Page 3 of Reckless
It’s been a week since the incident at the hospital, and tonight, I plan on getting very drunk and maybe get laid. I need something more than just my B.O.B tonight. I need the real thing. I deserve it after the week I’ve had.
Dismissing the niggling little voice inside my head telling me this is a bad idea, I jump in the shower, throw on the sexiest, most revealing outfit I own, slap a shit load of make-up on my face, and head out for the night.
If I was watching this from an outside view, and thinking straight, I’d say the make-up is nothing more than a mask I’ve been wearing for the last nine months, but I’m not, so screw it.
As the cab pulls up outside Rosco’s bar, I spot the bouncer on the door tonight, and the queue that winds all the way down the side of the bar and round the corner. It must be my lucky night. Jumping from the car, I walk straight for the front of the queue, ignoring the dirty looks and snide comments from the poor unfortunate souls lining up and hoping they can get in before the night is over.
Reaching the bouncer on the door, I hold back while he turns away the poor girl who has been busted with a fake ID. When he finally turns back my way, a broad grin spreads across his face, and his eyes sparkle with obvious attraction.
“Hey, Alex.” I don’t get another word out before he snatches me up and squeezes the air from lungs. And no doubt giving every guy in the queue a positively delightful view of my thong clad arse, thanks to my short dress and Alex’s height.
“Yeah, it’s good to see you too, but do you mind putting me down before I pass out,” I wheeze.
Alex chuckles, and it vibrates through his whole body as he lowers me back to the ground. His arms remain wrapped around me as he places a small, but sensual, kiss to my cheek.
“Girl, you look and smell fucking divine.” He pulls back, looking in my eyes, and I know he’s remembering a night a few weeks back. “I know exactly how good you taste,” he whispers, licking his lips.
I’ve known Alex most of my life, running in the same circles at school. Then after…the accident, we had a thing for a while, but it fizzled out, nothing more than sex. Fucking, hot, crazy, unforgettable sex, but, nonetheless, that’s all.
I hadn’t seen him for a while, but a couple of weeks ago we bumped into each other at another club in town. Things got a little insane that night, and we ended up back at his, fucking like sex starved rabbits.
I reach up and pat the side of his face. “I know and the feeling is mutual, but sorry to disappoint, I’m not here for round two.” He drops his hands as I step back. He’s still wearing a cheeky smirk, even though I can see he was hoping I was here for him.
“So, who’s the lucky fella tonight, Jamie?” His words appear casual, but I don’t miss the bite to them. And, whilst I like Alex, he has no reason to be jealous or judgemental. He knew the score that night, as did I. We never made any promises to each other, never even planned to see each other again. As far as I’m concerned it was a mutually satisfying night of pleasure, and nothing more than that.
Before I’m able to fire back a reply, an arm wraps around my waist, pulling me against a hard body. I tense instantly, going to pull away when I hear a voice beside me.
“That lucky fella would be me.” I watch as Alex’s eyes widen briefly before he masks his surprise.
“Detective,” Alex greets. From the corner of my eye, I notice several girls and a couple of guys leave the queue and quietly slip away when they hear the word detective. When I turn back to the men in front of me, they appear to be having some sort of stare down, and I frown as I see a sliver of dislike pass Alex’s eyes.
“You two know each other?” I ask.
“Detective Will—”
“Come on, Alex, no need for such formalities. I’m just a normal patron tonight, so please, call me Jasper.”
“Okay, fine. Jasper is a regular visitor here, but as he already pointed out, it’s usually in a more formal capacity.” Alex’s voice is tight with restrained anger, and I get the distinct vibe there’s no love lost between these two.
Keen to get away from the testosterone overload and find out what the hell Jasper is doing here, I say, “Not tonight though. I’m going inside to get a drink.” I throw a look at Alex, his brows drawn down in a severe frown. And where earlier he looked relaxed, he now looks ready to do battle, throw down with anyone that so much as looks out of place. I step forward into Alex’s line of sight, drawing his attention away from Jasper.
Reaching out a hand, I touch his face. “Hey, let it go. I didn’t come here with him, and I certainly didn’t plan to meet up with him either.” I throw a questioning look over my shoulder at Jasper. “I’ll check in before I leave, okay?”
Alex’s eyes lift briefly to Jasper, who I know is watching intently because I can feel his eyes burning the back of my head. When Alex’s gaze returns to me, the hard edge that was there has gone, and he nods his head.
“Make sure you do.” Then he dips his head, planting another gentle kiss to my cheek.
Stepping away, I wonder how I ended up stuck between these two domineering dicks. Alex lifts the rope, allowing me in, and without even so much as a glance back at Jasper, I stride into the bar.
Regardless of the fact Alex works the door here, Rosco’s is one of the best bars in town. It’s also the best place to hook up. Guaranteed to end the night lost in the pleasure of a warm body. No paddling the canoe required.
As I push through the crowd towards the bar, I sense someone behind me. No doubt it’s just Jasper. I’m pissed at him, but I need a drink before I get into that conversation with him.
When I reach the bar, I catch the eye of Tommy, the bartender on tonight. He offers me a mischievous wink as he finishes up serving a brunette at the end of the bar. She’s barking up the wrong tree if she thinks she can pull Tommy, but I’m not one to spoil her fun.