Page 32 of The Hard Choice
And he had. Sinned several times.
But he couldn’t regret anything because it gave him Amelie. Not that he regretted sleeping with any woman. He enjoyed sex and there was nothing wrong with that.
The only thing wrong would be having sex with the woman in front of him.
“Hot date tonight?”
Genevieve looked up from tying her sneaker that had come untied and laughed. “Yeah, right. I don’t even remember the last time I went out on a date.”
It was sad when she thought about it. She wouldn’t say she was afraid of dating, and it wasn’t like she’d never been asked out before. She’d dated a few guys here and there. But in the last year or so, nothing. Nada. Zilch. Of course, she had been in Florida helping her brother and she’d said no to the few guys who tried because she didn’t live there. She had no desire to live there long-term like her brother did. Since she got back home there hadn’t been time. Not dealing with Melanie’s death and whatnot.
She could use some sex. It’d been way too long.
And Corey tempted her way too much.
It’d be better to scratch that itch with someone else before she jumped his bones and then got completely mortified when he would reject her. They might’ve come to friendly terms with each other but he only tolerated her for Amelie’s sake. Barely. Not to mention his fiancée was a cop and she didn’t want to tempt that particular beast. She wasn’t a home-wrecker either. Married—almost married—men were off-limits.
“You seem in a hurry. With a smile on your face.”
She shook her head at her co-worker, Donna. “Only because I’m excited about where I’m going. Amelie turns six months old today. It’s a big milestone.”
“Hmm-mmm. It is, but I don’t think that’s the only reason you’re excited to be going there.”
Genevieve ignored her, yet Donna’s laughter told her she wasn’t fooling anyone. Yeah, Corey was smoking hot. Great dad—she was so wrong about that. Business owner. Sweet and considerate to everyone. He was the perfect guy.
Just not for her.
The past three weeks had been wonderful. He let her come a few times a week to spend time with Amelie and feed her. She was there no more than an hour or two, and she left. They didn’t talk too much. At least, nothing personal. Odd, tension-filled looks now again, otherwise, they were cordial with each other. She didn’t doubt for a second he had forgiven her.
But she was grateful for his kindness in letting her see Amelie.
“Take a chance. You said so yourself, you haven’t dated in a while.”
Genevieve lifted her brows high, shaking her head. “He had a baby with my best friend. It’s odd. I can’t sleep with him. Plus, he’s engaged. Did I forget to mention that?”
“No, it says you both have great taste. You’ve shown me a picture of him. I even spied on him at The Corner Bar because I couldn’t help myself. He’s hot. You ain’t gonna do something, I might. I don’t think he’s engaged. He doesn’t seem like the type.”
Her mouth opened wide as they both giggled. “You wouldn’t.”
“He’s hot, he’s available, he needs to release some tension being a single daddy. I can help with that.”
“Donna, you’re terrible.” Genevieve laughed, hating the thought of anyone with Corey. “Trust me. He’s engaged. I met his fiancée.”
Not something she wanted to regale.
She didn’t have a right to him. They weren’t dating. She wouldn’t even consider them friends. If Donna wanted to mess with an almost-married man, that was her prerogative. If Corey slept with her, that was his. Not her business.
“I should’ve never told you about him.”
“Nope. You shouldn’t have.” Donna’s eyes sparkled with mischief.
“Is this your way of getting me to make a move on him? Threatening to make a move yourself?”
“No, I’m dead serious. It’s been a while for me, too, and Billy isn’t cutting it anymore.”
Genevieve rolled her eyes. “Maybe you should name your vibrator something other Billy. It might help to lift the mood.”