Page 142 of Pinch of Love
My brows arched.
“And some hot landlord who thinks he’s God’s gift to women.”
I laughed and shook my head. “I do not.”
“No, but you could. You are that sexy.”
“You’re making me blush,” I teased.
Bringing Maya into my arms, I kissed the top of her head, taking in every incredible second of this moment. I honestly thought I might never see her again.
“I’m sorry for being stupid and not chasing after you.” I kissed her again. “You deserve to be chased. I mean, not like Rob did, but you know, a normal, friendly pace.”
Maya laughed and took a step back. “This last month has been wild.”
“One way of putting it.”
“And I wouldn’t have it any other way,” she said softly, resting her palms on my chest. “Did you ever make it down to that store to get what you needed for your new house?”
So much had gone on, I hadn’t even told her what else I was doing that day.
“No. I still need to head that way. I haven’t really been feeling myself lately.”
She hopped on her toes. “Oh, I almost forgot. I’ll be right back.”
“Okay?” I watched her dart to the front door, fling it open, and bend down to get whatever she’d put outside. She kept her hands behind her and spun around.
“I didn’t want to give these to you until I was certain this would be headed in the right direction.”
“Or?” I prodded.
She laughed. “I would have just taken them back home with me. They’re my favorite. Okay, so maybe they’re more for me than you, but I thought it might soften you up a bit.”
She closed the door behind her with her foot and made her way toward me.
“I know we have a lot to work on, but it will make it a lot easier with me in Buttercup Lake. But I wanted to start by saying that I’m truly sorry. I don’t want to be the woman who breaks your heart.” She whipped flowers out from behind her, and my world suddenly stopped.
Pink daisies.
Pink daisies wrapped in the same tissue and ribbon I’d taken to the bench.
Maya’s expression froze. “What? Are you allergic?”
I shook my head, taking the pink daisies while I tried to keep it together. Today was about Maya.
Maya and me.
“You couldn’t have picked anything more perfect.” I held them and smiled, pulling her into me with my free arm.
“Really? I was worried pink might freak you out, but...”
“You have no idea how much these mean to me.” I drew a breath and closed my eyes, feeling the intensity of the moment. “No matter what we face in the future, we can’t run away. We have to be open and honest.”
She looked into my eyes and nodded slowly. “I know. I realized that on the way to the airport. I realized a lot of things.”
“Like?” I asked as we slowly started toward the kitchen.
“All these years, I believed in my heart of hearts that I wasn’t lovable.” She let out a sigh. “That if my own parents couldn’t love me, then why would a complete stranger?”