Page 43 of Dax
That statement tamped down my excitement. The hands that had been clapping curled into fists. How anyone could exploit a baby,anybaby, for their own profit and gain was beyond my understanding. Cyborgs weren’tthings. One look at Dax proved that.He was a beautiful, unique soul. The world was far better with him in it than without him.
“No one will get close enough to hurt her.” I made the declaration, sure we could keep it. The fire to protect all cyborgs burned bright inside of me. I grasped his chin. “Wewill make sure of it.”
“We? But I’m not a Military Model,” Dax confessed, his voice filled with hesitation.
My hold on his chin softened. Reaching up, I trailed my fingers over his cheek. “And I worked for a cyber newspaper where I wrote fluff pieces.” My free hand waved over my form. “I don’t scream warrior either Dax. But that doesn’t mean we are helpless. We are part of the cyborg rebellion. When something threatens our family, we stand and fight.” I cupped my hand around the base of his neck and dragged his forehead down to mine. “Together,” I said firmly.
“Together,” he echoed in return.
“I like her Science Model.” A voice chimed in from behind me, followed by a tiny baby giggle. I spun around so fast a wave of dizziness hit me. I steadied myself and my eyes locked on a small, yellow baby cooing in the arms of the same shade of cyborg. The baby was jangling a yellow stuffed duck from her cute little fingers, a huge grin on her adorable face.
I shot an arm behind me pawing at Dax’s frame until I located his forearm and clutched on tight. “Might pass out,” I informed Dax, hoping he would catch me if it happened. I couldn’t contain my joy and my feet bopped up and down on the concrete floor. “She. Is. So. Cute. I. Can’t. Stand. It!” I said without screeching. Trust me, I had to fight the impulse.
Dax’s arm went around my waist, drawing me to him, the solid weight of his frame resting against my back. “Just in case,” he said, the warmth of his breath grazing over my hair.
The baby held out her arms to him, looking right at Dax, with a don’t make me wait expression on her sweet, little face. She may be tiny and cute, but she was all cyborg. Her green eyes blazed with intelligence and understanding, far more than her smaller form seemed capable of at her age. I stepped away from the shelter of Dax’s arms completely willing to give her whatever she wanted.
The matching yellow cyborg gave a nod, giving Dax permission. Dax lifted the girl out of her father’s arms, snuggling her close to his frame.
My heart melted at the sight of Dax holding her. He was a natural, rocking her gently, a look of pure love showing on his features.I want a green baby. I want a green baby right now!My brain ordered and I honestly didn’t even think about telling it no. My brain and I were in total agreement-I wanted a green baby as soon as possible.
Wait? Would it be possible? I mean, the little girl in Dax’s arms would suggest the possibility existed but I hadn’t asked how the miracle he was cuddling came to be.
Dax gazed down adoringly at the little girl in his arms. “I have missed you,” he said softly, and in reply, she shook the stuffed duck in his face. Dax chuckled. “I missed Quakers too, beautiful little Ever.”
“She missed you too, Science Model.” The yellow cyborg confirmed softly.
My eyes drifted over to the large yellow cyborg blocking the doorway and I smothered a gasp. The little cyborg’s father wasn’t complete. Bare metal arms were crossed over an impressive chest, his face stripped of synthetic skin from just above his lips exposing the metallic structure of his face. There was no nose, simply nostril slits. Two bright golden eyes glowed within recessed eye sockets and a smooth silver bald head reflected the lights of the hallway.
The yellow cyborg was more metal than man. The machine part of him on display made my fingers flex. I wanted to see if the metal was as smooth as it appeared.
He noticed me staring at him and let out a sigh. “Most people around here know what I look like so I forget that my appearance can be rather shocking when you see it for the first time.” He grabbed for a hood that was attached to the dark blue hoodie he wore. He went to pull it up and around his head, to hide himself from view, but I quickly shook my head to stop him.
“Don’t. There is no need to cover yourself for me. Sorry for staring. It was rude of me.“ I put out my hand cautiously, not sure he allowed strange people to touch him. “Can I?” My hand inched closer, “Does it feel as smooth as it looks?”
He took a giant step backward eyeing my outstretched hand suspiciously. “Youwanttotouchme?” His gold eyes flashed. “Why?”
“Because you are so freaking cool! Cyborgs are part machine, but you almost never get to see that side of them. You, my incredible cyborg, rock it like abadass.”
He shot a confused glance at Dax. “Is she forreal?”
Dax smiled. “Yes. Poe meet Acer. Acer meet Poe-the girl who likes cyborgs more than people.” Dax’s eyes narrowed. “But she likesmebest of all.”
Acer rolled his gold eyes in their sockets. “Relax, Science Model. I have a female, remember? I don’t want yours.” He directed his attention back towards me. “You really want to touch me? I am not sure if my female would like that so I will have to declin-”
“It depends on where,” a female voice yelled from somewhere behind Acer.
Acer’s pupils blew wide, clearly shocked at what the voice behind him had said.
“The top of his head,” I shouted back, “nowhere else, I swear!” I met his golden gaze, “Only if that’s okay,” I added.
“I’m not sur-”
“Oh, just let her touch your head, Sunshine!” The female voice yelled again cutting him off for the second time. The little cyborg cooed from Dax’s arms, wagging the duck in her father’s direction, seeming to agree with what the female had said.
Acer shot the baby a “not you too” look before he lowered his head. He bent his knees to grant me access to the top of his head.
Careful not to spook him, I ran one very respectful finger over the top of his head as quickly as possible.Perfectly smooth. And warm.Even though his machine side was on display, I knew there was so much more than circuits hiding under the metal. There was a man in there, someone who people might turn their back on simply because of the way he looked.