Page 59 of Until Her
He helps me out of the car, and I look over to see a one-story house that looks like a celebrity mansion.
“Whose house is this?”
“It’s our house. I bought it because you didn’t like the other one. It has cameras and security. It’s a fortress. No one can come in, and the baby will be safe here. I also made sure that there were no stairs. So, you would be more comfortable. I also hired a driver, so you don’t have to drive yourself. He will take you anywhere you wish to go.”
My brows raise. “You thought of everything, huh? How can you pay for all this, Lane?”
He snorts, and the door opens to an older lady named Kate. “Welcome, Mrs. Turner.”
My head whips to Lane and he walks by me entwining his fingers through mine. “To everyone, you are Mrs. Turner.”
“But I’m—”
“You are, and you will be Mrs. Turner.”
He shows me the house with soft rugs in the living area and bedrooms so the baby can crawl and not hurt himself. He already has the house baby proofed. He thought of everything. There is a massage chair in the room and non-slip tiles on the bathroom floor. It is the most extravagant house I have ever set foot in besides the St. Claire home. The St. Claire home is extravagant but cold. This home is decorated with warm touches.
There are no sharp objects or edges that could harm a small child anywhere in this house. The white granite is rounded everywhere it is placed, and the kitchen is fully stocked. There is nothing to do except relax.
He shows me to the master bedroom and opens the closet door to reveal a large section of maternity wear and many pairs of flat sandals and designer sneakers.
“That was Exie,” he says, pointing at the closet.
“She loves designer stuff, and she wanted you to dress in style.”
My mouth is slightly parted in awe. Exie and I keep in touch after I moved out of the other home, and she said she was going to kill Lane but I always made excuses for not calling her like I should I was upset at Lane and where she was starting college and a new life.
My shift at the diner were in the evening and could not be in the phone. During the day I was sleeping in the early morning and in the afternoon would continue to fulfill as many orders as I could. I needed the extra money. Our schedules didn’t really align. She did promise she was going to kill Lane but I told her to let him be. You can’t force someone to want to be with you is what I told her. She sighed and let it go because it was what I truly wanted. To let it be.
I glance at Lane and feel the need to apologize for striking him. It wasn’t right and I am not prone to violence, but I was hurt, and my hormones were raging. I was stressed and felt cornered at the time.
“I’m sorry I slapped you the other night. I was just so upset with you,” I blurt.
He pulls me toward him. “You had every right to feel that way. I was wrong for leaving you like that. I’m sorry. Please stay and be my wife. I promise to always take care of you, but you have to promise to leave the diner. My wife cannot work in a diner pregnant as hard as I work.” He shakes his head. “I can’t allow it.”
I laugh as happy tears stream down my face. I fan myself. “Yes,” I say. “A thousand times, yes!”
Chapter twenty-nine
I’m sitting in an office in New York City overlooking the skyline staring into the sky motionless, speechless, heartbroken, and so lost. The pain in my soul is gutting me.
“Mommy? We are really high up, aren’t we? I can see the cars from up here.”
“Yes, baby,” I croak. A lump so big in my throat I can hardly speak, but I can’t cry in front of Lane Jr.
The door to the room opens and a man in a suit walks in with an armed security and police officer. They bring in a large box with an electronic lock and place it in front of me.
“My sincere condolences, Mrs. Turner. Your husband was a great man.” I look up and tears blur my vision.
Lane died a month ago on the track. A rear tire that was too hot blew, causing him to lose control, and he crashed into the wall.
He was pronounced dead at the scene. He told me he would be home later that day, but he never made it home.
Lane Jr. makes engine noises as he races his cars on the floor while the officers smile. He reminds me so much of his father. I miss him so much it hurts. Everyone I love dies like a curse. A nightmare that haunts me.