Page 28 of Porter's Angel
“Yes,” Lily said. “And I’m in His palm, Angel. We all are, I’ve never felt closer to Him than I do now. Maybe that is why we live in this fallen world with our fallen bodies, so that we will turn to our Father. It might be the only way we become His children, because I’ve never felt him so near. I trust him more than ever. He’s got my boys. They were His before they were mine. God will take care of them.”
This was a mother’s love. Lily thought of her sons more than herself. Cadence could understand, in a way.
“Not only is our God powerful, but He loves us,” Lily said. “I feel it. He’s not some indifferent immortal presence, but our father.”
Cadence studied the plaque, reading it again.“Consider the Lilies of the Field.”That this was a promise from a father hit her hard. She’d never known her own father, butthiswas her true Father, wasn’t it? Just like her mortal father, she hadn’t known Him.
Would she know her Father in Heaven after this was all through? Lily seemed to; she knew that she was His child too. What divine potential did that give her?
Cadence took a deep breath. “I can do your garden for free.” The offer took everything in her to say aloud because Cadence was in such desperate need, but she began to realize that Lily didn’t have a lot of money. If she made the sacrifice, maybe God would take care of Cadence, too?
“Absolutely not!” Lily seemed scandalized by the idea. “You are an absolute sweetheart to offer, but no, no. We hire hands and contractors all the time to keep this going. Your salary is a drop in the bucket to what we pay every year. Don’t even worry. This is an investment that only adds value to the property, and honestly, you’re doingmea favor. My back isn’t what it used to be.”
“What about…” Cadence hated to ask this. “I mean, things are different now—your hospital bills?”
“Don’t even think twice about that, dear. Our family is still very blessed. We share what we have, and that is that, but I love you all the more for your offer.”
Feeling strangely choked up by this dear woman’s generosity, Cadence cleared her throat. “Lily? About your garden… I want to make it special like you. Is there anything in particular that you’d like me to do for it?”
“If you could plant something that wouldn’t die, that would be nice.” Lily broke into a grin that reminded Cadence of someone that she knew. She tried to put her finger on it, as Lily playfully squinched up her nose to chase away their serious mood. “There’s too much death around here if you ask me.”
The screen door opened behind her and Cadence turned. She froze.
What was Porter doing in Lily’s kitchen? Judging by his surprised expression at seeing her, he might ask her the same thing.
“Porter!” Lily beamed up at him with the same adoration when she talked about her sons. Wait, was this…? Was he…? “Angel, this is my boy, Porter,” Lily said.
So, he was!
“He’s been fantastic while his brothers are away,” Lily said. “He and Cole are running this ranch with very little help. I couldn’t be more proud.”
Porter winced under the compliments—as he should! Cadence was stunned. How could he have such an amazing mother and be mixed up with people like Trout and–and Lacy! Her shock froze her limbs in place. No wonder Porter lived this double life. He’d break his mother’s heart if he showed her what kind of man Cadence had seen at Lacy’s party.
He held back my hair while I threw up. His eyes had held such concern—they were Lily’s eyes. That’s so obvious now. But how could he desert me after one word from Lacy?
It didn’t matter if he’d hurt her. Cadence would protect Lily from knowing what sort of man Porter turned into when he was in the city, surrounded by the grotesquely rich and famous. He flirted with every woman who breathed and made jaded jokes about the true workings of their twisted world like he was a part of them.
“Porter, West is trying to get ahold of you, dear,” Lily said. “Why won’t you call him back?”
Wait, West! Oh yes, poor Lily. West Slade was her son too! Worse and worse!
Everything connected in Cadence’s mind as she thought with dismay of how often that horrible man had buried his boss’s indiscretions with cold efficiency—Devlin Trout could have more scandals than Lacy himself, and yet, the Slade brothers happily worked with him.
Porter shook his head. “I got busy. West should talk to you,notme. He just wants to know when your rehab is anyway. He wants to come home to help you out.”
Wow, that made West almost seem normal, one who was worried for his mother’s health, not one who’d take down anyone who got in his way. Lily was far too fragile to handle the disappointment of finding out about her sons’ crueler natures.
Then again, Porter and West weren’t the only ones hiding who they were from Lily. Cadence had her own shocking past. No doubt Porter didn’t think she was worthy to be talking to his dear momma.
“My dear,” Lily said in a cheerful voice, “I was about to show Angel my garden. She’s agreed to work on it for me. Isn’t that amazing?”
“Yes.” Porter didn’t seem convinced. He seemed to be experiencing her same shock. Porter’s jeans were dusty from his work outside. His plaid shirt was unbuttoned down the front, probably because it was ridiculously hot—he was ridiculously hot.
Cadence rolled her eyes at herself. She wasn’t helping her situation, even while she tried to keep from staring at that strong chest.
Remembering Lily’s stories about her husband, Jase, Cadence decided that her kids might’ve inherited Lily’s angelic looks, but they’d sure inherited their father’s naughty disposition, no matter that he’d kept it secret from their boys.
Porter’s hand went to his ball cap, and he tipped it at her like he’d done before. She gulped at the surprisingly endearing move. He then ripped off his hat and rubbed the back of his hand against his dusty forehead. His thick hair had curled in the heat, and only accentuated the pronounced lines of his tanned face. He had a widow’s peak, didn’t he?