Page 22 of Charisma
As I continue to disrobe, I watch my stunning mate practically rip her clothes off, except for the shirt. She carefully folds it and sets it on the nightstand but everything else is tossed to the side. Chuckling, I stroke my cock which is already leaking pre-cum as I witness her skin flushing in arousal. “So, you love me?” I softly ask. When I heard her say that it was like a lance to my heart, piercing through the layers of self-protection. Yes, I knew she was my mate, but I wasn’t sure love would enter the equation.
“I think I loved you before I was conscious of the fact that I did,” she admits, her face drawn as she contemplates her words. “When I was in the field after our spat, I looked at you and my breath stalled in my chest. When you shifted, my heart beat faster. If I’d been human, I’d have wondered if I was in the process of having a heart attack. Even with my disappointment from our misunderstanding, I was infatuated with you. But the second I ingested your blood, every thought I had, every beat of my heart and sense I felt… all revolved around you.”
“Fair warning, my words aren’t close to being as eloquent as yours are, but I knew the moment I sensed your nearness, that my entire world would revolve around you.” My words are short, but I think the meaning behind them are important for her to hear. “I am the bear and man I’m meant to be because you’ve made me want to be better, more honorable, and more understanding.”
I’m a man of few words, but I know I’ll always do my absolute best to protect her, cherish her, love her. It’s all I ever wanted for myself; someone I could call mate who I could adore. I’m glad we built a friendship beforehand because to me, it enhances our overall relationship.
“I don’t need pretty phrases, Baldwin, I just need you to always speak the truth. Nothing more, nothing less.” She opens her arms to me as I approach where she’s sprawled out on the bed.
Carefully climbing so I’m hovering over her, I take her face in one of my hands and cup her cheek while gliding my thumb over it in a loving caress, using the other to keep myself upright so my weight doesn’t crush her. “I love you,” I state, punctuating each word with a quick kiss to her plump lips.
“I love you too,” she replies, wrapping her arms around my shoulders then pulling my head closer as she kisses me.
As the kiss deepens and our tongues tangle, the slight moan emitting from her ramps my libido even higher. Pulling back, I pant out, “This is gonna be fast, sweetness.”
“Bring it on, my delectable mate,” she retorts, splaying her legs wider.
“I’m gonna bring it,” I promise, lining my hips up with hers and gliding my dick through her slick lips, lubrication spreads along my shaft to make my entrance easier. Every time my upward glide hits her clit, she mewls and pants. As a result, pride swells inside of me. I do this to her, give her this, something unique and special between the two of us. No one will experience this from her ever again. This precious gift she’s giving me is mine.
“Baldwin,” she cries out, her back arching which puts her erect nipples right in the path of my lips. Capturing one in my mouth, I set about licking, sucking, and nipping it while I continue my loving assault on her pussy.
“So fucking good, Risma,” moan, as sweat starts to form on my brow. I can feel my balls tightening up and the telltale shivers in my spine warning me that my release is imminent. Reaching between us, I find her clit then begin circling it with my thumb. I can feel her pussy start to flutter so increase the pressure then continue thrusting as she practically strangles my cock when she orgasms.
Keening out my name, she’s soon coming again as I find my own release, calling out her name as my cock empties its seed.
Once we’ve both caught our breath, I roll so she’s lying in my arms then gently kiss her lips. “I’ll love you for eternity, Charisma,” I tell her, gazing into her sated eyes.
“I’ll love you just as long, Baldwin.”
The following morning,we’re all making breakfast over the open flames of the campfire when Esmerelda and the rest of the ladies break the perimeter. “Well? How’d it go?” I ask, curiosity has been niggling at me all night. While I was loving on my man, the girls were working on using the blood our shiften brethren gifted to enhance a spell that should eliminate the demonic threat before they’re able to initiate their plan.
“We think we’ve got it nailed down,” Maizy admits, flopping onto Drakko’s lap.
“If this doesn’t work, we’ll have to face each threat head on and handle it from there,” Bell supplies, looking just as exhausted as her siblings and Esme.
“Will we be able to defeat them if that becomes the issue?” Maverick asks, leaning forward with his elbows on his knees as they bounce.
“We will,” Drakko says, a fierce look emanating from his irises. “I don’t see any other way around it if that’s the case.”
“In the meantime?” I ask, leaving the sentence hanging, waiting for someone to fill in the blanks.
“In the meantime, the girls and I get a few hours of shut eye then we put the spell to use,” Esme answers.
“First I’ll need to call our mother and grandmother, because we’ll need them to enhance the spell with their powers,” Mari sighs, her eyes droopy as she too leans back into the arms of her mate.
“I’ll call them, you ladies go rest,” Airvyd suggests, even though it comes across more as a demand than a request.
“So bossy,” Mari chuffs even though she snuggles closer to him.
“Not bossy, my mate, just a compromise on my part so that you get some sleep,” he rebuts.
“Why is it a compromise?” I question him. From my understanding they’re a strong family unit so I’m not getting how this is a compromise per se.
“You’ll see,” Buvor remarks, a large grin spanning his face. “I wonder if she’ll bring brownies?”