Page 33 of The Hard Choice
“Hey, he’s gotten me through some tough times. Don’t knock Billy.”
She chuckled but kept her mouth shut from saying anything further. Unlike Donna, she didn’t own a vibrator. It was something she never even considered buying. Her finger did just fine if she needed to relieve herself of some sexual tension. And if she did buy one, she’d name it something sexy and mysterious like Julio or Demetri. Definitely Julio. The book she read a few weeks ago with the hero with the same name said it would be perfect. Talk about swoon-worthy.
Genevieve grabbed her bag and slung it over her shoulder. “Even if I wanted to make a move,” and she wasn’t saying she wanted to, “he doesn’t exactly like me much. And fiancée. Need I say more?”
“Girl, you’re the sweetest person I know. Why wouldn’t he? Seriously, I don’t think he’s engaged. I didn’t get that vibe.”
Well, that wasn’t a story she was going to share. Ever. To anyone.
“It’s a long a story. And stop stalking him. That’s weird. Have a good night. I gotta go. See you later.”
Then she was walking out of the yoga studio before Donna could keep prying any more information out of her. She swung by the bakery to pick up the cupcakes she ordered and arrived at Corey’s apartment thirty minutes later. Talking to Donna put her behind and she was ten minutes late.
Corey usually got off around five at the bar. Picked up Amelie at the daycare he had found and where Amelie started going two weeks ago. He usually got home by six. She typically got to his place around six-thirty.
When she knocked at almost quarter to seven, he didn’t answer.
“Hey, Genevieve, good to see you.”
She turned to her left, smiling at Mr. Bederman who lived two doors down from Corey.
“Hey, Mr. Bederman. Looking sharp tonight. Hot date?” She nearly chuckled at using the same exact words as Donna had with her. But she was curious. He was in his sixties, widowed with two kids. His wife had passed away two years ago from cancer. Tonight he was dressed in a fancy suit with a bowtie. His hair was combed to the side, still wet as if he’d recently messed with it. She could even smell cologne, something she’d never smelled before.
“Why, yes, actually. I met a lovely woman online. A dating site. Have you ever tried one of those?”
She shook her head. Her brother, Oliver, would have her head if she did something like that. He didn’t trust many people, and he especially didn’t trust any dating websites. A bit overprotective because online dating was something everyone did these days. But if her brother said no, she trusted his instincts.
“Good luck. You look very handsome. She’s a lucky lady.”
He patted her shoulder as he passed by. “Oh, so is Corey. You two are a cute couple.”
“Oh, we’re…” Her voice trailed off as he kept walking. Then she winced when she saw Corey round the bend. Oh, dear, she hoped he didn’t hear that comment. He barely acknowledged Mr. Bederman as they passed each other.
“Sorry I’m late. Although you’re late, too. Is everything okay?”
Corey nodded, his cheeks a rosy red—presumably, from outside—yet his eyes were filled with anger.
Oh, shit. He had heard Mr. Bederman and didn’t like it one bit. She might be friendly and talk with everyone because she couldn’t help herself. But she never told Mr. Bederman they were dating. Nor had given the impression they were.
“I’m never taking Amelie back to that place. Never.” He blew out a breath as he handed the carrier over to her without asking.
She almost dropped the cupcakes in her hand taking the device. He didn’t notice as he unlocked the door. At least they were getting somewhere. He gave her Amelie in the hallway, confident she wouldn’t run off with her. Of course, she wouldn’t. She learned her lesson.
This was a first. A very momentous occasion. A bit of trust she thought she’d never get from him. It was silly to be elated over something so small, but she couldn’t help herself. Happiness bubbled up inside as she looked at Amelie all bundled in her carrier, her brown eyes staring at her as if she knew she was in safe hands. Genevieve would never let anything happen to her, or hurt her in any way.
She followed him inside and set the carrier on the floor, the cupcakes next to it, cooing and making silly faces at Amelie as she undid the buckles. She usually arrived at the apartment when Amelie was already free, so she couldn’t contain her excitement at doing this small task.
She flinched when the door slammed behind her.
Genevieve could only be grateful it wasn’t her he was mad at. His lone comment about Amelie never returning to the daycare was clue enough.
She took off her jacket, laying it over the back of the couch.
Picking up Amelie gently, making a few more silly faces, she knew she had to say something. But what? She was the last person Corey wanted to vent to.
He dropped the diaper bag with a loud thud to the floor, then gripped the counter hard with his hands. She could see the muscles in his cheeks throbbing as if he wanted to scream from the top of his lungs. His knuckles were white, his arms flexed and ready to go to battle.
What happened? She had to know.