Page 44 of Dax
I really wished I could punch those people. Apparently I had developed a bit of a violent streak. Not that he seemed to need me to protect him. He definitely looked like he had kicked ass a time or two. Still, everyone wanted to be accepted, to feel like they belonged. I took a chance and reaching out, I gave one of his metallic hands a gentle squeeze. “No one should be ashamed of any part of them. If some people don’t like the way you look, screw ‘em.”
“I couldn’t agree more.” A beautiful, tiny, honey colored blonde agreed stepping up to wrap her arm around Acer’s waist. Warm green eyes met mine. “My name is Marley,” she said holding out her hand.
I took her offered hand. “Poe.” I flashed her a grin. “Also known as the girl who stole Dax.”
She shook my hand. “And dropped Reaper on his as-” Her eyes shot to the small cyborg still cradled in Dax’s arms. “Bottom,” she finished which made Acer laugh.
Marley huffed. “Look, I know she is going to hear worse around here, but as her mother, I have to at least try.”
Acer kissed her cheek then grinned. “How has that worked for Aria? Every other word out of Theo’s mouth is as-”
“Finish that sentence Sunshine, and you will be sleeping on the couch.” His mouth slammed closed.
I smothered a chuckle. Dax on the other hand did not.
Acer shot Dax a glare. “Shut it, Science Model.”
Marley elbowed him. “Stop being mean to your friends,” she ordered before turning to Dax to add, “And you-stop antagonizing him.”
Dax’s laughter cut off as Marley plucked Ever from his arms. His smile became a rather amusing green pout at the loss of his snuggling privileges.
Marley nuzzled her cheek and Ever giggled. “Would you like to hold her Poe?”
“Are you sure?” I asked then added, “and only if she is okay with it?”
Acer chuckled. “Trust me, she loves the attention.”
I lifted her from Marley’s arms pulling her in close. Peering down at her I couldn’t stop the tears from welling up. She was a perfect, tiny miracle. “Hello gorgeous girl. It’s so wonderful to meet you, Ever.” The duck jiggled in front of my face and I struggled to remember what Dax had called the duck. “And it’s nice to meet-”
“Quakers,” three voices said at the exact same time.
“Quakers.” I took hold of one orange webbed stuffed foot giving it a shake. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Quakers.”
Ever laughed, bright green eyes searching my face as a small yellow hand pressed against my cheek. She gave my cheek a pat then dropped her head against my shoulder, snuggling deeper into my arms.
“She likes you,” Acer declared with a smile.
Three simple words and I felt like I had won the lottery. A warm glow filled my chest and hugged Ever a bit tighter. “I like you too.”
Chapter Twenty-Seven