Page 68 of Into the Dark
“Deviant!” I call after him.
“You fucking love it. Hurry up—I don’t want to be late,” he calls as he descends the stairs.
I’ve already decided my parents not liking him isn’t an option. Tonight will be the first of many nights at my parents’, and if they don’t like him immediately, it’s no huge deal. They’ll like him eventually. Hopefully, they’ll see exactly what Rob sees when we’re together and it’ll be plain sailing.
Out of nowhere, the image of our child running around the dining table being chased by my dad projects itself on the inside of my mind. My dad catches him—because it’s a him in my head at the moment—and scoops him up high to spin him around in circles before pulling him into a hug. The breath whips out of my lungs as a warm rush of emotion washes over me. In the mirror I notice myself smiling at the idea, and I run a hand across my tummy.
“Your phone’s ringing!” Jake shouts from downstairs, breaking through my half-trance.
“It will be my mum,” I shout toward the open bedroom door. “Can you answer it? She’ll just stress if it rings off. I’m coming down.” I stand up from the dressing table and half-sprint. I don’t want to leave him on the phone with her for too long.
He’s at the foot of the stairs with his back turned to me and the phone to his ear, but when he hears me come down he turns to face me. There’s an odd look on his face and his eyes are narrowed almost angrily. Oh god, what on earth has she said to him? “You hurt my daughter. Don’t think we’ll be as quick to forgive you,” and all manner of threats and warnings occur to me.
“Yeah, she’s here. Hang on,” he grunts before stretching out his hand to me. “Some guy,” he says. “Lawrence, I think he said. Sounds French.”
My heart stutters to a stop along with my body, and for a moment I’m sure I’m not breathing. I turn to stone and a cold chill washes over me, matching the look in Jake’s eye perfectly. I reach out to take the phone from him and lift it to my ear slowly. I want to look away from him, but I find that I can’t.
“Hello?” I say quietly.
Laurent greets me warmly, telling me how he’s in London meeting with some financiers and an English production company who want to option one of his terrible movies for British TV. Jake stands there watching me for a couple of torturous minutes before he turns and disappears down the hall.
“So we should have dinner,” Laurent says. It isn’t a question. I forgot he did that. “Are you free tomorrow night? It will be my treat, but your choice. Tell me where the food and wine are as good as your parents served me in France.”
“I can’t, I’m sorry.” It’s all I say, but Laurent is nothing if not observant.
“Ah, the one who broke your heart—that was him?”
Part of me wants to tell him it’s still not any of his business. But I don’t. I can’t. “Oui,” I manage. “Oui, c’est le bon,” is what I say, looking in the direction Jake went. He is the one.
“Ah, then I understand. I am happy you are happy again, Alixx,” he says in French. Entirely genuine. “Perhaps we could meet as friends? The conversation was good.”
I take a deep breath. “I don’t think that would be the best idea, Laurent,” I say quietly. In English.
He’s silent for a moment, and then he sighs loudly. “Okay. Then that is that. I called, and fate was not on my side,” he says with a small laugh. “I have thought about you since Fayance, Alex.”
“A lot has happened since then,” I sigh. I’m with Jake now. He’s in danger now. He’s risking his life for us now. I’m pregnant with his child now. How has so much happened in such a short time?
In any case, I’m a very different person to the pale, lost Englishwoman Laurent seemed so enamored with in France. Well, I’m still pale. Some things are constant.
“Yes, I suppose they are,” he agrees. “But I am glad that you are well.”
“Yes, I’m well. Yourself?” I lift my hand to look at my watch. I can’t see or hear Jake moving around, and I have the awful notion he’s walked out.
“I am good also. But now I have to find somewhere good to eat, alone on a Saturday night,” he says lightly. “What do you recommend?”
“I’m seeing my parents tonight—I’m sure they would be happy to have you.” I smile. I need to get off the phone. I need Jake to be in this house.
He chuckles. “That would be perfect. Tell them I am in town and free tomorrow evening. I actually sent them some wine. I hope it has arrived.”
“Oh, you did? They’ll be pleased with that then…”
“I sent a few bottles for you also.”
“Oh, that’s very kind of you, Laurent. Thank you.”
“Then I may see you the next time you are in France?” he says hopefully. “We are neighbors after all.”
“Yes, that would be nice.” I nod. Jake may have forgotten about this by then.