Page 109 of Ghost
Reaper was right.
Enough of this shit.
I was done.
No more.
I didn’t know how long we’d all been waiting, but when I looked at my watch, it was only shortly after ten-thirty. God, it felt longer than that as I surveyed the room. “Where’s Ari and Becca?”
“She left a note on the kitchen table, saying she was going to take Becca and Hailey upstairs,” Remi stated, sitting next to Reaper, who looked exhausted.
Nodding, I got to my feet, deciding I needed to check on them. I also needed to find Shadow because that shit had missed a shit tone of crap, and I was going to beat his ass for ducking out without telling anyone. What I really wanted was a few moments of peace with my wife and daughter. Making my way upstairs, I checked in Becca’s room first, only to find it empty. Heading for our room, I walked in to see the same. After checking a few empty rooms, I made my way back downstairs and headed for the kitchen. The girls probably got hungry, and Ari was making them lunch.
Yet they weren’t there.
Getting worried, I headed back into the main room and asked, “Remi, Ari said she was going to be upstairs, right?”
“Yeah. The note said she had Hailey and Rebekah. Why?”
“She’s not up there, and she isn’t in the kitchen.”
“Did you check Becca’s room?”
Kitty stood walking towards the kitchen. “She was with Hailey and Becca in the kitchen before all the chaos started.” Entering, she looked around. “Hailey’s diaper bag is missing, and so is Becca’s coloring book and pencils. Where in the hell could she have gone?”
“I don’t know Kitty, but we will find her,” Savage said, coming up behind his sister.
I didn’t like this. Something wasn’t right.
“Remi, where is the note Ari left?”
“On the kitchen table.”
Looking at the table, I saw the note and whispered. “This isn’t Ari’s handwriting.”
“How do you know?” Kitty asked, coming to look at the note.
“Because this is Malachi’s handwriting.”
Dropping the note, I ran for the shed with Savage and several of the brothers behind me. I kicked open the door to find Shadow lying on the concrete floor with a knife sticking out of his chest. Rushing to him, I quickly checked for a pulse and sighed.
It was there.
Faint, but he was still alive.
“Where the fuck are my prisoners!” Reaper roared, looking about the room. “Find me that fucker before I reap everyone’s soul! Now!”
“Ghost, we need to get him to Healer,” Chains said.
Nodding, I picked up my brother and walked out of the shed only to be stopped by a seven-foot-tall pure wall of muscle.
“That one for me,” the deeply gruff voice muttered. Looking up, I sighed. “Judge.”
“Is he alive?”
“Barely,” I said as Judge turned to two brothers I hadn’t seen in years. Gypsy and Maverick were nomads. Though they belonged to the California Chapter, they preferred the road to staying home. Reaper used them to meet with prospective members and update the other chapters around the country.