Page 142 of Into the Dark
“Hmph. That include my filthy mouth too? The one you love so fucking much?” He begins to move down my body, spreading my legs as he lowers himself between them. When he reaches my stomach he presses a tender kiss to it. “Anyway, you, little one, are gonna need to get used to the sound of my voice, ’cause it’s going to be telling you what to do for a long time.”
I giggle and rest my head back against the pillow. “God help any potential boyfriend if we have a girl.”
“What boyfriend?” He sounds deadly serious. “Are nuns still a thing?”
“A Nobel Peace Prize-winning nun?” I’m laughing fully now.
“Exactly,” he says, lowering his head back between my legs. He spreads my legs wider, kissing a hot trail down the inside of my thigh. “Time to make up for earlier… Lie back and stop squirming.”
“Yes, sir,” I breathe.
Jake doesn’t waste any time. He licks a line up my center, then another, before closing his mouth over my clitoris and working it expertly.
“Oh my god…” I’m gasping, gazing down at where his head meets my body, hot pleasure coursing through me. When he angles his tongue inside and works me with his fingers too, I buck off the bed and let my legs fall open wider. He’s too good. I’m going to come. Already.
Before I fall over the cliff edge, he lifts his head so the tip of his tongue dances against where I need it to be.
“Wh—what are you doing?” I ask, lifting my head to look down at him. “Please don’t stop…”
He breathes over my opening—hot, taunting breaths. Sadist.
“Marry me,” he says, a smirk on his mouth. He kisses me there just like he would my mouth, eyes fixed on mine..
“Jake…bloody hell. Really?” I’m breathing hard, my cheeks flushed and body close to exploding.
“Say you’ll marry me, and then I’ll let you come.” He says it so simply, so casually, I want to hit him. His tongue pokes out and licks the little nub of nerves so softly I barely feel it.
I whimper. It takes every last bit of strength I have to utter the words aloud.
“After…” I manage.
“After I make you come?”
I shake my head on the pillow. “After you’ve done what you have to do. When this thing is over. Ask me then.”
A look of understanding comes into his eyes, and he nods. “After. When it’s done.” Then he gives me a long look of intent and lowers his mouth to me once more.
I’m flagging and it’s not even lunchtime, a bone-heavy tiredness I know will only shift with caffeine or sleep—except I can’t resort to caffeine anymore the way I used to. And since I’m meeting Rob for dinner later, I can’t go home and sleep after work either. I know if I cancel she’ll be fine, but I haven’t seen her for nearly a fortnight, and she’s made reservations.
The instant Mr. Farrelly leaves after his 12:15 p.m., I grab my coat and bag from the hook and let my office door slam shut behind me. A walk and some fresh air will wake me up.
When I come into the waiting room, Katie is on her feet nodding understandingly at a woman leaning over the reception desk. She’s making a demand of some sort, I think. One Katie isn’t able to help her with by the looks of it. I take a deep breath and sharpen my tongue, absolutely not in the mood for this today. I’m tired of the crap our receptionists take from patients—as though any of it is their fault.
As I near, Katie turns her head and shoots me an apologetic look. “Alex, this lady wanted to speak with you,” she explains. “You were still in with Mr. Farrelly and I didn’t know when you were taking lunch.”
At the mention of my name, “the lady” whips around to face me. It’s like I’ve been kicked in the face.
“Vicky,” I get out, my voice a weird, disembodied thing. “Is Jake all right?” I’m asking this because it’s literally the only reason I can think of as to why she’s here. Except surely I’m the last person she’d come to if something had happened to him.
“How the hell would I know?” she snipes. She looks better than she did the last time I saw her. Her hair is a few shades darker than the brassy blonde color it was when we first met. The color far better suits her tanned complexion. She looks pretty. I can’t see her eyes because she’s hiding them behind large sunglasses with gold Chanel signs etched into the legs, but I’m certain she’s glaring at me. “I want to talk to you,” she tells me. It sounds like a threat.
Tense, Katie looks between us both, and I give her a reassuring smile and turn back to Vicky.
“Um, well, I was just about to take lunch, actually. There’s a coffee shop the next street over?”
She gives me a flick of her head before marching toward the front door and out of the surgery.
Blinking my surprise, I look back at Katie and take a deep breath. “I won’t be long. If Jake happens to call, tell him to phone my personal number?”