Page 2 of Reckless
The guy in the bed is lucky. Two knife wounds to his abdomen and both managed to miss anything vital. After giving him some strong pain relief, he calmed down enough for us to treat him. Now he’s sleeping while I check his vitals again before finishing my shift and handing over.
Just as I go to remove the blood pressure cuff from his arm, fingers latch onto my wrist, squeezing tighter when I try to pull away. Shooting my eyes to the patient, Oscar, I’m met with glazed and dilated browns, and a sneer that has a tremor of fear skittering down my spine. Getting my nerves under control, my years of training kicks in. I remember he’s a patient and this is not the same as what happened to me. He’s not the man who attacked me.
“It’s okay, Oscar, you’re at the hospital. You’re safe,” I tell him, trying to pull my arm free again. I watch as his eyes flit round the room, coming back to me, and then something sparks in his eyes.
“I know you,” he croaks out, his voice hoarse. The grip on my wrist tightens as he tries to pull me forward.
“Okay, that’s great, Oscar, but you need to let go now, please.” I try to keep the fear out of my voice, but I can hear the tremble in my words. “I’m sure your thirsty, let me get you some water, and then maybe I can call someone for you. Family or a friend, perhaps?”
“I know you,” he repeats again, still not releasing me.
“Yes, I’m one of the nurses that treated you when you first arrived. Now, if you just let go, I can help you,” I grit out the last part, my patience with Oscar wearing thin. I assumed he was just confused, but now I’m not so sure. He’s kind of freaking me out a little.
“I know you. I fucking know exactly who you are. You’re that cunt Dominic Morgan’s daughter. I’ve seen a picture of you,” he taunts with a chuckle.
“What did you say?” I snap, scowling at him. “How do you know my father?”
“I know all about you,” he snarls, squeezing so hard I can feel the bones grinding together. “You’re going to get wh—”
“That’s enough. Let the nurse go, Oscar, before I slap an assault charge on you too.” I jump slightly at the voice, but I don’t turn around, keeping my eyes on Oscar. I watch as he wars with indecision before finally releasing me.
Rubbing my wrist, I turn enough to get a look at the guy who spoke. He’s standing in the doorway, hands in the pockets of his suit trousers. He’s not wearing a tie, and the top button of his shirt is undone, revealing a hint of bronze skin beneath. I look back to Oscar and see the daggers he’s throwing the newcomer. With his attention fully focused on the suit, who I assume is a cop from the air of authority exuding from him and his assault charge threat, I quickly finish removing the BP cuff and write the results on the chart at the bottom of Oscar’s bed.
When I turn to leave, the suit is watching me, and I see a slight smirk turning up the corners of his mouth. He’s not bad looking, short blond hair and blue eyes, certainly easy on the eyes.
As I approach, I offer him my thanks before exiting the room and heading off to the nurses’ station.
Thirty minutes later, I’m heading for the exit when I hear my name being called out from behind. Throwing a quick look over my shoulder, I catch a glimpse of the cop from earlier. Slowing to halt, I wait for him to catch up to me before turning to face him.
“What can I do for you, Officer?” I already know he’s a detective. I did a little detective work of my own. I mean, come on, he’s hot, and I don’t have a cop sized notch on my bed post yet. He tilts his head at me, and I know he’s not fooled at all.
“Looks like we’ve both been doing some investigating,” he says, raising a brow. “I actually need to ask you a couple of questions, if you don’t mind?”
“Sure. Shoot.” I pull my coat collar up further to stave off the icy chill in the air tonight, and then tuck my hands in my pockets.
“Mr. Turner, do you know him? Only, I got the impression he knows you.” At my look of confusion, he gestures to the hospital. “Oscar? Your patient tonight”
“Oh, him. Err, no, I’ve never seen him before. And if you’ve done your job, you’d already know that. Just like you already know who my father is, my name and no doubt, where I eat, sleep and piss.” I offer him a sarcastic smirk. “Now, if that’s all Detective, it’s late and I’d like to go eat before falling into my bed.” I turn to walk away, but his voice breaks through the night again.
“There’s one more question, Miss Morgan.” I half turn, just enough that he can see my face and me his. “Dinner, tomorrow?”
“Are you asking me or telling me? ‘Cause I’ve got to say, I’m not impressed with either. If that’s your idea of asking a girl on a date, no wonder you’re single. And as for telling me what to do, well, I save that for the bedroom. Goodnight.” This time he doesn’t stop me, but I hear his laughter as I walk away.