Page 4 of Her Dark Priests
Chapter two
“Ah,JasperandLady Victoria. Sandham, this is Lady Victoria Astley-Hawke. Lady Victoria, this is the Duke of Sandham and his delightful wife, Her Grace, the Duchess of Sandham, Patricia Montaine.”
The Duke of Northbrook boomed his introductions out, and I curtsied to the other duke and duchess.
“Your Graces,” I murmured politely.
“Lady Victoria, Northbrook was just telling us that you’ve found yourself a little job at the British Museum. You are quite the scholar, apparently.”
I had met Sandham a few times over recent years, and he never remembered me. I remembered him though. He was right out of the eighteen hundreds, and four years ago, he had argued with my father about “allowing” me to study at Oxford. Thankfully, I had developed my self-control since that particular conversation, so now I just smiled politely. “Yes, Your Grace. I have a place on a trainee program for future curators starting in October.”
“In October? I would have thought you’d be rather busy around then with—”
Jasper’s father cleared his throat loudly, and the duke stopped. I latched onto it anyway, feeling annoyed.
“It is a huge honour to have been selected, and the placement will advance my career in many ways. Whatever might be happening in October, assuming you mean the season in the city, Your Grace, it can hardly stand up to my career in levels of importance.” I was baiting him, and the smart woman inside told me to stop, but I was already feeling edgy and rebellious, and this old drudge wasn’t helping.
“And you will leave Lord Jasper to attend such occasions alone, just so you can potter around in dust and bones? That seems rather selfish, my dear.” He puffed his chest out, and in answer, I drew myself up straighter and looked him in the eyes.
“With all due respect, Your Grace, I graduated from Oxford University with a first-class honour’s degree in archaeology, a Master in Egyptology, two papers published in a well thought of archaeology journal, and offers from several graduate programs as well as this one from the British Museum. As enjoyable as Lord Jasper’s company is, I have no doubt my worth is more than simply serving as his arm candy and entertainment at social events. He’s an attractive man, and were he concerned about attending those events alone, I am more than certain he would have no trouble finding willing companions to keep him company. I, however, intend to spend my time doing something infinitely more valuable. Now, please excuse me.” I dipped into a very brief curtsy and spun around, stalking through the ballroom in a very unladylike manner, drawing the eyes of those who had stood nearby during our little altercation.
Slipping through one of the tall French doors that led out onto the terrace, I moved through the small groups of people already outside, some smoking, some gossiping, and some meandering down the steps into the dark gardens beyond. I sat down on a bench near the bottom of the steps, ignoring the fact my lovely heels were sinking into the soil, and took a few deep breaths, trying to get my temper under control. I had always been a bit fiery, as my mother liked to put it, but it had been a few years since I had reacted like that in public. I fully expected a proper bollocking from my father after the ball. I couldn’t help it though. The anger had just risen from simmering to boiling, coursing through my veins like lava, and I felt quite proud I had still managed to be civil instead of just telling the misogynistic bastard to fuck off. I doubted my parents would see it that way though, especially as I’d done it in front of Jasper and his father.
I closed my eyes and groaned. I just needed to keep my head down and behave until I got to London. That had been my plan. Be unattainable and hard to contact, let Jasper eventually lose interest and be the one to call this off, but he’d fucked it up by moving way too fast...
Soft footsteps sounded to my right, and a slight rustle of branches made me straighten up and turn towards the sound. I breathed a sigh of relief as West appeared out of the darkness. The moonlight reflected off his eyes for a moment, making him look like some kind of large cat stalking me in the night. I shivered at the idea.
Not one to miss details, West immediately removed his jacket and wrapped it around my shoulders. I opened my mouth to refuse then shut it again as his warmth and masculine scent surrounded me. “Thank you,” I murmured simply.
“You shouldn’t be out here alone, Lady Victoria. It’s not safe.” His tone was disapproving, and my irritation fired up again.
“The Duke of Northbrook’s estate is several hundred acres, and he has his own security forces, which, seeing as he’s related to the queen, are rather more effective than ours, I would imagine—no offence. I don’t think I’m in much danger merely sitting in the garden in full view of the terrace.”
“I’m just trying to protect you, my lady.”
“Bollocks. You want to chain me up in a fucking cage like everyone else. What about when I go to London, West, and live in a tiny apartment with a roommate? Are you going to follow me everywhere then? Are you going to hang around at the museum all day?”
“Your father and I have not yet discussed the practicalities of you taking up the position,” West replied, and I noticed his gaze actually dropped from mine as though he couldn’t look me in the eyes. I didn’t give him anywhere to go and stared at him.
“You. Are. Fucking. Kidding. Me,” I hissed through gritted teeth.
He was saved by more rustling and another male voice calling my name. I pulled West’s jacket from my shoulders and shoved it at him.
“We are not done talking about this,” I snarled, then turned and rearranged my expression to simpering and polite as Jasper emerged from the shadows.
He glanced from me to West, who was still holding his jacket. “Am I interrupting something?”
“Not a thing.”
West immediately melted away into the background.
I could still feel his presence though, and it made me want to scream with frustration.
“I was worried about you, and I came to apologise for the duke’s comments and for not standing up for you. He’s a good friend of my father’s, I’m afraid, and...” Jasper spread his arms in a gesture of defeat.
I sighed. “And you can’t rock the boat. It’s fine, Jasper. I grew up this way too. It’s nothing new, you don’t need to apologise.”