Page 51 of Raising Riker
She kissed him again and what started as an innocent peck turned to instant hot hunger. Riker gripped Gia tightly as he pressed her hard against the wall and her arms automatically wrapped around his neck. They kissed until their lips melted into one and his tongue had explored every inch of her mouth. When Gia felt her husband hard and ready between her open thighs, she turned around placed her hands against the tiled wall. She arched her back towards him, wanting him and silently begging to take her.
Riker thought he would never get enough of Gia. The soft smooth skin of her thighs or the way the musky feminine taste of her lingered on his tongue. Gia’s skin had this subtle, sweet scent that reminded Riker of cotton candy just being near Gia felt like a celebration every day.
After another rigorous round of love-making, this time in the bed, Riker kissed Gia on the head and slowly extricated himself from the tangle that had become their arms and legs. He slipped on his boxers, then padded down to the nursery.
Riker gazed down at the baby sleeping in the crib. If anyone had told him a couple of years ago that he’d be at this place in his life? that he’d be afather,he’d piss himself laughing for sure. But now this little guy had turned his life upside down. When Riker looked at Rourke he couldn’t believe his good fortune. He had no idea what he had done to deserve this…this…he sought for a word that would do justice for the depth of feeling that he felt for his son...this blessing.
And Gia doing the mommy thing? A-fucking-mazing.
Gia never should have doubted her capacity for motherlove even for an instant. She protected and adored and cared for their baby in a way that made Riker’s heart fill to damn bursting. The first time they moved Rourke from the basinet next to their bed to a crib in his own room, Gia had fretted and paced and kept on peeking in on him until finally she had fallen asleep on the floor next to his crib. Riker had had to pick up the exhausted new mommy and put her in bed.
From that point on Riker had worked hard to convince Gia to alternate “Rourke duty” nights. The changing and the feeding and the rocking and the walking split evenly between the two of them. They fought like cats and dogs over who would get to have that odd fourth night with Rourke and decided that each week they would shoot for it in the rock, paper, scissors style. Gia won every time and Riker was absolutely sure she was cheating, but he had no idea how.
Riker had just begun to doze off when Gia twisted suddenly in his arms.
“Another nightmare?” He murmured sleepily and held her closer.
“Rourke?” She asked him the same question she always did when she woke up from one of her frightening dreams.
“I just checked on him, honey, he’s fine.”
“Good.” Gia snuggled closer to him and murmured sleepily “How did things go today? Has there been any word?”
“Go back to sleep, babe it’s all under control.”
As Gia drifted off again, Riker found himself wide awake.
All undercontrol? Not even close.
The bust that had sent Riker to prison had turned out to be only the tip of the iceberg.
Equally troubling was the fact that Prosper’s law enforcement connections had gone radio silent. One raid after another after another on Saints’ clubhouses was happening from southern tip of Florida to upstate New York. Most recently, the feds had brought in a back hoe to Saint’s owned property in the Everglades. Luckily, and with the help of some well-placed and very dangerous wildlife, they found nothing but swamp and a bunch of man-eaters.
The fact could no longer be denied that someone who knew where all the bodies were buried—literally and figuratively—was talking.
Riker had been showered and dressed for over an hour now. He was still getting used to his closely shaven jaw line, and he was not sure he liked it. He looked at himself in the mirror and felt more like a prepubescent teen than a member of a one percenter biker club. He scowled, growled and flexed.
Yeah, that was better.
“Does my ass look fat in these jeans? Gia twisted around to look at herself in the mirror. To Riker’s pure delight she was still carrying about ten pounds of baby weight. As far as Riker could tell it went right to her boobs and her ass.
“If I said yes. Would you take them off?” Riker nibbled her ear and cupped her ass with his hand.
Gia laughed and swatted his hand away. “Didn’t we just do that?”
“Did we?” Riker looked down pointedly to the growing bulge in his jeans.
Gia looked appreciatively at her husband’s enthusiastic response to her and hoped it would never end.
“So, this is like a life time achievement thing?” She scurried away from him and pulled some shirts out of the closet for consideration.
“Lifetime achievement? Did you just really say that?” He grinned at her.
Fucking adorable.
“We aren’t hosting the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, babe. It’s just an acknowledgement. Some guys will be given an atta-boy for their long-time commitment to the club. We also honor those club members who aren’t with us anymore either through death or incarceration. Then we’ll go behind doors for the patch ceremony. Which means the prospects who have been cleared will get their patches.”