Page 7 of Her Demanding Daddies
Did he just threaten to spank me?
Bratting aside, the idea of him spanking me aroused me even more. Baring my bottom with one swift tug of the navy lounge pants, the ones that probably belonged to him, brought heat to my face. “You’re raising my temperature just from your actions.”
“Whatever works.”
An icy gel trickled inside my most private hole, and I clenched. “It’s cold.”
“Relax, sweetheart.”
A thin glass rod pushed inside, advancing a bit at a time until it was well seated. Moaning under my breath, I prayed he didn’t hear me. Elias moved one of his hands to the back of my head, rubbing lightly. His presence comforted me, making me want to open up to him. At least a little bit. The earlier tears that I had held back suddenly dripped down my face like raindrops.
“I’m so sorry for entering the barn without permission. You have the most beautiful Arabian I’ve ever seen in my life! I just petted her for a minute. Then I saw the skates,” I bawled. “I wanted to twirl on the ice a few times.”
“You could have come to the house and asked, sweetheart.”
“I needed to continue on my way.”
“You’re in the middle of nowhere Wyoming with only the clothes on your back. Just where did you think you were going?”
Nope. I would not give him any fuel to lecture me. I stayed quiet for what seemed like a long time. Sighing, I glanced over my shoulder. “Are we almost done?”
“I lost track of the time. Sorry. Three more minutes.”
He twirled the rod, pulling a tiny gasp from my lips. Elias wasn’t letting me up until he was ready.
I quickly faced forward. “Do you do this often?”
“Take care of people when they’re hurt or hold naughty women across my lap when they refuse to listen to what I tell them to do?”
Refusing to answer him right away, I blew out a breath. My stupid ankle throbbed, and I was being held across the lap of the most attractive man on the planet. If only he’d stop asking me questions. “Uh. Both.”
“I take care of lots of people every single day, but I spend more time operating on them rather than talking.” He neglected to answer the other question.
“What about naughty women?”
“I haven’t held a woman this way in a very long time, naughty or otherwise.”
Why did being held this way feel so good? Wiggling my hips, I decided this ordeal needed to be done, but he moved the hand from my head down to my lower back keeping me still. Elias had all his attention directed at me, and it messed with the narrative in my head. He cared or he wouldn’t be taking care of me.
“Do you think I’m naughty, Elias?”
“A bit.”
“Can you explain?”
“You poked me, sweetheart. I’d say you wound up exactly where you wanted to be.”
“You were, um, poking at Luke pretty hard in the living room.”
“It’s been a long week.”
“I sort of thought Luke was, um, giving me a certain vibe.” I contemplated my word choices carefully. “Sort of like Daddy caught you sneaking out and now you’re in trouble.”
“You are very observant, Emma.”
“So, are you?”
“Am I what?”