Page 4 of Devoted
Fiery hot? The only thing that would get burned if she got too close to Reed was her, or worse, him. She had to remember this was all a made-up and momentary relationship. Esther was smart, analytical, and excelled at studying and dissecting the law. She wasn’t the flighty girl who went crazy over the handsome sheriff and his hot kisses. She’d been the flighty, romantic but crazy girl once. It had resulted in an unnecessary and sad death and had devastated her. She couldn’t go back there. Too much was at stake with the Delta secret and too many people needed her to play the level-headed lawyer she’d perfected for her to fall apart like she had at nineteen.
How could she convince her heart not to take a risk on this incredible man smiling tenderly at her? She had to stay strong. Somehow, she had to get her heart in line with her head. She’d put head over heart most of her adult life. She could do it again now.
Yet as Reed wrapped his arm around her waist and drew her close, she felt her heart give a shuddering beat and knew every part of her was in deep, deep trouble.
Sheriff Reed Peterson slowly took bites of his butter pecan ice cream, not tasting it at all. What treat could compare to the taste of Esther Delta’s luscious lips? His eyes dropped to her lips, but he lifted them to her blue eyes before she caught him ogling her mouth. Not that looking into those gorgeous blue eyes of hers was any hardship.
He had to make himself focus on some stalker idiot who was after her instead of dwelling on the hope that she’d given him the kiss to end all kisses because she was actually interested in him. He couldnotreveal his desire for Esther that was always simmering below the surface. He’d had a crush on her since he was fifteen and she was sixteen. Of course, as the younger guy smitten with the most beautiful girl in the state, he’d known he had no chance, but Esther had always been kind to him, and he used to think she flirted with him. Then he realized she called everybody pet names and was kind to a fault to every boy or girl in their high school.
As the years passed, she’d gone away to the Air Force Academy and became a lawyer and he’d graduated from Denver University with a degree in criminal justice. He’d dreamed of going on to law school but came home to help his mom raise his younger brothers after his dad passed from cancer. He’d worked his way into the sheriff’s position, his brothers had both gone to college and were doing well, and his mom had remarried and was happy.
Any time he saw Esther over the years, they’d flirt and she’d call him sweetie a time or two. His heart would race and he’d pray she saw him as something more than the younger guy and a friend. He’d gotten brave as an adult and asked her out. Far too many times for his male pride to stay intact. She’d sweetly avoided or redirected or had some excuse not to go out with him, valid or not. It broke him every time, but sucker he was, he kept quietly trying. He had to try quietly because his mom and Esther’s mom were close friends. If they caught wind of his longing, there’d be no stopping the manipulations.
He wasn’t sure why Esther continually rejected him. He’d think there was something wrong with him, but women came on to him all the time, so he assumed he was attractive. He’d think Esther was dating someone else, but she was almost thirty and still single. So his hopes kept ramping up every time they interacted and he thought he saw a special light in her blue eyes.
And now this brilliant occurrence. She’d kissed him. Wow, had she kissed him. Reed had dated and kissed his share of girls and women, hoping to find someone to replace his craving for Esther, but no kiss had rocked him to the core like that one. Not that he was surprised. This was Esther. His dream woman. She was not only the most beautiful woman in existence with her golden hair, bright blue eyes, smooth skin, and full lips, but she was smart, fun to talk to, kind, and charitable.
They’d taken their ice cream out back on the patio and started eating the treat, making small talk about her family and his, until some teenagers cleared out and they had the walled-in outdoor space to themselves.
He leaned closer, wondering how to play this. He knew she’d only kissed him to throw that guy for a loop, but he hoped she’d felt at least some of the connection, sparks, and warmth that he had. Could he convince her to pretend they were dating to get her stalker off her back? It would be a dream come true for him, but he had to be cautious so he wouldn’t scare her away.
Was there any chance this stalker had something to do with the Delta secret like Esther had intoned? Papa Delta had given Reed scant details about a military secret hidden in the mountains above the valley the Delta family lived in. Reed would’ve liked more information, but Papa explained that even his children and grandchildren didn’t know the secret. Reed was the only non-family member who had any details besides a couple military higher-ups and Thor and Colt’s significant others. Reed thought that was probably from the necessity of him being the sheriff, but Papa trusted him and he appreciated it.
