Page 4 of The Secrets He Keeps
Chapter Two
Callista eased backinto her chair and ran her hand along the waist of her corseted bodice, past the curve of her hip, before smoothing out the drape of her skirts over her crossed legs. Arching a brow, she gave a little sigh. “When it comes to the nature of my business, I am never wrong.”
His sharp, glittering gaze never left hers despite the temptation she offered in her lounging figure. Even so...whatever he was thinking caused a spark of heat to flare brightly in his eyes.
Callista saw it. She felt it. Like a bolt of white fire angling straight through her center, she felt it.
Still holding her gaze, he straightened in his seat and put his spectacles back on.
Callista honestly couldn’t decide if he was more unsettling with them or without. The man was indescribably handsome. Virile. Unexpected.
“I would never question your expertise, madam. However, I do believe it is time to address the true purpose of your visit.”
“And what do you perceive the true nature of my visit to be?” she asked disdainfully.
He lowered his chin. “You are a clearly a woman of discernment. One who appreciates knowledge and discretion in equal measure. You have come to me for answers. And as I said earlier...I shall endeavor to satisfy you.” The corner of his mouth lifted. “But first, would you like a drink?”
Anticipation sparked inside Callista. It was an interesting tack he’d taken. But she possessed an agile mind and unwavering resolve. “Brandy,” she answered with an easy smile.
He opened a drawer in his desk and withdrew from it a bottle of fine French brandy and two snifters. After pouring two fingers into each glass, he rose to his feet and started around the wide desk. As he neared her position in the chair, she finally saw that his eyes were a very pale gray. Nearly silver. Despite his controlled manner, there was a predator’s gleam in their depths.
Reaching her side, he extended one of the snifters. “If you would indulge me, madam, it would be my pleasure to explain.”
A thrill went through her at his low-spoken words, but she hesitated. Stupidly. This was exactly why she’d come here. To get a sense of what he offered that had inspired such loyalty in his patrons. To learn the secret to how he’d formed a base of understated power and undeniable success in such a short time. She needed to know what she was up against.
Yet, as she looked up at his towering form—taller and broader than she’d realized—and noted the way he cradled the glass of brandy in his large palm, she got the oddest sense he was offering something she wasn’t ready to accept.
Just take the blasted drink before he thinks you’re daft. Or worse—afraid.
Affecting a tone of boredom, she accepted the brandy. “Do not expect me to be impressed, Mr. Maxwell.”
He nodded in acknowledgement as he lifted his glass to swirl it in the firelight. “I am aware of your great accomplishments, Madam Pendragon. A gentleman cannot step foot in London without hearing tales of a woman of insurmountable grace and influence. A woman capable of bringing the most powerful men in Britain to their knees—and having them beg for more.” Silver eyes caught hers in a quick snare. “A woman of indescribable beauty and fierce ambition. To achieve such success, one would have to possess extensive experience and infinite intuition. I’ve no doubt you can claim both in abundance. But I might just surprise you.”
Callista hid the distrust his words aroused with a graceful shrug. No man offered such pretty compliments without expecting something in return. Yet somehow, when he spoke in such a way, it felt more like a restating of fact than flattery. She had to admit...Erik Maxwell possessed a great deal of charm within his restrained manner.
Crossing in front of her, he took a seat in the chair beside her.
Watching at him from beneath the sweep of her lashes, she couldn’t help noting his patrician profile and athletic manner of movement—economical, relaxed yet dignified. He was a man who knew himself and trusted what his body was capable of. No doubt, he committed to a regular exercise regimen to maintain a superior degree of strength, endurance, and vitality.
That or he frequently enjoyed other, more pleasurable ways to promote a healthy physique.
To keep herself from wondering exactly how physically energetic a lover Erik Maxwell might be, she shifted in her seat, leaning toward him. The new position created deep, sensuous curves in her figure as she lifted her brandy. “By all means, Mr. Maxwell, surprise me.”
He removed his spectacles again, this time resting them atop his thigh—his solid, hard-muscled thigh. He looked a little older without the glass shielding the darker shadows of experience in his eyes. She was also able to detect the gleam of self-awareness in their depths and spied the fine lines fanning out from the corners. The evidence of age in his features supported his calm air of casual arrogance while avoiding any suggestion of world-weariness often seen in older men.
“Your devotion to discretion and the security of your patrons’ personal business is well-known. It is for this reason alone that I am willing to tell you the truth, yet before we go further in this discussion, I must have your assurance that you will not speak of what I tell you to anyone else.”
“Is it so scandalous?” she asked dismissively.
He tilted his head, and though amusement hovered around his mouth, his answer was given in all seriousness. “Some might consider it an unforgivable transgression. Either way, it involves a delicate and personal issue my clients wish to keep private. The true nature of what happens within the walls of Maxwell’s cannot become common knowledge.”
She was intrigued despite herself. “You have my assurance.”
“Although you were correct in saying my business is fucking”—his lips formed the word in a way that made her low body tighten—“my club is not a brothel.”
Callista arched her brows. “Of course it is, Mr. Maxwell. You provide sexual services for a fee. There is no way around it and no shame in admitting it.”
Silver eyes found hers. “It is not my intention to cast shame on the profession, madam. When managed well and safely, brothels offer valuable amenities to our societies by providing a welcome space for people to explore their desires and proclivities without fear of censure or risk to their person.”