Page 58 of Until Her
“What kind of car is this?” I ask.
I have meant to ask him before but never got around to it. I don’t really know much about cars except what he has shown me what the mods do and what purpose they serve.
He smiles and revs the engine. “An r35 GTR.”
“Oh. I know what you build is a big deal but is this an expensive car? Like a Porsche.”
He chuckles and pulls out onto the road. “The makers of Porsche can’t beat it. It’s worth more than a Porsche and a Lamborghini because I built it.”
I tilt my head, realizing that Lane is a big deal in the motor racing world. Nick’s words the other night replay in my head when he was awed that it was Lane. “Oh.” I’m sorry I’m asking all these questions. I just don’t really know much because my parents only had one car, and it was used.”
“I love when you ask. It shows you care what I’m into and what I do.”
He doesn’t drive past the speed limit, which I can appreciate. Some young guys with hooked up cars line up and try to provoke him to street race, but he ignores them and continues to drive slowly and is careful. It is quiet and he doesn’t put music and I never liked touching his cars because I know how much they mean to him. As a form of respect, I don’t like driving any of them, but he has taught me to drive a stick shift and know how to listen to the engine while shifting gears.
“Where are we going?”
“This doesn’t look like the way to the house.”
“It is Aura. This is the way to our home.”
I must be going crazy already. This was certainly not the way home. The houses are spread out and have huge gates in the driveway. There is no way we have lived in this neighborhood.
He turns into a street with a single driveway leading up to a very tall gate that there is no way you could jump over. There are cameras that turn and angle when they sense the car approaching.
“Where are we?”
The sound of the electronic gate as it opens makes a buzzing noise. When he revs the engine, the rumble that vibrates the snug seat calms my nerves and stomach. There is a big flutter and a poke form the inside of my stomach. I look down where my apron is still tied around my protruding waist.
“Do that again.”
He turns his head. “Do what again?”
“The engine noises. The rumbling when you rev the engine.”
The car rolls forward, and he places it in neutral and revved it, sending the same humming vibration through the seat and I feel it. The baby feels it, and it’s soothing. He pokes me again once it stops.
I smile and rub my stomach. “The baby likes it. He likes Lane.”
He smiles, and he places his hand on my stomach and does it again. There is a slight poking in my stomach, and Lane’s eyes widen.
He brakes and the car stops. “Did you feel that?!”
I giggle. “Yes, Lane. I feel it.”
“That’s amazing. He likes it.”
“Like his daddy,” I tell him.