Page 5 of The Secrets He Keeps
Callista was only slightly impressed. “Then why deny the association?”
“I do not deny it. In fact, I encourage it as it distracts from the truth. But Maxwell’s does not deal in the business of pleasure for pleasure’s sake.” He lowered his chin. “Men do not come to me seeking such indulgences. They come to me for desperately needed guidance and instruction.”
It was not what she’d expected. “Instruction?”
“Essentially, among other related services, I tutor gentlemen in how to seduce and make love to their wives.”
Disbelief rolled through her at his words and her eyes widened as she stared back at him. She couldn’t possibly have heard him right. “Surely, you jest.”
“Not even a little.”
“Mr. Maxwell, I have been involved in this trade for many years, most of which have been spent exclusively catering to men of high society. Men of that breed in particular are notorious for seeking their pleasure outside of the marriage bed for a very clear reason. Their wives are purchased through dowries and business arrangements to provide proper, well-pedigreed wombs for breeding. The ladies serve a strict and limited purpose. Mistresses and bawdy houses serve another.” Callista shook her head with firm conviction. “No gentleman wishes to seduce his wife.”
Dark brows lifted as he gestured with his brandy snifter. “My success suggests otherwise. There are, indeed, gentlemen who wish to enjoy the full gamut of pleasures—domestic, intimate, and sexual—with the woman they’ve taken as life mate.”
“Then why bother with seduction? A husband’s rights dictate that his wife must submit to his lustful needs.” Skepticism made her voice harsh. “She has no choice in the matter.”
“That is exactly the issue Maxwell’s rectifies.” The expression of the man beside her was earnest and thoughtful as he continued, “So many of these men grew to manhood with obscene amounts of wealth and prestige. They’ve easily obtained everything they wanted in their lives. Mistresses were not earned or won; they were beckoned with a ringed pinky finger. Lovers and friends flocked and fawned by the dozen. These men have always known well how to be pleasured, but only a rare few know how to go about pleasuring another with true emotion and generosity. And then there is the ridiculous notion that has pervaded humanity for too long—that a wife does not need or desire the same sort of attention in the bedroom that a mistress demands.”
Callista waved a hand in dismissal. “The number of men who do not know how to properly pleasure their bed partner is not under debate. What I will never believe is that a man would go through the trouble of directing such efforts toward his wife.”
“When a man’s heart is involved, he will go to great lengths to achieve his goals.”
Sitting back in her chair, Callista smirked. “Now I know it’s a con. Men don’t have hearts.”
He did not immediately refute her bold claim but sat looking at her with a steady focus. Then he lifted his glass for a long sip. “Again, madam, I must disagree. Though many men may disregard the value of a loving, satisfied wife...some do not.” He smiled. “I offer my services to those rare gentlemen.”
“For an exorbitant fee.”
“For a fair and reasonable fee when marital bliss is the reward.”
“Bliss,” she scoffed. “And what of these wives? What if they have no desire to deepen their relationships with their husbands?”
The light in his eyes darkened for a moment. “Coercion and manipulation are the antithesis of what I impart. Seduction is about connection. It is about knowledge and consideration and shared passion.”
Meeting his intent gaze, she gave a slow shake of her head. “You speak of things that simply cannot be taught.”
“Tell that to the countless men who have been enjoying more fulfilling marriages by becoming more generous, loving, sexually satisfying mates.”
She laughed. “You can claim that all you’d like. But you cannot prove it.”
He smiled. Slowly. Sensually. Intently. And that predator’s gleam entered his gaze once again. “There is a way to prove the validity of my methods.”
“I do not have time to observe your lessons, Mr. Maxwell. I have a business of my own to run.”
“You misunderstand, madam. I’d like to demonstrate my methods. Allow me to seduce you.”
As a thrill of delicate flames licked along the nerves of her body, Callista eyed him carefully and offered a short, indelicate laugh. “I am not susceptible to seduction, Mr. Maxwell, no matter how well practiced the techniques. I’ve seen behind the veil. It’s where I spend all my time.”
“I’ve promised to surprise you, madam.” His voice was warm and textured. Though he didn’t smile, Callista detected something anticipatory in his eyes. “Give me the chance.”
“I won’t go to bed with you.”
But then he did smile. A quiet curve of firm, sensual lips. “No. Not tonight anyway.” He replaced his spectacles and rose to his feet and stepped in front of her before offering his hand. “There is no need to rush.”
For the first time since stepping into her rival’s lair, she felt a frisson of alarm. She tilted her head to give him an assessing look, sliding her gaze up his trim form to his face, which was once again in shadow. Unable to read his expression, she lowered her attention to his hand. He possessed a wide palm and elegant fingers.
A shiver coursed through her. He thought to seduce her. And though the attempt would prove a failure despite her intense attraction to the man, she was admittedly very curious to see how he’d go about such a task. She wanted information about Maxwell’s. It seemed he was willing to give it her. That it was in the form of a futile demonstration shouldn’t matter.