Page 79 of Reunited Soulmates
Isat glumly into my seat, hoping that my seatmate wouldn’t snore the way that one from my last flight did while the plane was taxiing to the runway. I wanted nothing more than to be able to sleep for the entire flight.
Sleep would be a welcome respite from all this pain right now, I grimaced inwardly.But there is no going back now. I’ve made my decision. Now, I just need to lie down on it.
While the plane still was taxing, I started to close my eyes and wished I was able to get my hands on some mild sedatives that could knock me out for the rest of my flight.
“Oliver! Oliver, wait!”
My heart pounded in my chest when I heard a woman’s voice call out from behind me.
Is that…Amanda?
My eyes widened at the thought of Amanda and I turned back quickly. I was seated along the aisle and looked back, hoping for a glimpse of her shining blonde hair and sea green eyes.
But what is she doing here? How did she get in here?
A little boy rushed past my seat, giggling as he went. Moments later, his mom caught up with him.
“Oliver, what did I tell you about running around when the plane is moving?” she lectured in a British accent, holding on securely to the boy’s wrist. “It’s very dangerous.”
My hopes crashed when I heard her talking to her son.So, she was just calling out to her son. I should’ve known better than to think it was Amanda. That’s really impossible.
“Ma’am, please take your seat and fasten your seatbelts,” the flight attendant admonished them.
The young mother apologized briefly before settling back into their seats. I heard a bit of a scuffle from behind as the young child protested at having his seatbelt put on too tight.
I looked out of the window and saw the surroundings go by in a blur as the plane picked up speed on the runway. Then, with a mighty lift, it was airborne, and we were flying high in the sky, on our way to London.
I closed my eyes and sank into my seat. There was no going back now. I was well on my way to the other side of the Atlantic.
I had left my heart in Georgetown with Amanda.
I had no idea how I was supposed to function without my heart with me.
How ironic that I’m a cardiologist, I thought bitterly.
My last thought as I forced myself to drift off into slumber was that sleep—deep sleep—would be a blessing right about now.
* * *
The plane touched down to a dreary day in London. After I claimed my luggage from the conveyor belt, I hailed a taxi and told the driver the directions to my apartment.
I had spent the entire flight trying not to think too much about Amanda and getting some sleep. It wasn’t an easy feat as she had managed to infiltrate all of senses. It was like she was engraved upon my heart and soul and although it fucking hurt, I liked to dwell on the happy memories we managed to make together before I left. But at least my seatmate shut up and didn’t snore like a fucking chainsaw.
I turned my gaze out the window to where the gray clouds rolled in, sending fat droplets of rain pattering on the cab’s glass windows. It was quite the typical London day and it made my heart feel heavier.
I will definitely need the wool socks Grandma Margaret made for me,I thought while let out a deep breath.
It’s funny,I mused. I never cared about the weather before. Now, everything seems so bleak and dreary and sad.
Without Amanda, there was no sunshine in my world.
Well, I guess I’m back to whatever is normal for me, I thought sadly.
I was back to my busy life of attending to the patients in my practice.