Page 110 of Ghost
“Take him to the clinic and get a space set up.” The brothers nodded, carefully taking Shadow from my arms. “I see nothing has changed around here. Only more useless blood spilled.”
“Not now, Judge,” Reaper sighed. “Go help Healer and Roxy. They need you.”
“Fine, but when I’m finished, I’m leaving again.”
“We will talk after you help, Healer.”
Judge was a nomad. Had been since before Pops died. He, Gypsy, and Maverick left without word or warning. They kept in touch with various chapters around the United States, though none of them had stepped foot in California in several years. All of us knew that Healer kept in touch with his brother and the cranky doctor knew why his brother left, but he never said a word.
“I need to find my wife and daughter, Reaper.”
“And Hailey,” Kitty added.
“We’ll find them,” he said, looking around. “The compound is on lockdown. They couldn’t have gotten far. Matrix, go check the cameras and see if you can find where they went. Kitty, you, and Savage go check your house. Maybe Ari took them there. As for the rest of you, go door to door. Check all the houses, buildings, shops, every nook, and cranny. That bastard has to be here somewhere.”
Just then, we all heard Becca scream, “Daddy!”
Turning, we all ran to her as she cried, carrying Hailey in her arms. Dropping to my knees before her, I hugged her to me. “I’ve got you, angel. I’ve got you.”
Kissing her cheeks, I tried to stem the flow of her tears, but they were coming in earnest. Kitty knelt beside me and carefully took Hailey out of her arms. “You are such a smart little girl, Becca. Thank you for protecting Hailey.”
“Momma said to hold her tight,” Becca sobbed and nodded.
“Baby, where is Ari?”
“Momma said to run. I ran Daddy. I ran as fast as I could.”
“You did great baby. Where is Momma?”
“Uncle Grimm is a bad man. I don’t like him anymore. He hurt momma,” she said, her lip quivering as she hugged my neck tight. “Momma told me to run.”
“Yes baby. You did so good,” I said, holding my daughter close to me. Standing up, I looked around the area. “There’s no way Becca could have run far with Hailey. So, they must be close.”
“She came from the Skulls Village, Ghost,” Chains said, looking off towards the small housing community for the brothers and their families.
“I bet that fucker has her at one of the houses.”
“Momma’s home, daddy,” Becca hiccupped, sobbing uncontrollably. “I want momma.”
“They’re at my house,” I stated, looking towards the village.
The moment the door slammed shut behind me, I knew I was in trouble. Little Hailey wouldn’t stop crying. I didn’t blame her. I wanted to cry too. Nobody liked being jostled and dragged away from her mother. But it was Rebekah I was worried about. Malachi had snatched her from me the moment we left the kitchen. She fought him, kicking and screaming, as she tried to get away from him. When she wouldn’t stop, that bastard spanked her, which pissed me off.
He had no right to touch her, let alone discipline her.
“You ever touch her again, I will kill you,” I seethed, holding Hailey closer to me.
“She’s my niece, you cunt. I can do what I want.”
“I’m her mother.”
“You ain’t shit. You’re nothing but a lousy copy of the original. You’ll never be like Mia. She was strong. You are weak. Now shut the fuck up and get up those stairs.” He said, pointing to the stairs before him.
Saying nothing more, I did as he instructed, constantly looking back at me to make sure Rebekah was okay. She hadn’t uttered a word since her Uncle spanked her, and I was worried. I said nothing as I was pushed into a bedroom. Looking around the room, I realized a few things. This was someone’s home, and from the pictures on the nightstands to the photographs hanging on the walls, this could only be one place.