Page 33 of Unexpected Days
“WAIT!” A blur runs toward the elevator doors and I press the button quickly to open it.
“Molly? Did I forget something?”
“No, I don’t want to think about it. I want to work for you. What you said back there is exactly why I want to be a lawyer. So I want to work for someone who thinks exactly as I do.” She’s holding a box of stuff and walks into the elevator with me.
My father helps me out with all of the logistics of running my own firm. Despite offering for me to come work for him, again. I decline. I want to be responsible for myself and my future and I can’t do that if I am working for someone else. I pay for everything out of my savings and my trust, putting it to good use. I don’t want my father helping out financially either, despite his protests to help.
I find office space on the Upper West Side, a convenient distance to mine and Molly’s apartment. Who is studying for the bar every spare chance she has. I have no doubt in my mind she’ll pass and when she does, I plan on making her a partner. One day she’ll be able to pay me back and for me, it’s not about the money. She’s someone I know I can trust whole heartedly, which is rare. For me and in this business. Molly’s one of the most honest people I know which is why I’m so glad she decided to come with me. But also why she’s a pain in my side about telling Cody the truth about the baby. She’s somewhat of a constant reminder that I wasn’t alone in this.
“Maybe he’d surprise you if you told him,” she’ll say. I’ll protest and she’ll remind me that it’s never too late to call him.
It’s hard walking around with a constant reminder of him attached to me. I’m starting to imagine how hard it might be when the baby is actually here. Will they look like him? Have his eyes? His laugh? I didn’t know if I want that or not. Deep down, it is hard to even think about him. I miss him more than I care to admit to anyone, especially myself.
Sometimes I pick up the phone, even dial his number, but the results are always the same. I get too scared of who might pick up, what he might say or to find out my number’s blocked. It’s bad enough having to move on from an ex after a breakup. But an in an unexpected pregnancy and it was a million times worse. Cody can live his life without a single reminder of me, move on and make next steps. While I am living with a kicking, reminder attached to me at all times. It is hard not to be a little resentful of the situation. Nonetheless, it doesn’t make me want to pop his bubble and alter his reality. So for now, Cody doesn’t need to know the truth.
Chapter Twenty-One
I’m sitting on the Metro North, shaking my leg because Riley’s family invited me up for Thanksgiving. Of course when I said yes, it was six months ago before I was remotely pregnant and definitely not at all showing. The opposite of how I am now. Within the last two weeks it suddenly started to look like I am smuggling a watermelon under my shirt. Riley assured me it would be fine, as Sawyer is staying in the city with Cody for the weekend. Yet, I am still nervous. Over the last few years, Riley’s family has become like my second family. It isn’t that I am embarrassed of being pregnant, more like nervous of what they might think. Which I know is crazy. Damn intrusive thoughts.
“It’ll be okay,” Riley reminds me, putting her palm on my knee to steady my leg.
I nod and look out the window. The trees along the ride had become just as vivacious as in the city. The glorious burnt oranges and autumn colors change my mood almost immediately. I love the fall and all that it brings.
We get off the train, me tying my coat closed to cover my bump. At least until we get to her brother’s house. He is nice enough to let us stay with him for the night. We’ll have Thanksgiving dinner at her dad’s house today and a sleepover at her brother’s before catching the train back tomorrow. Riley and I used to have a tradition of going Black Friday shopping but recently it has become too much of a hassle. The stores don’t have sales as good as online so we spend most of the weekend online, shopping from home in our pjs. Sometimes across the couch from each other, sometimes in our apartments.
“I hear Logan has a girlfriend now.” Riley smiles, sharing her family gossip as we wait for him to pick us up.
“Oh yeah? Who?”
“My dad doesn’t know for sure, but my money is on his best friend Bailey. They’ve been close since Ally had Elijah.” Elijah is Riley’s nephew and one of the cutest kids we know. Well, for now.
“Is she coming for dinner?”
“I’m not sure,” Riley says, looking at her phone.
Logan meets us at the train station, and I brace myself for any questions. But he takes one look at my belly and gives me a hug.
“Looks like someone’s going to be an aunt again.” He chuckles, smiling at Riley. If only telling the father could be that simple.
Riley and Logan’s dad is just as happy. “A baby! This is fantastic news!”
No one asks me about the father, and I wonder if Riley prepped them. I wouldn’t care if she did, I’ve had my fair share of reactions already.
Logan’s girlfriend Bailey is someone we’ve met before but it’s different meeting everyone as the girlfriend. She has these beautiful dark natural curls that put mine to shame. I thought she’d be nervous, but she waltzes in like she has a thousand times before and begins helping in the kitchen. Her confidence reminds me of the kind I used to have.
“So when are you due?” she asks me with a smile.
“April,” I say proudly.
“Wow, that’s a bit more to go. Are you excited?”
“Yes, and nervous,” I admit with a chuckle.
“You’ll do great,” Riley says, walking in the kitchen.
“I actually have been meaning to ask you something.” I reach in my pocket for the small box I’ve been carrying around.
“Oh, what’s this?” she asks, confused.