“What’s going on?” he asked quietly. “Is this Garret joker stalking you personally, or do you think he’s after the secret?”
She leaned in as well, and her soft lips brushed his jawline. Reed didn’t know if that was on purpose or accident, but his body revved up all the same. “I don’t know. I told him I wasn’t interested in dating him over a week ago. He appeared in Summit Valley and has been shadowing me today while I went to a hair appointment, the bakery, the grocery store, and lunch with Maddie, Jessie, and Alivia at La Hacienda.”
His stomach tightened. The idiot was probably after Esther and had no idea there even was a military secret. Not that Reed could blame the guy for pursuing her. How many times had Esther skirted a date request with some sweetly delivered excuse so she didn’t outright offend Reed? Was Reed really any different from this guy? Not knowing how to take a no from the perfect Esther Delta? At least Reed didn’t follow her around like a creep.
“So I pretended you were my boyfriend and kissed you to see how he reacted. I was hoping I could draw him out and see if he’s after the secret, but who knows?” She licked her chocolate ice cream cone absently, and Reed had to fight to not focus on her mouth again. “Sorry, I hope that wasn’t a mistake … the kiss.” She swallowed and her cheeks turned a becoming pink.
A mistake? How could anything that felt that incredible be a mistake?
“What if he comes after you or hurts you?” she asked, genuine fear in her blue gaze.
Reed laughed in surprise at that. He didn’t want to downplay her concern for him—he liked it—but she had to know how tough he was. He pushed away his melting cup of ice cream and took her left hand between both of his. Esther startled and glanced down at their hands then back up at him. “I’m not worried about a loser like that hurting me. I’d love to see him try.”
Esther’s generous mouth lifted in a beguiling smile, though her eyes still looked troubled. “The tough Sheriff Peterson fears no man?”
His only fear was that she wasn’t interested in him. Which was probably true. She’d just admitted she only kissed him to see how Garret reacted. Well, dang. It stunk to hear his suspicions confirmed. He’d let himself hope she’d been scheming for a reason to kiss him for years. In his dream world, Esther had run to him today and taken advantage of the excuse to kiss him. Looked like that idea was a no, but he wouldn’t let this opportunity pass him by.
“That’s right.” He gave her a cocky grin, still holding on to her hand. “I think your idea is brilliant. With Taylee watching us kiss and me admitting we’re together, the word will spread quick.” He could bless Taylee’s wagging tongue for one of the first times since he’d been made sheriff. Her mom had unknowingly messed up a couple cases by spreading rumors. “We have to keep up the ploy of being boyfriend and girlfriend. Either Garret will take the hint and leave you alone, or he’ll try a different tactic if he’s after the secret. Working together, we can easily stop him.”
Esther simply stared at him. Her blue eyes were wide and uncertain. “B-boyfriend and girlfriend?”
Reed couldn’t hide his smile. She was disconcerted. Could she possibly like the idea? He hoped, given half a chance, he could show her how incredible they could be together. Yet if that kiss hadn’t convinced her … how could he up his game?
“And lots of kissing to make sure everyone knows we’re together,” he said in what he hoped was a charming voice.
Esther pulled in a quick breath. Her pulse raced in her neck and Reed wanted nothing more than to press his lips to that spot. Her pretty blue gaze blinked at him. Was she in shock or having a panic attack? He could easily lower her to the ground, get her legs above her heart, and then instead of helping her breathe into a paper bag, he could kiss her to calm her down. He smiled. Kissing her wouldn’t calm him down at all.
Brown, creamy goo ran down her right hand. She startled and pulled her hand from his grasp, grabbing a napkin from the table to wipe off the ice cream and then standing and walking to the garbage and throwing the mess away. Reed picked up his half-eaten cup and walked over to the garbage as well. He dropped it in and turned to her. They were close. Close enough that her chest brushed against his. He was instantly filled with heat.
Looking down into her incredible blue eyes, he wanted to ask if she was okay with the boyfriend and girlfriend ploy, but he was afraid she’d say no or make up some excuse like when he asked her out. He had to stay alpha male slash in-charge sheriff and not give her an out or he’d probably miss out on any chance with her.
“Papa Delta said he set up a leave of absence for you so you could help patrol and protect the secret,” he stated.