Page 105 of Justin's Bride
With that, he jammed his hat on his head and stomped out of the church. There was a moment of silence after his departure, then the room exploded into conversation.
"What the hell was that about?" Justin asked.
"I'm not sure." Megan turned and stared after the man. "He lost his wife and daughter a few years back. I don't think he's ever gotten over the loss. Maybe it has something to do with that."
Justin understood about a woman being hard to get over.
Gene pounded on the desk at the front of the church, but no one paid him any mind. As far as the townspeople were concerned, the issue of how to pay for a schoolroom and a teacher had just been solved.
Megan stood up and rubbed the small of her back. Justin watched as the movement thrust out her breasts, making him remember how her tender flesh had felt against his hands, and tasted in his mouth. He swallowed hard, knowing he was a fool to continually dwell on that which he could not have. He tore his gaze away, only to see Colleen sweeping down on them from across the room.
He bumped Megan's arm and jerked his head in Colleen's direction. "If we hurry, we can beat her out the door."
Megan hesitated, then shook her head. "I have to face her sometime." She waited until her sister was directly in front of her, then nodded. "Colleen, you're looking well."
"I wish I could say the same." Colleen gave an insincere smile, then glared at Justin. Slowly, he pushed up until he was standing. "I see marriage has not improved your manners," she said.
He grinned. "I'm sure you're right, however it's brought me into the warm bosom of your family. I know how much that must please you."
Colleen's thin lips pinched together as if she'd tasted something bitter. She huffed and turned her back on him. "I don't know how you stand him, Megan, however I didn't come to fight with you."
"Oh?" Megan met her sister's gaze squarely. Justin placed a supporting hand on her shoulder. He was grateful when she didn't shrug him off. "Why did you come over?"
"We're sisters. I know in my heart what you did was wrong. You're a sinner in the eyes of the Lord and in the eyes of this town."
"This is your idea of not fighting?" Justin blurted out. "Should Megan be grateful for your criticisms?" He'd never hit a woman before, but there was something about Colleen that tried his self-control. He gritted his teeth. "I warn you, Colleen, I won't stand here and listen to you speak this way to my wife."
Megan glanced up at him. The brief look spoke of her gratitude and her request that he let her handle the situation.
He growled an assent, all the while ready to protect her, by force if necessary.
Colleen ignored him. "However, you are my sister and I must ignore my distaste of what you've done. It wouldn't be seemly of me to turn my back on you."
"Go ahead and do it," Megan said softly.
Justin stared down at her. He couldn't have heard her correctly. But he must have. Colleen stared at her with an incredulous look on her narrow face.
"Pardon me?" she said.
"Go ahead," Megan repeated. "Turn your back on me, Colleen. I don't care anymore." Under his hand he felt Megan's muscles relaxing as she spoke. He squeezed her shoulder. She reached up and put her hand on top of his. "I've married Justin Kincaid and we've taken Bonnie in as our own child. Nothing you can say or do is going to change that. I'm not afraid of you or your threats. If you wish us to be a family, I'm very willing to accommodate that. You
and I only have each other. But if you won't accept my husband and my child, I won't have anything to do with you. And I do mean accept. No snide remarks, or subtle references to lack of manners, breeding or whatever else you wish to spend your time finding fault with. Accept them as your equals, or lose me forever."
Colleen opened her mouth but no sound came. She tried again, her hands balling up into fists. "You dare to dictate to me?" she asked, her voice incredulous. Her gaze swept over Megan, then settled on him. Justin remained in place, his weight balanced on the balls of his feet. If he had to, he was prepared to move quickly. He wasn't afraid of Colleen for himself, but for Megan. Despite her brave words, she could still be badly hurt by her sister.