Page 79 of His Forever
“Do we have a date yet?”
“No, he needs to see when he can take two weeks off. We are going today and buying an RV so we can travel through the mountains for two weeks.”
“Okay, I am calling him now.”
“Mamá, I’m sure he hasn’t had a chance to look at the schedule yet or talk to the guys to make sure they’ll cover him!”
“He will be fine. Now, we will need a photographer, a DJ, a cake, food, decorations. Paulie? Chandra? You two and the girls will be helping us get this set up, si?”
“Absolutely. Let’s get this organized so we are ready. Where can we have the reception?”
“Leave that to me. I have the perfect place,” María-Luisa said.
Zeus: Marleigh?
Marleigh: Hey handsome
Zeus: I take it you told them, huh? Mamá is blowing up my phone
Marleigh: LOL
Zeus: When are you done for the day? I have a lead on an RV for us
Marleigh: I have an early day, handsome
Zeus: Come on over to the shop when you are done, okay?
Marleigh: I will. Love you
Zeus: Te amo, mi siempre hermosa
She sighed. Those words lit a fire inside and without thinking, she fired off another text.
Marleigh: You know, when you say that, I find myself wanting to have my way with you
Zeus: Come over NOW
Without another thought, she headed out the door saying, “I’m done for the day, y’all. See you tomorrow.”
At the shop, he crowded her into the office while pushing her against the door. “This will be quick, mi siempre hermosa,” he warned her as he quickly stripped her pants and panties off while dropping his own pants and boxers. Spearing one hand in her hair, the other began stroking between her thighs. “You’re already wet for me,” he murmured.
“Always, handsome. Told you before, it’s a perpetual state of affairs around you,” she replied before she nipped his neck.
With one thrust, he sank into her, holding her against the door as he began moving in her. “I adore you, mi siempre hermosa,” he grunted out as he moved.
“No more than I adore you,” she claimed as she swiveled her hips. “So close, Zeus,” she mewled.
“Touch yourself, Marleigh, and help me make you fly,” he commanded.
Without another thought, she reached between them and began stroking herself as he increased his movements. Words became impossible as once again, he took her over the edge of the cliff.
Breathless minutes later, she huffed out a laugh and said, “I need to clean up, handsome, so we can go RV shopping.”
“Si, let me help you, mi siempre hermosa,” he said as he carried her to his private bathroom in the office.