Page 6 of Devoted
It was July twenty-eighth, and the wedding was August fourteenth. “Those two didn’t waste any time being engaged,” he said.
“They dated for years.” She shrugged.
“Good point. If you know it’s right, you should go for it.” He stared at her beautiful face. He knew it was right. Them dating right now, getting engaged and married quicker than Thor and Shelly were planning. He knew she was right for him. Could he be right for her?
She only gave him a watery smile and tugged at the door. Reed had no choice but to murmur goodbye and shut it. He stepped back onto the curb as she pulled away. His heart gave a strange twist. That lady held his heart in her hands, and she had absolutely no idea how smitten he was. He was always decisive, tough, and in charge. He felt like a wimp around her, begging her to have mercy on his heart and return his deep longing for her.
His jaw tightened. Somehow, he’d have to show her how perfect they could be together. He’d been handed the opportunity. Now it was time to launch Esther Delta off her single pedestal and catch her in his arms.
Esther’s right hand shook as she applied the second coat of mascara and studied herself in the bathroom mirror. When she’d told Papa late this afternoon about the mess with Garret, the pretend boyfriend and girlfriend gig with Reed, and their date tonight, he’d smiled. That smile had worried her. He’d gotten serious and promised to check into Garret and any connections to Admiral Seamons, his close friend who might be leaking information about the secret or Commander Frederick, the militant leader who’d recently taken over Banida and was loudly proclaiming his rights to other European countries.
Stupidly enough, the United Nations was doing nothing to stop Frederick as Banida wasn’t a member of the U.N. and Frederick had made lightly veiled threats about nuclear repercussions against any nation who tried to interfere within the country’s sovereign borders, including attempts at humanitarian aid. Papa seemed almost certain Frederick would want the Delta secret and might be the one quietly sending people after it. She initially thought that was far-fetched, but yesterday they’d intercepted from the FBI a cryptic phone conversation between Nelson Palmer, the man who had sent his son after the secret and almost killed her brother Greer and his girlfriend Emery, and Frederick’s chief of staff, a wealthy Englishman who’d defected to Frederick’s side, General Carl Phillip.
Greer had killed Palmer to protect Emery, so they couldn’t dredge out more info from him. The phone conversation hadn’t given them anything, besides the fact there had been correspondence, which was worrisome enough.
She looked at herself in the mirror, decked out in the form-fitting teal-blue dress that Maddie had brought over to Thor’s house half an hour ago. Her cousin had explained that Papa had said she had a very important date with their most trusted law enforcement officer. Maddie had winked and waited impatiently for details.
Esther had thanked her as she hadn’t brought all of her clothes with her from her condo near the Air Force base in Colorado Springs, and she really appreciated the dress loan. She hadn’t divulged any details, much to Maddie’s obvious disappointment. She’d made the excuse that she needed to get ready. Esther was the queen of excuses; just ask any of the men she’d dated. She had no excuse to not date Reed now. The problem was, there were far too many reasons running through her head of why she wanted to date him. Seriously date him. That kiss had blown her away. Reed’s solid goodness, ability to tease with her, impressive devotion to their valley and protecting people, and undeniable attractiveness only yanked her in tighter.
The doorbell rang, and she jumped. Esther wasn’t the jumpy type. She had to calm down and be rational. She could fake rational. She’d trained herself well. Her work was always methodical and rational. Her schedule and even her exercise and eating plan were methodical and rational. Her ability to avoid seriously dating anyone was methodical and rational. Esther avoided extremes, obsessions, and excitement. People claimed she was the most even-keeled person they knew. That was a laugh, but she’d worked hard to break any silly rules in her head like every number had to be even whether the number of reps while lifting or the numbers on the treadmill when she finished a workout. She was impressive at faking sane and rational.
She could be methodical and rational with Reed. She said a prayer for help, slid into her silver high heels, and eased out into the hallway and down the stairs.
Reed and Thor’s deep voices reverberated from the entryway. Reed stopped talking at the sound of her footsteps, turned, and stared at her. The look in his eyes made her warm all over. Thor glanced from his friend to Esther and chortled out a loud, obnoxious guffaw. Brothers anyway.
Esther loved her brothers. She was about as patient with them as any sister she knew, but five younger brothers could be a sore trial to any woman. Usually her brothers were ultra-protective of her and scowled at any man they saw her dating or even men who stared too long, but they all loved Reed like he was part of the family. Maybe Thor would approve of them dating.
But they weren’t really dating. She had to keep reminding herself of that.
Esther couldn’t even drum up the snippy words to tell Thor to stop laughing as she focused on Reed. His sandy-blond hair was styled away from his face, his deep-brown eyes were full of her, his handsome face drew her in, and he looked absolutely incredible in a dusky-blue suit, white shirt, and pale yellow tie. Was he seriously holding a bouquet of her favorite flowers and in her favorite colors? Sunflowers, daisies, lilacs, salvia, and gardenia in a gorgeous arrangement of yellow, purple, and white. She clung to the banister to make it down the last few steps without tripping on her suddenly unsteady legs.
“I thought this was a fake date situation,” Thor said, his voice full of teasing.
“Sweet, honey, child,” Esther warned in a low voice. “You back down or I’ll tell Shelly about all the ‘sturdy tricks’ you and Aiden played on me as kids.”
“Sheesh, sis.” Thor whistled. “You may look like a gorgeous knockout, and you’ve got us all convinced you’re a sweetheart through and through, but those nasty lawyer tendencies creep out sometimes.”
Esther shot him “the look.” It usually stopped her brothers in their tracks.
Thor only laughed harder and held up his hands. “I’m backing down.” He grinned. “Love you, sis. You look absolutely beautiful.”
“Hey,” Reed cut in. “That’s my line.”
Esther went hot all over. Rational and methodical? She didn’t want to be rational when Reed gave her that special look and made her feel incredible. She wanted to fling her arms around his neck and kiss him until Thor pulled them apart.
Thor chuckled and walked out of the entry toward his living area. He stopped and whirled, pointing a finger at Reed. “You know I love you like a brother, think you’re a stud, and you can legally shoot or arrest me, but if you don’t treat my sister like the angel she is, I’ll kill you in your sleep.”
Reed smiled while Esther blew out a breath at the threat. That was more reminiscent of one of the brothers she’d loved and tried to raise up right. Her mom and dad were great, but no parent could raise five rambunctious boys without a lot of help.
“Thanks for the warning,” Reed said easily. His gaze traveled over her. “If I don’t treat her like an angel, I’ll leave the front door open tonight and a note for the FBI that my murder was well-deserved.”
“Good man.” Thor saluted Reed, made a heart shape with his hands for Esther, then strode to his living room, leaving them alone. Esther hadn’t even asked where Shelly was. His fiancée usually worked until seven or was practicing for a rodeo. Guaranteed they’d be together as soon as they could be.
Reed focused in on Esther. “You are so beautiful,” he said in a husky voice that made her feel like she had liquid fire racing through her veins.
Esther knew she was blushing. She wanted to tell him how handsome he was, but she had to somehow remind herself, and him, that this was all for show. “Thank you,” she managed.