Page 32 of Unexpected Days
“Okay, enough legal talk. Tell me about my grandchild. Do you have a photo?” He grabs his glasses out of his jacket and places them on the bridge of his nose.
“Here you go.” I didn’t know how tonight would go but I had brought along my most recent sonogram just in case.
“Ahh.” My dad actually gushes over it. A huge smile crossing his face as he looks it over. “Your mother would be so happy for you.”
“Thanks, Dad.” His words mean more than he knows.
“And so proud. I am so proud of you.” He looks at me and hands back the photo.
“Keep it, I made an extra one for you.” I smile and the look on his face is precious as he pulls out his wallet and makes a spot for it.
Despite all that is yet to come, I feel an ease of relief from telling him. It is one less person I am leaving in the dark. One more person who can’t wait for me to have the baby. And one more person who agrees, I needed to tell Cody sooner rather than later.
Chapter Twenty
One of my bosses calls me into his office first thing on Friday morning. It’s too early since I haven’t even finished my coffee yet but I go anyway. Today is the day we are supposed to be hearing about the promotion, aka who will be making partner. I don’t exactly know who I am up against but I’m not worried. This promotion is in the bag. Or so I thought. Which is why I’m yelling at my boss before he can finish his sentence.
“You can’t be serious?” I don’t hold back my anger or surprise.
“I’m sorry, Mrs. Charles, but we are,” my boss says, folding his hands on his desk.
I stand up, attempting to hold in my rage, but I can’t. Parker got the promotion over me? Someone who has been here for less than a year? Someone who barely knows this office? I am furious.
“I quit,” I grumble the words before I can think it through.
“W-what?” My boss looks at me, eyes wide.
“Clearly my abilities are being overlooked here. So I quit,” I repeat.
“Surely you’re being hasty—”
“No, I’m tired of working for someone who doesn’t see my abilities and who doesn’t take the time for the cases I do. I need to be working somewhere I feel good about what I’m doing and that is no longer here.” I don’t wait for his reply, instead turning on my heels and heading for my office.
“How’d the meeting go?” Molly smiles.
“I quit.” I smile back just as big.
“You what?” Now she’s the one shocked.
I don’t respond but get to work packing my things. I take a box of files, pour them onto the floor and start putting my things in it.
“Surely this is a misunderstanding…” Molly looks at the floor and back to me. I pack in my drawer of snacks, my photos, and anything I bought over the years here. They aren't getting so much as a pen from me.
“No, actually it’s the best decision I’ve made in a long time.” I pause. “Besides this one,” I say, holding my belly.
“Where will you work?” she asks, stunned.
“Maybe I’ll finally start my own firm. I need to work somewhere I can feel like I’m making a difference, helping people. Right now, here, that wasn’t it at all.”
“Oh.” Molly can’t argue that. I spent the last few months only caring about a rich socialite because that was my boss’ top priority.
“Come with me, I’ll start a new firm and once you pass the bar we can run it together.” I smile.
“I-I don’t know.” She looks wary.
“I understand, if you need time to think about it. But please, consider it.”
I finish packing the box and grab the last few things I need. Taking one final look at my office, and at my bump, I know I’m making the right decision. My life needs to be about more than helping those who did the wrong thing. It needs to be about helping those who need the help the most. Getting into the elevator, I smile as the doors begin to close.