Page 52 of Raising Riker
Gia twisted her hair into a messy bun and gave him a saucy grin. “Members earn patches? Sounds just like the Scouts.”
Riker wrapped his arms tight around his wife and whispered into her ear.
“Honey, you should know better than anyone that I ain’t no Boy Scout.”
“Riker stop! Dolly’s gonna be here any minute.” Gia protested breathlessly as Riker began to tug at the button of her pants.
“Only gonna take a minute” He grinned back. “Scouts honor.”
Acouple of hours later the Saints women had done their duty by making sure all the large containers of salads, meatballs and sauce, sausage and peppers, pasta, racks of ribs, and loaves of bread were replenished at a rate to satisfy a hungry crowd. Now they sat around a small fire pit with their feet up and a glass of wine in their hands, relaxing and just enjoying each other’s company.
“This was nice. I think everybody needed some sort of celebration after all the stuff that the club has been through recently.” Claire said. Then she turned to Gia. “I bet you’re glad to have Riker home. He seems happier than I have ever seen him. And he’s amazing with Rourke.”
“Yeah. Things are going well.” Gia smiled. “But we went through some scary times. Sometimes I still have nightmares about him being stuck in that awful place.”
“It’s good that things have calmed down a little lately. But Diego is still on edge.” Raine agreed.
“Yeah. Reno too.” Claire said.
“Jules is hyper-vigilant, anyway. But lately he’s been off the charts.” Glory added. Then she raised an eyebrow as Raine refused another round of wine coolers and chose bottled water instead.
“You aren’t drinking?”
Claire looked at her sister with amused affection. “You gonna tell them?”
All eyes turned to Raine.
“I’m pregnant again.” She blushed and grinned.
“That’s fantastic!” Glory clapped, and Gia gave her a wide smile
“Please keep it to yourselves for now. Diego hasn’t told everyone yet, and I’m not sure when he will. Prosper knows, of course. And I told Dolly and Pinky last night, but we haven’t made it public.” Raine chewed her bottom lip. “You know Diego totally,totallyflipped out when I got pregnant that first time, and now he wants a half dozen kids. I told him we were stopping after number three.”
“That’s what you said after numbers one and two.” Claire teased her.
Raine just laughed and shrugged.
“Soreally?” Gia was rife with curiosity. “Diego totally flipped out with your first pregnancy? I never would have believed that. He’s so great with your girls. And he is obviously totally crazy about you.”
“Yeah, he’s a great dad and we’re good together,” Raine said. “Silver lining to a very big cloud. I went through most of my pregnancy alone. He wanted no part of it.”
“Did you just say alone?” Claire asked in mock outrage. Then pointed to herself and Glory. “What are we? Chopped liver?”
“Yeah, you had us.” Glory wrapped an arm around Claire. “We were with you all the way.”
“Yup. And she had Crow too.” Claire nudged Glory and gave a long exaggerated sigh. “That gorgeous hunk of man waiting to pick up right where Diego left off. God, just the thought of those emerald green eyes still makes me go weak.”
“And all that thick, shiny, smooth black hair.” Glory added with a faraway look in her eyes.
“That gorgeous body.” Raine couldn’t help but add. “All hard muscle and bronze skin. That guy could pump iron for days.”
The women all looked at each other and collapsed in a fit of adolescent giggles.
Gia smiled at them. Then knitted her brow in thought.
“Hey, I think I’ve heard Valentina mention him. He and his family went down to help her and Hal for a while in Haiti.”
“Yup, that’s him.” Raine nodded.