I want removing and taking to Eden, where he will be shackled and gagged. Are you capable?” Pascal was not entirely sure the oaf was, but he was large, and strong, and perhaps between them they could manage the task without more drugs. No answer came. He looked at Lilah. “We may need Elizabeth wakened and in distress.” She nodded and headed away again, a smirk on her delicious lips. He gazed at the oaf again. “Hmm?”
“Trained?” oaf said.
“Very much so.” Alexander was a decadent animal in his ferocity when provoked. And he was very much provoked. “And quick.” Oaf removed his jacket and nodded, steeling himself for the fight that would come. “I would suggest a choke hold. Hmm?” Another nod. Excellent.
He waited for Lilah, unsure what would be presented to him but entirely convinced that a distressed Elizabeth would be yet another arousing sight to behold. The actual result began with screaming and shouting coming from the corridor. It was a furious delivery of words, all of them possessing an inner rage his rose seemed to have forgotten about lately. Moronic. And then the full frontal of a naked Elizabeth, stripped bare of everything she owned, manners included, was yanked around the corner in front of them, a knife at her throat. Stimulating.
“What the fuck are you doing?” she yelled. Training is what he was doing. Training and manipulating. He nodded at Lilah, amused at her ability to transform into the bitch from hell, and looked back at the oaf.
“Prepared?” he asked. The oaf nodded. Nothing more.
It would have to do.
He coded the door and pushed it wide, stepping back a little to give access to the onslaught that was coming, and then followed with his cane ready. The sight was remarkable, giving him little time to think at all. Alexander was pressed against the back wall, all of his muscles attempting to gain leverage against the oaf. One punch landed, followed by another, and then, rather amusingly, the oaf managed to get Alexander’s right arm up behind his back and grasp hold of the catch on his left. He squeezed them together, tightening the hold until Alexander’s rage enthused itself to apocalyptic heights. Movement was required. Or voice. The oaf might be killed. Not that he cared all that much but …
“Alexander, look,” he snapped, tapping his cane on the ground. Lilah moved in behind them, her knife still pressed into Elizabeth’s neck. “You will come and you will behave.”
Alexander barely looked. In fact, he carried on with his rutting and fighting, lost in his world of something to beat on. Interesting. Although, not overly useful. Elizabeth screamed again. He whipped his head back to see why and found Lilah pushing her forward into the room, the smallest amount of blood seeping from the knife. His own eyes widened.
“You will damn well stop and follow me or I will take her from you,” she spat, hauling a now rather frightened looking Elizabeth. She whimpered in her hold. It was enough for Pascal’s cock to raise interest. He was not sure which woman at. “And then take Pascal, too.” She would not. His cock twitched again. Maybe she would.
He smirked and backed off to a corner, watching as Alexander flung the oaf out of the way and glared at her. “Look at yourself.” It was another spitted comment, one full of disgust and loathing from her lips. Oh, how he adored her. “You are a disgrace.” As was everyone in this room other than her. She was- “Follow. Now.” Astounding. She spun on her heel and pushed Elizabeth from the room, flinging the knife on the floor and grabbing hold of her hair. “Fucking idiots. The lot of you.” There was a squawk from Elizabeth. “Jesus. So bloody dramatic,” she shouted, her heels clicking the floor outside. “Now, Alex.”
Alexander looked at him from across the room, antipathy pouring out of his frame. He smiled in reply and tapped his cane on the floor again. Time to go. They had been ordered. Perhaps Lilah should control them all? It was an interesting thought given the power Elizabeth should have.
“You have been told,” he said, pointing the cane at the doorway. “I suggest you do as you are asked, hmm?” The oaf groaned and got to his feet, hovering behind Alexander. “And you? What was that attempt?” Oaf shook his head and glared at Alexander’s back. It was not prudent in the slightest given the beating the man had just given him.