Page 21 of Charisma
“Of course, I do,” I retort. Even if it’s an outright lie, they’ll never know because I’ll never confess. Actually, if I’m being honest with myself, I thought the distance would make it impossible for them to hear us, but I’m never going to admit that fact. Nope. Not at all. Not me. I’ll take a play out of Charisma’s book and never admit jack shit.
“You may not have our abilities, but don’t forget, we don’t have yours either. It’s going to take every single one of us to defeat these demons. Just because we’re dragons and are touted as being the best, doesn’t mean we don’t need help.”
Okay, I was onboard with what he said until he bragged about them being the best. They may be, but he should keep that shit to himself.
Two dayslater I find myself sitting outside of a protective layered bubble as Esmerelda, Maizy, Mari, and Bell tell the group before them why they’ve been summoned.
“What happened to them not being inside of a protective ring while we were sidelined?” Beast rumbles, pacing back and forth behind the enchantment, guarding Esmerelda’s back even if he can’t get inside of the restrictive film, shooting vile looks to the strangers inside any time they make eye contact.
“Because Colton felt they’d respond better if they weren’t surrounded by all of us. According to our fearless leader, we’re intimidating even when we’re not trying to be,” Maverick adds.
“They’re shifters too for fuck’s sake!” Beast bellows. “How the fuck arewemore intimidating when we’re fucking supernaturals like they are?”
Maverick grins then leans in and states, “Because several of us arehybrids, asshole. Plus, we’ve managed to build a community that’s mixed with witches, vamps,andshifters. Makes us somewhat of an anomaly.”
“Fine, whatever. But I don’t like it that Esmerelda is alone with them in there,” Beast retorts.
“She’s not alone, she has Maizy, Mari, and Bell with her,” I supply. “Do you honestly think she’d put herself or her young charges at risk? Your matealwaysseeks to protect those she cares about.”
“While putting herself in the line of fire,” he shoots back, glaring at me.
“Watch it, Beast,” Baldwin rumbles out, placing his arm around me. “That’s my mate you’re glaring at, which isn’t acceptable.”
It finally dawns on me that with Baldwin and I mating, Esme and I are sisters-in-law considering the fact that once shifters bond, they’re as good as married. “Wait until she realizes it!” I chortle out loud. “She’s never getting rid of me now.”
“What are you talking about?” Baldwin asks, brows drawn in as he looks at me with skepticism.
“Esme and I are actually sisters-in-law now, fuzz butt.”
“Usually happens when two women mate with brothers, Vampiress,” he jeers, a smirk lifting his upper lip.
“Wiseass,” I titter, shaking my head at him. “Love being paired with a know-it-all.”
“That’s Mr. Know-it-all to you, Fangvira,” he teases.
“Fangvira?” I begin to wonder if the years of being smacked in the head have affected him more than any of us were aware of. “Are you feeling alright, Baldwin?”
“I feel perfect in every way,” he returns. “Have been since the day I laid eyes on you and felt your pussy flutter against my dick.”
“Gross,” Beast grumbles. “Keep the foreplay and sex talk to the bedroom if you don’t mind. There are some things a brother doesn’t need to be privy to.”
“Yeah, because you have a lot of room to lecture me on keeping things in the bedroom,” Baldwin huffs, crossing his meaty arms across his expansive chest.
I can’t stop the laughter from bubbling up because ever since Beast came into Esme’s life, it’s a common occurrence for him to sling her over his shoulder or into his arms bridal style and cart her off to their bungalow where they spend hours consummating their union. “Look, she and I know you two are overbearing, protective, fuzzy pains in the ass, but we love you both regardless. I don’t want to know what happens in my bestie’s bedroom and I sure as hell don’t plan to share with her what happens in mine so both of you, stop with the dick measuring!”
Baldwin turns me to face him, and quietly asks, “You love me?”
It dawns on me that I’ve been keeping that little known fact to myself, but the accuracy of the matter is, he’s the beginning and end for me. My everything and my whole world. I’ll face the demons head-on myself if need be in order to keep him safe. “Yes,” I murmur, looking up into his bedazzling eyes. “I love you so much it physically hurts when we’re not near one another.” Which isn’t an oddity, I’ve heard this exact same thing from the ladies when they aren’t within the same proximity of their men.
Before I can utter another word or expand on confessing my feelings to him, I find myself upside down looking at his very fine ass as he growls out to the others, “We’ll be back. Don’t call us, we’ll call you.”
Laughter from the others surrounds us as he practically runs to our bungalow, but I don’t give that first fuck. We can’t do anything until Esme has all the blood gathered anyhow, so why not get in a little naked time with my mate? It’s not like we’ll be attacked anytime soon. We’re more protected from outside threats than the outside is safe from us.
Baldwin carts me through the house before entering my bedroom where he tosses me through the air where I land on my bed with a bounce. “Baldwin,” I whisper, my eyes glued to his fingers as they unsnap and unzip his pants.
“Risma, I’m about to lose my shit. If you like those clothes, I suggest you get them off before I shred them into tattered pieces.” Holy hell, his words have me stalling. On one hand, I’d love to have him lose control to the point that he tears the clothes from my body. But on the other hand, I kinda like these pants, they’re old, soft, and comfy. And my top is a band shirt I got from a concert back in the nineteen eighties, the members have retired, and the band is no longer in the field. Which means; you can’t find their merchandise unless you are willing to finagle it away from a die-hard fan. I could always seep into their mind and have them willingly hand their stash over, but I promised myself a long time ago I wouldn’t use my skill for personal gain, and I’ve stuck by that.