Page 106 of Justin's Bride
"I dare that and more," Megan answered. She turned toward Justin and nodded to the door. "Let's go home."
He stepped back to allow her to precede him. They'd almost made it to the front steps, when Colleen recovered. "It's him, isn't it, Megan?" she called.
Justin wanted to keep walking but his wife had other plans. She paused and glanced over her shoulder.
"This is all because of that bastard, isn't it?" Colleen pointed an accusing finger at him. There were only a few people left in the church. Her words hung inside the building and everyone turned to stare. "He's the reason you never married, even when you had your chance. You've been waiting for him to return. You're a fool, Megan Bart-lett. He'll never care about you. He'll leave you stranded with more bastard brats to feed."
Justin thought about retracing his steps and shutting Colleen up. He watched her face turn red and her eyes disappear into slits as she spewed out her filth. Then he shook his head. She wasn't worth the trouble.
Megan turned away from her sister. "Let's go home," she repeated. She took his arm and they started down the stairs. Before they could even reach the path that led toward town and the Bartlett house, a man darted out of the shadows.
Mr. Greeley smiled nervously, then pulled off his hat. "I'm sorry about my wife, ma'am," he said, then glanced at Justin. "Mrs. Greeley isn't always a happy woman."
Justin didn't answer. He stared at the man for a moment, then nodded.
"I'm going to have a talk with her tonight. You've done a fine job, Sheriff. And Miss Bartlett, ah, Mrs. Kincaid. you're real fair to us folks. Your sister and her husband arci trying hard to turn the town against you. I just wanted to let you know that we all stand behind you on this."
Justin stared at the smaller man. He pictured the butcher's tall dragon of a wife and felt a twinge of pity for him. He held out his hand. "Much obliged."
Mr. Greeley grinned and they shook hands. "You want anything special from my shop, you come tell me. It's never any trouble."
"We appreciate that," Justin said and watched the mar walk away. He didn't envy him his conversation with Mrs, Greeley that night.
"You must be very happy," Megan said, taking his arm as they started toward town. "You're proving them all wrong."
"I suppose." He shoved his free hand into his trouser pocket. He'd waited seven years for the victory but it didn't taste as sweet as he'd thought it would. He would give it all back in a minute if it meant Megan would continue to hold on to him as they walked and trust him to keep her safe.
"I noticed at the meeting how many people greeted you. Quite a difference from your first day in Landing," she said,
A cold feeling slipped over him. He tried to ignore the sensation and its source, but it drew all the warmth from him until he had to clench his muscles tight to keep from shivering. A knot formed in his stomach. As Megan chattered on, the knot tightened.
"I'm not sure if Colleen is going to come around, but 1 have to say, I don't really care. She thinks she controls the town, but she's wrong. If she forces things between us, 1 believe she'll be the one cast aside by everyone." Megan cuddled close to him. "They respect you, Justin. I'm so proud of you."
He'd been ignoring the truth for days, but he couldn't any longer. The knot in Ms gut grew until the pain threatened to drop him to his knees.
Megan wasn't warm and friendly because she'd come to care about him. It didn't matter that he'd never stopped loving her, that he still loved her. What mattered to her was what other people thought. Now that the town had accepted him, she could accept him, too. It was safe for her to be seen with him now. He was respectable, so her reputation was safe.
He shouldn't have been surprised. Megan had always cared about what other people thought more than any-[ thing. He even understood why. But that didn't change anything. It didn't change the fact that she would never love him for himself. It didn't change the fact that her reputation mattered more to her than he did.
"Whaf s wrong?" she asked. He kept walking, even when she tugged on his arm. "Justin?"
"I thought it was different," he said at last. "But it isn't, sit?"