Page 29 of Porter's Angel
He looked way too good for a bad boy, which made all of this worse.
What monsters had Lily raised? They knew every chivalrous move, and her heart felt stripped before Porter as he took away her reservations with a saucy grin. “Would you like me to show you the garden?” he asked. “I was already headed there.”
Cadence stood on shaky legs, pushing the stool away from her. She’d been tricked by players before.
She seemed to be a magnet for them. Cadence had to escape here fast. But what excuse could she give Lily? She edged away, feeling like she was in a blackmail situation. Both she and Porter were being kept quiet by what the other person knew about the other.
And yet, Cadence didn’t care if she blackened her own name, she just wanted to protect Lily from any more pain, even pretend that her son wasn’t toying with her. “I don’t want to be a bother,” she said.
“Oh no, that sounds like a terrific idea,” Lily said with a delighted clap. “Take Angel, Porter. I’m much too tired to follow you young sprites out. Enjoy yourself. It’s a beautiful day.” Cadence stilled in horror as she realized that Lily was playing matchmaker. Lily shooed them outside, no doubt thinking of those future grandchildren. “Take her to the pond near the arches, Porter. She’ll love that.”
“In the rose garden?” he clarified.
“Definitely. It’s the prettiest one, but I must warn you, Angel, it needs a lot of work. My sons have been too busy with the cattle this season to give me much help.”
Porter grinned. “I’m sure I can lend you a hand if you need it, Angel.”
Sure, he would.
With difficulty, Cadence stopped herself from snapping at him under Lily’s sweet smiles. Porter opened the door for her. Cadence allowed him to lead her outside under Lily’s happy farewells. “Pick the prettiest rose for her, Porter. I want you to send her home with a full bouquet.”
She flinched, even as the smoldering heat of June hit her point blank. The air felt palpable with humidity. She squeezed through the door past Porter’s hand, trying not to touch him. She was having a hard enough time keeping her cool. She marched on ahead in silence, taking the steps two at a time from the wraparound porch.
She belatedly realized that she had no idea where she was going. Porter laughed behind her. “By all means, show me the way to the rose garden,Angel.”
Was there a hint of sarcasm there when he used her fake name?
Before she could call him on it, she had to make sure that they were truly alone. Cadence glanced behind her to see that the door from the house was closed behind them. The windows were, too, in this heat. She moved a little further away to make sure that they had complete privacy before she could feel free to say what needed to be said.
Her breath caught when Porter took her by the crook of her arm. “Over here.” He led her the opposite way from where she was headed. His touch felt like it burned through her, but she didn’t fight him as he brought her to the rose gardens.
They’d be able to talk there. A part of her was eager to get this over with.
But as they drew closer to the garden, all words were stolen from her lips as she saw how beautiful it was. An archway of roses made up the entrance, reminding her of gardens that she’d only seen in pictures.
“Oh, Lily,” she whispered.
Porter seemed to still at the sound of his mother’s name. His touch on her softened as they entered this Garden of Eden side by side. The birds exploded into riotous joy.
Was this even real?
She noticed bridges and serenity pools. The soft bubbling sounds were just as magical as the feast of color presented before her eyes. A toolshed was set against a brick wall that was made to resemble a hobbit’s cottage. She smiled at that, wondering how it must ignite the imaginations of young children. No wonder Lily wanted more grandchildren to get lost in these wonders.
The cobbled paths were overgrown with weeds, some of them tangled in thorns, but there was something magnificent about its wildness too, like she was on a safari in a jungle and she’d come across any manner of strange creature in here, like sprites or dinosaurs or… a Slade boy. She smirked at that.
Apparently this glorious patch of color didn’t just affect children.
A flying creature buzzed loudly past her like it drove a tiny motorcycle and she stilled when she saw the obnoxious sound came from a hummingbird. The little thief visited brightly-colored bird feeders hidden deep in the center of a courtyard where even more fountains bubbled cheerfully, hiding alcoves with benches behind shady bushes meant for romantic interludes.
Remembering that Porter still had her hand, she stepped back from him.
It must kill Lily not to be out here. Clearly she’d put her heart into it. If this was Cadence’s tiny spot of earth, she’d want to be out here every day. This wasn’t a garden like anything that she ever imagined; this was a masterpiece.
And the colors! The bright colors were different than any she’d ever experienced. The roses dazzled her senses with their variety—fairies, icebergs, honey bouquets, climbers and tree roses!
She noticed three pathways leading deeper into the vegetation with pillars on either side. Lily’s rose garden had a very classical Roman feel. Without another thought, Cadence stepped closer to the middle pathway.