Page 6 of Her Demanding Daddies
“Good.” Checking her pulse, blood pressure, and listening to her lungs and heart with a stethoscope showed good numbers for someone who was in an uncomfortable situation. Shaking down a clinical thermometer, one specifically designed to record lower temps, I motioned for her to roll over.
Balking, Emma shook her head back and forth. “No way.”
“If your core temperature is too low, we have to warm you up in a different way. It doesn’t hurt.”
“It’s embarrassing.” She crossed her arms over her chest.
“This method tells us what your organs might read. I can’t exactly stick a thermometer in your liver. It’s better this way.”
“It’s better for you maybe, but it’s not going up your butt,” Emma sassed. “You don’t get a say in this.”
“Roll onto your stomach and lower your pants.” I ignored her bratty remark, hoping she would listen.
“Or?” Despite the circumstances, a tiny smile pulled at her lips.
I wouldn’t call myself a brat tamer, that title went to Luke, but it might be fun to battle her after she was on the mend. Thinking about what Luke might say in such a scenario, I came up with a brilliant plan.
“Or I’ll get Lucas, and he can hold you over his lap while I do it.”
I watched her think over the choices and process the implications. She seemed to be of the mindset that she’d rather deal with me than inconvenience Luke.
“If you could just bring me my clothes, I’ll leave. You won’t have to deal with me anymore.”
“If something happens to you after you leave my home and it is directly related to an injury sustained during your accident, then Lucas and I will be held responsible.”
She pursed her lips but said nothing else. We seemed to be at a standoff for the moment.
Joining her on the table, I let my head fall against the wall. I could wait her out.
A thermometer was just an instrument, and it wasn’t a painful procedure. Surgeons didn’t give a fuck where any particular tool was inserted, as long as it gave them an accurate number. Glancing to my right, I found her gorgeous stormy gray eyes staring at me. Emma was absolutely breathtaking. Something about her moved something in me, but I wasn’t entirely sure what. Despite the odd circumstances, I had a strong urge to make her smile all the time.
Stupid fantasy.
I let the thought disappear. As soon as she had dry clothes, she’d be off again. Emma seemed to be begging for some sort of correction, though. This woman must have been through something awful to be off on her own in the middle of nowhere. Maybe Luke and I could find a way to help her if we could convince her to stay.
Just when I thought I couldn’t be more embarrassed, Elias sat down next to me. Butterflies tumbled through my stomach, a feeling I wasn’t used to. His almost black eyes captivated me as I stared. His hair was a lighter brown, slightly longer on top than on the sides, and he had a closely groomed beard and mustache framing his perfect mouth. Elias was hands-down the most attractive man I’d ever laid eyes on. How could he possibly expect me to roll over and accept a baby thermometer up my butt?
“I’m not trying to be difficult, Elias.”
He clenched and relaxed his jaw as if gathering patience. “Yet, you are.”
“I don’t want to bother Luke,” I said simply, but my thoughts ran wild. Would Elias hold me across his lap?
“But you want to bother me?”
“No, I definitely do not.”
“The longer you stall, the longer it’s going to take for you to feel better.”
“Why do you even fucking care how I feel?” I immediately regretted my tone, but it no longer mattered. Elias clearly had enough of my attitude. Looping an arm around my waist, he expertly planted me across his muscled thighs.
Good Lord.
It took all my composure to keep my hands to myself.
“If I knew you longer than a minute, Emma, I’d spank your bratty ass before checking your temperature. Stay still.”