Page 5 of Her Dark Priests
He reached out and took my hand. “I know how excited you are about your position at the museum, and I wouldn’t dream of making you miss it. You know that, don’t you?”
“Yes, I know, but how will you cope at society functions without me?” I looked up at him through my lashes, and he grinned.
“Oh, it’s no problem. There are plenty of girls who’d love to be my arm candy. I am an attractive man, you know.”
I rolled my eyes and accepted the arm he offered. “You’re as bad as the duke.”
Jasper placed his free hand over his heart. “My lady, you wound me! And you are very wrong, I’m afraid. I can prove it.”
“Oh yes? How?”
“Come back to the ballroom, there’s someone else I want you to meet.”
“Lord Fallon, may I introduce Lady Victoria Astley-Hawke?”
The tall, thin man took my hand and bowed. “Lady Astley-Hawke.”
“Victoria, please. I’m very glad to meet you, Lord Fallon. I’ve been following your projects for some time, but I’ve never seen you at a social function to introduce myself.” I smiled, and for the first time that night, it was genuine. Jasper was definitely getting points for this.
“You honour me, my lady. Any projects in particular?”
“Oh several, but possibly your digs at the Valley of the Kings the most.”
“Lady Victoria did her master’s in Egyptology and graduated a few weeks ago,” Jasper supplied helpfully, and Lord Fallon’s demeanour changed immediately.
“A fellow scholar. Most excellent! Yes, the tombs raised some rather interesting questions about the religious aspects of the embalming process...” Lord Fallon launched into a fast-paced monologue that intrigued me. I nodded, completely absorbed as Jasper excused himself with a smile.
We were still deep in conversation an hour later when my father and the Duke of Northbrook approached us, West and Davenport a little way behind them.
I turned to my father excitedly after the formal greetings had been exchanged. “Father, Lord Fallon was just telling me how his foundation has begun a new project in Egypt, and they are looking for volunteers!”
“Is that so?” My father didn’t seem as thrilled as I was, but I continued anyway.
“Yes! They are excavating the temple at Bubastis alongside the University at Zagazig and are taking on students and graduates to help with the project. It would be an amazing opportunity to see the work firsthand and brilliant experience.”
“I thought you were focused on your place at the British Museum?” my father asked, frowning.
“Oh, I am, but that doesn’t start until October, and all I was doing this summer was possibly going with Hattie to their villa in the south of France. She won’t mind if I bail on her for something this amazing.” My smile faded slightly as I saw my father exchange glances with the Duke of Northbrook.
“Well, you never know what might come up. You might find yourself busy this summer.”
“Whatever might come up can wait,” I stated firmly. “Father, this is an incredible opportunity. I’ll even take West and Davenport, and I won’t complain about security, I promise.”
My father looked at West who stepped forward. “If I may, my lord. The political climate in Egypt at the moment is rather unsettled. The arrival of a member of the British aristocracy might not be the best thing at this time. It would be rather dangerous for her, even with our security force present.”
My mouth dropped open, and my father nodded and turned back to me. “You see, my dear? It really isn’t the best timing. Perhaps in a few years...”
“Perhaps we should discuss this at home. Ah, Lord Jasper. Good to see you again.” My father bowed to Jasper as he approached our group, and with no eyes on me, I was free to glare daggers at West, who met my gaze without reacting. Bastard.
“Lady Victoria?”
Too late, I realised Jasper was speaking and everyone was looking at me. “I’m sorry, Lord Jasper, I was miles away. Did you say something?”
“I was merely enquiring whether you and I might have that dance now?”
“Yes, of course.” I couldn’t really refuse him in front of everyone. I didn’t really have a good excuse, and I could fume in private, well, semi-private anyway. I let him lead me to the centre of the room where several couples were dancing, and he pulled me effortlessly into a slow waltz.