Page 5 of Devoted
She nodded.
“Perfect. It will be easy for us to date, then. I’ll pick you up at six. You had La Hacienda for lunch, so we’ll plan on Sabores for dinner.” She opened her mouth, looking like she might protest, so he kept going, “Let’s dress up and play the part of a serious and smitten boyfriend and girlfriend.” He could picture it now. Him in a suit. Her in a flirtatious dress. Him showing her exactly how smitten he was with her and not for any ploy. “We’ll make sure Garret knows you’re not available and see how he responds.”
His phone buzzed, saving him from her saying no to them pretend-dating. He was on duty, so he needed to check this regardless. “Excuse me.” He pulled it out. Cameron. He swiped it on, staying close to Esther. It was about Garret, so she could listen in. “Yes?”
“He turned off at the Juniper Trail camp loop, up Summit Canyon. We slowly followed until we saw his car parked. We stopped and hiked to look. He’s got a tent and campsite set up. Looks like he’s alone. Do you want us to stake him out and see what he does next?”
Interesting. Reed looked at Esther. “He’s got a camp set up in Summit Canyon.”
Esther shuddered, and he wrapped an arm around her. She blinked up at him in surprise, but it was what a boyfriend would do, so he went with it. He felt protection and desire well in him. This Garret would not scare his girl.
“Watch him unless something more pressing comes up. Thanks.”
“Sure thing. Talk soon.” Cameron hung up.
“I thought he’d go back to Colorado Springs. He should have work tomorrow. I can’t remember if he takes Fridays off, but I know he’s not the camping in a tent type. Maybe in a million-dollar RV.” She worried her lip.
Reed pulled her closer. “I’ll have Allie check into it. See if he’s always closed on Friday or taking time off for some reason.”
“Thanks. Sorry to get you so involved in this.”
“I don’t mind.” Mind? Not at all. Esther was in his arms. He was in heaven.
She blinked up at him. Eyes that blue were impossible to resist. He started bending closer. Could he kiss her again? They were boyfriend and girlfriend, after all. Her words stopped him cold.
“It’s disturbing that he won’t take no for an answer,” she started with. “I mean, none of them take it very well when I explain we won’t be dating, but …” Her voice trailed off, and she backed out of his embrace.
His heart was thumping heavily against his chest and her easing away made it ache. “Noneof them take it well?” he asked. “How many have you had to ditch?”
She met his gaze, and he knew she didn’t have it in her to lie. “A lot,” was all she admitted to.
Reed’s gut clenched. Was his beautiful Esther just a heartbreaker? What made him think he was unique and could secure her heart where all others had failed?
She hugged herself and murmured, “I’d better go.”
“I’ll walk you to your car,” he managed, strangely depressed. He felt like he was just one more in the string of men Esther had dated and discarded. It was even worse than that. She wasn’t voluntarily dating him but had been roped into it by this Garret situation and by Reed pressing his advantage.
They walked back through the ice cream shop, saying goodbye to Taylee who was still grinning at them, and along Main Street to where her Cherokee was parked. Esther turned and leaned against her car, blinking prettily up at him.
Reed had no choice but to press his palms against the sport utility on either side of her shoulders and lean in. His heart raced. He was going to kiss her again. He could claim it was for the fake boyfriend farce, but there was nothing fake about his feelings for Esther. She pressed her hands against the car as if to keep herself from touching him. He wasn’t sure what that was about.
Anticipation to feel her sweet mouth meet his again filled him and he took it slow, holding eye contact as he dipped closer and closer. She closed her eyes, and he crossed the distance. Then she turned her head and his lips met her soft cheek.
Reed startled and pulled back. What was that all about? Why had she looked so incredibly willing, only to stymie him? Maybe she hadn’t been willing. She hadn’t wrapped her arms around him and tugged him close like she had earlier when Garret was watching.
Not looking at him, she ducked under his arms and tugged on the door handle. Reed straightened and caught the door, holding it open for her. She slid in.
“Thanks for … helping me,” she said softly.
“Of course.” He forced a smile and pointed to the sheriff star. “It’s in the job description.”
Her lips turned down as if she didn’t like that. He wanted to tell her all the deep feelings in his heart for her, but he had to insulate himself some way or she would crush him faster than an ant.
“I’ll pick you up at six,” he said. “You’re at your parents’ house?” Most of her family had beautiful houses up a picturesque valley ten minutes east of the main Summit Valley.
“At Thor’s until the wedding. They’re getting married in his backyard.”